Welcome to a Farm4Fun episode Remind people to hit SUBSCRIBE – REMEMBER TO LEAVE REVIEWS Share their ideas at [email protected] listener review today is brought to you by AgCareers.com E-mail – Taylor – I wanted to reach out to say how much we love the content that your post!Advancements in Sprayer TechnologySam Wilson, technology sales specialist with Ag LeaderRight Spot by Ag LeaderYour Nozzle-by-Nozzle Advantage.Right coverage across the entire fieldConsistency is a priority, speed is a bonus. RightSpot FeaturesNozzle-by-Nozzle ControlInstant nozzle by nozzle swath control. Up to 144 nozzles supported.Consistent Coverage Across Any TerrainFlow rate and pressure are controlled independently, allowing for a consistent rate across a variety of conditions.How does this effect a listener’s profitability?Increased Productivity and SpeedSpeed up or slow down, accurate at a wider range of speed.Industry Leading VisibilityVisibility in and out of the cab and year-round control with InCommand. When it Comes to Application, Be InCommandAutoSwathReduces overapplication and product waste by automatically turning the applicator on/off based on field boundaries and already-applied areas as it passes over the field. Control up to 144 individual nozzles for finite control over where you are applying product.Monitor Droplet Size On-ScreenEnsure products are applied at recommended droplet size. Settings from ultracourse to extremely fine so operators can dial in application to nozzles ideal range. Inconsistent droplet size = coverage issuesWithout nozzle-by-nozzle technology, achieving consistent coverage across the entire field is difficult. RightSpot monitors and maintains the right droplet size prescribed for the product, ensuring the right amount of product applied to do its job effectively while reducing risk of drift to neighboring crops. RightSpot uses blended pulse technology to achieve consistent coverage and reduced skips. Pulsing nozzles maintain a precise user-defined boom pressure allowing the operator to achieve a consistent rate and droplet size at a wider variety of speeds and across difficult terrain.Proper Rate in all ScenariosPressure gauge right on the run screen paired with the pressure fallback features, allowing it to spray more accurately in low flow rate scenarios. Achieve proper plant coverage at all flow rates, period.Easy ReportingAutomatically generate SmartReports that provide location, product information, applied totals, as-applied maps and more right from the display.How coverage is affected by speedNo field is the same. Regardless, of the field applying at just one speed doesn’t feel quite right. There may be some challenging areas where you feel more comfortable slowing down. In open areas you may want to cover more ground faster.RightSpotRightSpot makes operating the sprayer less stressful. Flow rate and pressure are controlled independently, enabling you to apply at a comfortable speed for your field conditions while maintaining desired rate and droplet size consistently. It gives you the power to get the job done more efficiently and effectively – speed up in open areas or slow down when difficult terrain calls for it. Can right spot be added to my current sprayer? If we can’t afford new what are some things we should be paying attention to on our current sprayers to minimize down time? Anything else you’d like to share? What do you know now that you wish you would have known sooner? SummaryChallenge Don’t forget to like the podcast on all platforms and leave a review where ever you listen! Website: www.Farm4Profit.comShareable episode link: https://intro-to-farm4profit.simplecast.comEmail address: [email protected]/Text: 515.207.9640Subscribe to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSR8c1BrCjNDDI_Acku5XqwFollow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farm4profitConnect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Farm4ProfitLLC/
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