Welcome to a Farm4Profit episode Remind people to hit SUBSCRIBE – REMEMBER TO LEAVE REVIEWS The listener review today is brought to you by DeereText – 402.443.xxxxAs much as you guys dig on Nebraska, can we atleast get a shoutout about beating Iowa in football? Ya know beings we mutually hate the hawkeyes?!?! LOLGo subscribe to YOUTUBE!!!Play Legacy Farmer Segment – Back by popular demand from listenersLand Sales Updates Episode - General QuestionsFirst let’s start by comparing last year to this year. Have there been more or less sales in 2022 than 2021?What do you think covid has done to the land market?What will mid term elections do to each market?Overall do you feel the current market and recent sales are stronger or weaker than a year ago?What is not selling well right now?Who have the sellers been?Who have the buyers been?What’s your favorite part about what you do?When you reflect on successful sales. Is there something sellers have been doing that has really been working? or set their sale apart from the rest?How about flipping the script. What is your best advice for a buyerDo you have a prediction for 2023?Who have you met that you most enjoyed because of your profession?What is a common trait or characteristic that you have seen among the most successful people you know?Anything else you’d like our listeners to know?Reminder to share CONTACT INFO and say thank youSummaryChallengeClosing Don’t forget to like the podcast on all platforms and leave a review where ever you listen! Website: www.Farm4Profit.comShareable episode link: https://intro-to-farm4profit.simplecast.comEmail address: [email protected]/Text: 515.207.9640Subscribe to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSR8c1BrCjNDDI_Acku5XqwFollow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farm4profitConnect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Farm4ProfitLLC/
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