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Farm4Fun w/ Erin Holbert featuring Alluvial Brewing, Film Festival, Tractor Ovens, ProFarmer Tour, Weather Events, and More!

Mon, 31 Aug 2020


@ErnHolbert Alluvial - Our little farm in Franklin Township seemed to be the perfect spot to plant that seed.  The aim isto create a limited variety of craft brews dedicated to quality and taste, focused on celebrating ourcommunity and our unique piece of Iowa. Located in Ames, IA next to Prairie Moon Winery.Alluvial is located at 3715 West 190 th St Ames IA 50014, Ames Prairie Rivers of Iowa, a 501c3 non-profit, will partner with Alluvial Brewing Company for an event onFriday, September 25 from 4:30 to 7 at Alluvial. $10 per person As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, Prairie Rivers of Iowa plays a unique role in Iowa. As one ofthe only nonprofit organizations focusing on both conserving our natural and cultural resources andbuilding stronger businesses and communities, we bring unique expertise to creatively address some ofIowa’s most challenging needs. From assisting small communities in marketing themselves to travelers,to supporting students in becoming environmentally-literate citizens, to training the next generation ofresponsible farmers and producers, Prairie Rivers of Iowa helps Iowans create a stronger and healthierstate.Prairie Rivers of Iowa is also headquartered in Ames. www.prrcd.orgThe Sept 11 event is a PREVIEW PARTY for a virtual film festival on October 2, 2020 in the evening. Livemusic, food trucks, prairie walk. LEAD sponsor VISION BANK. Film Festival Goals To educate the public about the conservation and heritage work that Prairie Rivers of Iowa doesand has been doing for 20 years. A fundraiser, hence the ticket/registration. A chance for the public to learn more about the October virtual film festival which Prairie Rivershas designed in partnership with Wild and Scenic Film Festival (California).o Wild & Scenic Film Festival inspires environmental awareness and a love fornature–through film. Wild & Scenic shares an urgent call to action, encouraging festival-goers to learn more about what they can do to take care of the planet.o Our 5-day flagship festival is traditionally held annually in Nevada City and Grass Valley,California. Featuring 100+ films, workshops, visiting filmmaker and activist talks, family-friendly programs, art exhibitions, parties, and more–you won’t want to miss thisfestival! In 2020 we will make that easier to do by bringing the festival to a 100% virtualplatform! You can buy tickets for the film festival at the event on September 11 th or online at Beer #1Black is Beautiful is a collaborative effort to bring awareness to the injusticesthat many people of color face daily started by Weathered Souls Brewing.This is a 9% Imperial Stout brewed with coffee, rich, full bodied with rich, roasty coffee notes and just a touch of smokiness. Beer #2Rhubbyl Strawberry Sour ... and loaded with even more fruit, this one is kettle soured with yogurt with additions of fresh rhubarb and strawberries. Beer #3Lutris Pale Ale - This massively hopped pale ale combines Citra hop and Maris Otter malt to create an extremely sessionable pale ale with giant citrus notes. Want Farm4Profit Merch?  Custom order your favorite items today! Don’t forget to like the podcast on all platforms and leave a review where ever you listen! Website: www.Farm4Profit.comShareable episode link: https://intro-to-farm4profit.simplecast.comEmail address: [email protected]/Text: 515.207.9640Subscribe to YouTube: us on TikTok: with us on Facebook:

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