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Farm4Profit Podcast

Farm4Fun w/ Chip Flory

Thu, 13 Apr 2023


@ChipFlory     Twitter 22.2k       LinkedIn 2k Catch UpWhere are they from, what do they farm, how did they get into agricultureGrew up on a farm in East-central IAActive in 4H as a kid Cyclone fan - graduated in 1987 in Ag Journalism1988 - joined Pro Farmer as a floor reporter for Future Work News1991 - moved to the Pro Farmer headquartersElectronic Services Editor → Sr. Market Analyst → General Manager → Editor of the company’s flagship newsletter → NOW Editorial DirectorHost of Farm Journal Media’s 2 daily radio shows - AgriTalk and AgriTalk After the BellAgriTalk After the Bell - goal is to be the go-to radio program for farmers and ranchers looking deeper in the markets2002-Present - Farm Journal MediaHost, Outdoors on the FarmAdvisor to Multi-Billion-Dollar hedge fundsWhat are they up to today?What has he seen that excites him?What do they want to make sure they see before they leave Most memorable broadcast or interview?Who is someone he wants to sit with and interview?How has social media changed his life?Why do it?How would he start it over differently?Which is their favorite platform?What was his first real job?Right now, who inspires you? Start, bench, cut (Have it every day, have it once a year, never have it again)Beer, coffee, waterMusic, sports, reality TVRoad trip, flying, cruising70s, 80s, 90s, music Ketchup, gravy, hot sauceLove, money, successTrade shows, crop tours, broadcasting What’s next for them?What can our listeners do to help?What can we do to help? What does success look like to them?

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