2:55 Weather Man Perspective (BAMWX) www.bamwx.comWhat just happened?What is a derecho?Where did this event occur? – What area?What types of weather conditions led up to this event?Are these rare?Do you feel this storm was accurately predicted?Are there any after-effects from a storm like this?16:35 Insurance Man Perspective (Eric)Crop InsuranceHow will Federal Crop come into play?Do we have to attempt to harvest?What if we had Wind/Hail? What if we didn’t?Extra Harvest Cost Coverage? @Bobhartstough (SP)Can we buy this now?What should our listeners be doing now? Next three stepsLiability InsuranceBuildingsGrain BinsEquipmentFall Rental?Other Stuff45:20 Agronomist Perspective (Meaghan) @mjanders1How were we sitting before the storm?What did the storm do to the crop?CornBeansHow are the crops looking now?What type of yield impact are we looking at?Is there anything our listeners should be looking out for now?Mold, volunteer, etc…1:03:45 Coop/Elevator Perspective (Elevators Cut Podcast)How bad is it?What are things elevators can do to be up and running for fall?Can they line up rail cars to start loading right away?Do you expect basis to change more than seasonally?Would there be infrastructure concerns for other storage outside of steel bins?Can the elevator store un-owned grain outside?Any suggestions for marketing fall crop or how to handle presold bushels now?If our listener has concerns what should they do next?1:26:15 Farmer Experience PerspectiveHow do I get this stored? (Swanson) @MaxROIFarmerOld BinsFlat Storage1:45:35 Grain Bags '[email protected]'BaggersUnloadersOutdoor PileHow do you get it picked up again?Truck it out of the area?Buy Cows? Walk-About Mother Bin2:01:08 Stress/Anxiety Perspective – (Lesley)What ways could stress/anxiety be showing up right now?What are some things we can do to help with the stress/anxiety?How can we be prepared for a situation where we know our stress/anxiety will rise?What are some good resources for us?What do you have to say to the person who doesn’t think this is them?How can we help others who are battling this?https://www.domore.ag/about-ushttps://www.fb.org/programs/farm-state-of-mind/https://namicentraliowa.org/1-800-273-8255 Don’t forget to like the podcast on all platforms and leave a review where ever you listen! Website: www.Farm4Profit.comShareable episode link: https://intro-to-farm4profit.simplecast.comEmail address: [email protected]/Text: 515.207.9640Subscribe to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSR8c1BrCjNDDI_Acku5XqwFollow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farm4profitConnect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Farm4ProfitLLC/
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