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Farm4Profit Podcast

Busting Planting Myths with Dr. Mary Gumz

Mon, 22 Mar 2021


IntroductionWe appreciate you taking your time to spend with us and for choosing to listen to our podcast.Thank you again for suggesting topics for us to talk about on the podcast and keep them coming.  Send those to [email protected] or find us all over social media.We greatly appreciate your help in growing our audience.Listener Review: Kyle Glienke – Timely and Informative: Always great content that is engaging, timely, and informative. Keep up the good work!Reminder for BW fusion biologicals offer of an opportunity of access to their 365 program from last weekWhat’s Working in AG – (Granular)  - Equipment is ready, but what about your start to record keepingRecord Keeping Segment (Don’t let Data be an afterthought) – Starts now for an easier year of data managementIntroduce Guest – Robbie Weathers (Agronomic Support Specialist)2 years with Granular and a graduated of Clemson UniversityIn your network of farmers, what forms of record keeping have you observed?What are somethings our listeners can be doing now, no matter their style, to be better prepared for Spring? – Get your whole team on the same pageWorking on placing orders and invoices in record keepingMake sure you don’t run out – place orders for extra in seasonCreating work ordersField by field plansWriting or proofing scriptsMake sure you’ve got it rightIs it too early to begin looking at break evens?Is it ever too early? – 2022What can we do to make sure we are gathering accurate information?What are some common roadblocks farmers run into each spring with their data management?Now let’s focus on digital farm management tools.  Have you had customers use the data in their digital record keeping to make changes in the middle of the spring?How does a digital platform help make a farmer more efficient?Connects the field to the officeEliminated guesswork on decisionsGive orders or commands in real timeMonitor in real timeEliminates employee mistakes or misapplicationIs there anything else you would like our listeners to learn from our conversation today?General Topic – Busting the Top 3 Planting MythsIntroduce Dr Mary GumzDr. Mary Gumz · @drgumz. Agronomy Manager for Pioneer Hi-Bred. Packer fan and Star Trek nerd. Amateur nematologist., it is time to do some myth busting.  Hopefully today we discover or uncover something that will immediately bring value or more profit opportunities to your farming operation.  Let’s attack the most common planting myths out there.Let’s focus on corn and soybeans today for the sake of time. First off Planting DateList myth here 🡪 Always plant corn before soybeansDoes this really matter? Which crop should be planted first?Besides paying attention to the calendar, what should we be paying attention toHow do we know if it’s fit to go? – watch the neighborsAny tests with results that present proof to bust the myth?Next myth - Planting Depth List Myth here 🡪 Shallow planted corn will emerge faster and obtain higher yieldsAgain, with a focus on corn and soybeans what is the proper planting depthWhat conditions would cause this to change?Cold = shallowerNo moisture = deeperOthers?We learned about planter technology in the previous show that allows seeds to be evenly spaced.  Also, that down force and up force has been created to make sure planting depth is consistent.  This is obviously important.But why is it important?How do you check planting depthHow often should you be checking it?Last Myth -Planting/Seeding RateList Myth here 🡪 The seeding rate should be the exact same from year to yearO boy, this is going to open up a can of worms.Farmer vs merchandiserWe’ve heard the potential for corn is 600 bu/ac from the bagWe’ve heard the potential for beans is 200+ bu/ac from the bagFarmers just screw this up.What is the standard population for corn and beans?Do retailers push this number higher to sell more seed?Profitability battle when trying to reach higher yields – can raise more but does it costs your farm more too?#LowpopMafiaChallenging the populations on the lower sides in both corn and beansDoes changing your population change your planting date?Does this show more up in variable rate scripts?  Or blanket lowering?Are their instances we want to increase population?Recommendations on how farmers can get their own trials set up and analyze their own data?Any other pieces of information to share with our listeners?What do you see your top producing or top tier of clients doing? –Common traitsSummaryChallengeSubmit questions and topic suggestionsLike, Rate, Review, ShareBe sure to check out the fundraising auction for Travis Burkhart Foundation

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