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Dark History

157: The Painkiller Problem: How Fentanyl Took Over America

Wed, 22 Jan 2025


Hi friends, happy Wednesday! Last year I had a surgery so that I could breathe again, and it’s been nice, thanks for asking! I love breathing. But when I was in the hospital, the doctors gave me some really strong pain medication.  I asked what it was, and the doctor told me it was fentanyl. At first I was like..fentanyl??? Doesn't that kill everyone? But after a few seconds hey… this is working really well.  Turns out, Fentanyl has been used in hospitals for a LONG time. It’s used in epidurals, it’s prescribed for cancer patients, and there was a time when doctors were even putting it in LOLLIPOPS.  Even though it feels like fentanyl came out of nowhere over the last few years, it has a long and crazy history.  So how did America, big pharma, and a well meaning scientist create the most powerful and deadly opioid in history? WHERE is this stuff even coming from? And how did the fentanyl epidemic become a problem too big to stop?  I appreciate you for coming by, and tune in next week for more Dark History. Want some cool Bailey Merch? Shop Dark History Merch: Also, I sometimes talk about my Good Reads in the show. So here's the link if you want to check it out. IDK. lol: ________ FOLLOW ME AROUND  Tik Tok: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Youtube: Snapchat: Discord: RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: [email protected]  Business Related Emails: [email protected] Business Related Mail:  Bailey Sarian  4400 W. Riverside Dr., Ste 110-300  Burbank, CA 91505 ________ This podcast is Executive Produced by: Bailey Sarian & Kevin Grosch and Joey Scavuzzo from Made In Network Head Writer: Allyson Philobos Writer: Katie Burris Additional Writing: Emma Lehman Research provided by: Coleen Smith  Special thank you to our Historical Consultant: Dr. Patrick Lockwood Director: Brian Jaggers Additional Editing: Maria Norris, Julien Perez Post Supervisor: Kelly Hardin  Production Management: Ross Woodruff Hair: Luca Burnett Makeup: Jill Powell ________ Visit for 50% off unlimited access to 25 language courses for the rest of your life! Stop putting off those doctors appointments and go to to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today.  Personal styling for everyone—get started today at  For a limited time get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life at and use code darkhistory.  Shop SKIMS best intimates including the Fits Everybody Collection and more at and SKIMS stores. After you place your order, be sure to let them know we sent you! Select "podcast" in the survey and be sure to select our show in the dropdown menu that follows.

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