Dark History
139: Dark History: Half Man… Half Pig?! The Bloody Truth Behind Organ Transplants
Wed, 24 Jul 2024
Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I stumbled upon this wild story around 3am the other day. It's about Claire Sylvia, who faced serious heart issues and underwent a successful heart transplant. However, upon waking up, she suddenly craved beer and Chicken McNugget, things she had never really enjoyed. It turned out her donor, upon investigation, had a deep love for both. The more Claire learned about him, the more she realized she had adopted aspects of his personality. It got me thinking—does this phenomenon occur with every organ transplant? And now they're talking about using pig hearts—will we all start behaving like pigs next? So many questions! I appreciate you for coming by, and tune in next week for more Dark History. Want some cool Bailey Merch? Shop Dark History Merch: https://www.baileysarian.com _______ You can find the Dark History podcast on Apple, Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcasts, and every Thursday here on my YouTube for the visual side of things. Apple Podcast- https://www.apple.co/darkhistory Dark History Merch- https://www.baileysarian.com _______ FOLLOW ME AROUND Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v Instagram: http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6 Twitter: http://bit.ly/2yT4BLV Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2mVpXnY Youtube: http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og Snapchat: https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d Discord: https://discord.gg/BaileySarian RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: [email protected] Business Related Emails: [email protected] Business Related Mail: Bailey Sarian 4400 W. Riverside Dr., Ste 110-300 Burbank, CA 91505 ________ Go to https://www.Hungryroot.com/DARKHISTORY to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies. Stop putting off those doctors appointments and go to https://www.Zocdoc.com/DARKHISTORY to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. Get your first visit for only five dollars at https://www.Apostrophe.com/DARKHISTORY when you use our code: DARKHISTORY. Head to https://www.acorns.com/darkhistory or download the Acorns app to start saving and investing for your future today! Sign up for a free 30-day Audible trial and your first audiobook is free. Visit https://www.audible.com/DARK HISTORY
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