On this first ever episode of Lobotomy Hour Alex gives a summary of how the rebrand has gone, getting her first ever dog Mochi, doing a podcast swap with Skinny Confidential, and testifying at the FREAKING SENATE! Thank you to our sponsors! Wise Traditions | Use code “ALEX” for $25 OFF Masa Chips | Use code "REALALEXCLARK" for 20% OFF Garnuu | Use code “ALEX” for 10% OFF Good Ranchers | Use code “CLARK” for $25 OFF YRefy | Call (888) 502-2612 or visit yrefy.com Alex Clark Instagram | @realalexclark Instagram | @cultureapothecary Facebook | @realalexclark X | @yoalexrapz YouTube | @RealAlexClark Spotify | Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark Apple Podcast | Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark New 'Culture Apothecary' Merch OUT NOW! Glass tumblers, weekly wellness planners, hats, crewnecks and more. Use code "Alex Clark" for 10% OFF at tpusamerch.com Join the Cuteservatives Facebook group to connect with likeminded friends who love America and all things health and wellness! Join the CUTEservative Facebook Group! Subscribe to ‘Culture Apothecary’ on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. New episodes drop 6pm PST/ 9pm EST every Monday and Thursday. This show is made possible with generous donations from listeners who believe in our mission to heal a sick culture. You can support our show by leaving a tax deductible donation, or by subscribing to @RealAlexClark YouTube for FREE! donate.tpusa.com #cultureapothecary #alexclark #podcast
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