Peter Achermann, a beloved husband and father, vanished without a trace on July 24, 2009, in the quiet town of Staples, Minnesota. His car was found abandoned on a remote logging road, but Peter was never seen again. This episode dives into the baffling details of his disappearance, the ongoing investigation, and the tireless efforts of his family to uncover the truth.Was it an accident, foul play, or something else? If anyone has any information no matter how small, please call the Cass County Sheriff's Office at 800-450-2677. You can also send tips to Crime Stoppers of Minnesota by calling 800-222-8477 or go online at A reward of up to $20,000 is still posted for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the people responsible for his disappearance, if that disappearance is determined to be the result of foul play.www.crimeatorium.comPromo:Reverie True Crime Music are appreciated, if you would like to help support the show, use the link below and buy me a coffee: of Crimeatorium's links: you have a case suggestion, a comment about a case or a business inquiry, leave a voicemail message. If you would like me to get back to you, please leave your contact information. are very much appreciated, please take a minute to leave one for Crimeatorium on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.Thank you for listening!Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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