AIn this episode of Crimeatorium, we explore the devastating case of Alec and Asher Leteve, two young boys whose lives were tragically taken by their father, James Leteve, in a shocking act of familial violence in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 2010. The case left a community grappling with the aftermath of such an unimaginable tragedy.We’ll examine the events leading up to the murders, the chilling details of what unfolded, and the trial that followed. Join us as we discuss the facts of this deeply sorrowful case and its enduring impact.If you have a case suggestion, a comment about a case or a business inquiry, leave a voicemail message. If you would like me to get back to you, please leave your contact information.www.crimeatorium.comMusic:CO.AG Music Gallagher Nadlerhttps://marissanadler.bandcamp.comSources:Bulletproof, by Laurie Beth Morales this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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