Sahil Patel has lived in Atlanta for 12 years now, but has made a lifetime of leaving Atlanta... and the coming back. He attended undergrad in ATL, and in 2011, started a company called ER Express, which centered around patient scheduling. After building the company, he sold it for a successful outcome for him, for his team, and for the buyer. Outside of tech, he is married with 2 daughters, and loves to play music and play socer. He plays guitar in a rush cover band called the Atlanta Rush Hour, and used to play soccer competitively.In the past, Sahil was a client of his current venture. In leading ER Express, he saw great value in a tool to predict conversion. He liked it so much, that after he sold his company and moved on, he wanted to join the team - and take it to the next level.This is the creation story of Spiralyze.SponsorsDrataCacheFlyClearQueryLinks Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta:* Check out Vanta: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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