Marie Ng was born in Malaysia but grew up in Australia. She has lived and worked in London and New York City, so you could say she has been all over. At one point, she decided to teach herself how to code, which led her into her current venture. She has a dog named Homer, and ensures that he maintains his celebrity status on social media.While she was learning how to code for the third time, she changed the learning method to working on an actual project. After she completed an early version of a to do list, she got great feedback from her following on Twitter. Though she didn't plan to turn it into a business, people started following and supporting the project.This is the creation story of Llama Life.SponsorsAirbyteDopplerHost.ioIPInfomablLinksWebsite: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta:* Check out Vanta: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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