Ken Babcock grew up outside of Buffalo, and as such.. is a big Bills fan. He attended Cornell, and has spent time in NYC, San Francisco and now Chicago. He's a family man, with an 11 month old, and loves to ski. His favorite mountain was Tahoe, specifically Palisades, where he mentioned spending many hours on the slopes. He mentions that his busy life of a startup and family life is a dangerous cocktail, but one that is worth drinking.Back in 2019, he and his current co-founders met each other at Harvard Business School. After digging into team performance, they started asking questions around the barriers to increasing team performance, specifically in replicating high performers. The dialed it into process replication, and started down the road to build a tool to make this not only possible... but easy.This is the creation story of Tango.SponsorsAirbyteDopplerHost.ioIPInfomablSupportZebraLinksWebsite: Sponsors:* Check out Vanta and use my code CODESTORY for a great deal: https://www.vanta.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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