Mentorcam - Book your mentor session with promo code CODE for 20% off! Topic: All Things ProductBio: Benjamin Balazs is the Co-founder & CTO of Mentorcam. At the age of 15, Benjamin taught himself how to code and hasn't stopped since. Before co-founding Mentorcam, he single-handedly designed and developed apps for companies like Lamborghini, Visa, and Maserati, enabling businesses to increase data transparency and make people's lives more efficient. Benjamin has founded 4 startups based around the idea of empowering individuals - some failed spectacularly, some are successful.Questions:What makes a solid MVP for a startup?What is technical debt and when do you pay it?How do you find product market fit?When do you factor in scalability for a solution?How much of product building is art vs. science?Book a call on Mentorcam by accessing the link below: - Use Promo Code CODEOur Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta:* Check out Vanta: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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