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BackTable Urology

Ep. 188 Testosterone Therapy Today: Clinical Advances and Safety with Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

Mon, 09 Sep 2024


What is the role of testosterone therapy in prostate cancer? Urologist Dr. Abraham Morgentaler of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School joins host Dr. Jose Silva to discuss the evolution of testosterone therapies, modern testosterone treatments, and how to integrate testosterone replacement therapy into your practice. --- CHECK OUT OUR SPONSOR KYZATREX™ --- SYNPOSIS Dr. Morgenhaler starts by sharing his pioneering journey with testosterone replacement therapy starting in the 1980s, challenging long-held beliefs that it increases prostate cancer risk. He highlights key studies to debunk myths about testosterone’s dangers and emphasizes the ability to improve patients’ quality of life. Further, he discusses modern treatment options and provides practical advice for safely initiating testosterone replacement therapy. Finally, he discusses its use in patients with a history of prostate cancer and emphasizes the importance of individualized treatment plans. --- TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Introduction 03:04 - Historical Perspectives on Testosterone and Prostate Cancer 21:31 - Evolution of Testosterone Treatments 31:16 - Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: A Controversial History 35:42 - Treating Prostate Cancer Patients with Testosterone 37:12 - A Case Study 43:05 - Shifting Perspectives 57:15 - Final Thoughts --- RESOURCES T4L Education Marius Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement in Prostate Cancer Survivors URO98 Men's Health & Testosterone Replacement Therapy URO114 Testosterone & Hypogonadism: A Clinical Perspective URO124 Testosterone: Navigating Options & Implementation in Clinical Practice URO 125


Full Episode

2.931 - 28.748 Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

One of the things that the orals have transformed is the concept that you have to have a continually high level of testosterone to get the benefits. And clearly that's not true. And the safety seems to be improved, the safety profile, by having levels that fluctuate some during the day, returning close to or even to baseline.


28.788 - 57.143 Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

So for example, many of the risks of testosterone that we used to talk about probably aren't accurate anymore. We had the Traverse trial, the biggest randomized control trial ever. that I think disproved the idea that cardiovascular risks were increased with testosterone. They were not paired to placebo.


57.543 - 79.826 Jose Silva

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Backtable Urology Podcast, your source for all things urology. You can find all previous episodes of our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Now a quick word from our sponsors. This discussion is brought to you by Myros Pharmaceuticals, the makers of Kisatrex, testosterone on the canoid capsule.


80.186 - 99.25 Jose Silva

Kisatrex is an oral medication indicated for testosterone replacement therapy in adult males for conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone. In a clinical study of men with low testosterone, nearly 9 out of 10 had normal testosterone levels after 90 days.


100.57 - 130.713 Jose Silva

As a cash-only oral form of TRT, Kaisertrex simplifies the administration of testosterone therapy while enabling revenue generation for your practice. Discover how Kaisertrex can benefit your patients and your practice. Learn more at Now, back to the show. This is Jose Silva, your host this week. And I'm happy to introduce our guest, the legend, Dr. Abraham Morgenthaler.

131.254 - 155.746 Jose Silva

Dr. Morgenthaler completed his residency in urology from Harvard Medical School and then joined the faculty of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. He is currently an associate professor of urology at Harvard Medical School, founder and past president of the Androgen Society, and senior editor of Journal of Androgens Clinical Research and Therapeutics.

156.707 - 181.299 Jose Silva

In 1999, Dr. Morgan Taller founded Men's Health Boston, the first men's health center in the U.S., focusing on sexual, reproductive, and hormonal health for men. Dr. Mogenthaler is a leading international figure in the fields of testosterone therapy, prostate cancer, and male sexuality. He's a physician, an author, and a speaker. Dr. Mogenthaler, welcome to Backtable.

182.625 - 204.757 Jose Silva

Pleasure to be with you, Jose. So today we're going to be discussing mainly testosterone therapy and prostate cancer. So since you've been working with this, you've been a pioneer in this field, can you tell a little bit of the story in terms of the testosterone evaluation, labs and symptoms? How has it changed the way we treat testosterone in the past 30 years?

205.575 - 230.182 Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

You know, Jose, it's actually, it's an amazing story. So I finished my training in 1988 and joined the faculty at one of the Harvard teaching hospitals, Beth Israel Hospital. Now it's called Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. And at that time, It's hard to imagine, but people were so scared of testosterone.


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