When major changes take place in the world, some Christians raise the question of whether we are witnessing signs that Jesus will soon return. Does the book of Revelation describe current events? Today, listen to the answer R.C. Sproul gave to this common question during one of our live events. Submit a biblical or theological question of your own by calling 1-800-607-9386 or by emailing an audio recording of your question to [email protected]. You can also receive real-time answers through our online chat service at https://ask.Ligonier.org/. Read the transcript: https://ask.ligonier.org/podcast-episodes/are-we-living-in-the-end-times-described-in-the-book-of-revelation/ A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: https://ask.ligonier.org/podcast/donate/
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