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This week's episode of ATF has us looking at the psychology of Doubt. Along the way, the long long way, we hit on self-efficacy - our belief in our own abilities to accomplish goals. That’s thanks to that old sea dog, Albert Bandura, and he has lots more to share. In this week's harrowing tale, Tommy shares a story of youthful doubt and dangerous games. Tune in for more insights on self-belief and some classic dad jokes! Really good ones! Jokes that Tommy, in spite of his disdain of them, should be used by you, fair audience, with abandon!Believing in ourselves sounds simple, but self-efficacy takes practice. This week's show explores how we can build self-belief through modeling others, feedback, participating outside our comfort zone and taking agency over decisions. With the right mindset and support, we can overcome obstacles in health, academics and even phobias. Doubt may creep in, but Tommy's story shows we can laugh in its dumb face. As old pop-pop himself always said, living with doubt takes a village… and a podcast. ---Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. Visit our website to learn more.

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