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Accidental Tech Podcast

47: Better Pixels

Fri, 10 Jan 2014


Follow-up: IBM AS/400 (aka System i) and single-level store. Marco's Retina theory. PS4 and Xbone sales. Trying to care about CES. Who "needs" the Mac Pro? Justifying toys and improving quality of life with smart purchases. Panasonic’s new LCD TVs compared to great TVs of the past. 4K on Fox Sports, 4K's color space, and the chances of 4K catching on quickly. A Steam Box (its controller) as a replacement for a gaming PC. Three old men reminiscing about their teenage gaming years: Null-modem cables, modems, and special networking software. Modem initialization strings and SLIP. What killed LAN parties? Perhaps it was great 4-player N64 games. Three Moves Ahead Podcast. Voodoo 3D cards, their silly cables, and Sound Blasters. Sponsored by: Fracture: Photos printed in vivid color directly on glass. Use code ATP14 for 25% off. (Marco's app-icon Fractures) Ting: Mobile that makes sense. No contracts, and pay only for what you use. Squarespace: Everything you need to create an exceptional website. Use promo code MARCO for 10% off.

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