Follow-up: Casey gets medium very upset about Medium Did Google really cripple Edge's YouTube performance? John's 2018 Butterfly Keyboard Watch Paul and Storm tweet Clean your Mac at a 75º angle Marco's fingerprinty iPad solution Paperlike John's LEGO and the instructions John Giannandrea appointed to Apple executive team Pragmatic #38: Watch This Time and Space (Overcast timestamp where smartwatch power-consumption analysis begins) iPad Pros can ship bent... 🤷🏻♂️ Dan Riccio's comments Marco inspects his situation #askatp Does Overcast do anything special to inhibit cookies? (via Mitch Cohen) Could Overcast get blocked by publishers for not implementing RAD? If Intel got its act together, would Apple cancel any ARM Mac plans and stick with Intel? (via Gabriel Salkin) Intel's new architecture What's the ATP editing process? (via Markus N) Do Marco and Casey use Xcode in full-screen mode? (via Erik) Sponsored by: Away: Because this season, everyone wants to get Away. Get $20 off a suitcase with code ATP. Backblaze: Unlimited cloud backup for Macs and PCs for just $5/month. Start your 15-day free trial today. Mack Weldon: Better than whatever you're wearing right now. Get 20% off your first order with code ATP.
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