Pre-show: ATP 243 notes Follow up: Sky platform exclusivity John's chair Torx John's alternative chair Apple Express Replacement Service Example image Apple Watch and proxied notifications Due weighs in #askatp Running Plex with no logged-in user Strong-ARMed Mac Pro Marco's Many iMac Pros Marco's MacBook Pro MacBook keyboard failures Somehow Casey got backed into a ton of Mac Pro talk (🙄 –Ed.) Special ending theme by Jonathan Mann! Support Jonathan's work: YouTube channel Patreon Hire him to write a song for you Songonauts podcast from The Truth: An '80s cartoon for your ears. It's about Doc, Penny and Jojo who are in a band that's going nowhere - until they find a magical drum machine that transports them into their songs. Post-show: The VBR experiment Top Four #33: Pumpkin Spice Everything 🎃 Sponsored by: Betterment: Rethink what your money can do. Hover: Find a domain name for your passion. Get 10% off your first purchase. Away: Travel smarter with the suitcase that charges your phone. Get $20 off with code ATP.
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