Why don't we have cellular MacBooks? NSURLSession allowsCellularAccess TripMode Unreleased cellular MacBook Pro prototype Could Photos.app's "UXKit" become AppKit's successor on the Mac? Jason Snell Brent Simmons Chameleon Marco might be a Mac developer shortly Rescue Time Chaos Monkey TaskPaper Overcast 2.5 released Amazon S3 Calculator Construction Set Apple Event on March 21 Intel Skylake Black plastic MacBook NATO-style watch straps (real NATO) Deployant clasps Post-show: John suffers a loss Sponsored by: Backblaze: Online backup for $5/month. Native. Unlimited. Unthrottled. Uncomplicated. MailRoute: Hosted spam and virus protection for email. Use this link for 10% off for the life of your account. DevMate: Create better Mac apps more easily with DevMate's Mac-app development and distribution platform.
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