Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Barnabus. I am going to get coated in sea water and barnacles and the like as a large, writhing, spiked octopus tentacle will emerge from my back. And I will turn to this one since we're all ganging up on this one and says,
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I need to roll a lot of d6s. Yeah, I fucking bet.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
To hit both of us, to left hit both of us. Yeah, that's right. Well, it didn't hit Queenie, so. That's right, that's right. Let's keep it where it was.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That's correct. Just want to make sure. So that 17 times three was correct.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm going to beat the shit out of this guy. It's very fun. Oh, he did.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
No way! I hope you guys missed this, but yeah. So we're leaving it behind. So now the web is back here.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh. Not bad. Can he fire off a spell before he does that?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
You're not, okay. So he can honestly get back here. He's gonna go, oh!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
My arcane focus! He's going to raise his hand up and say, he'll fucking die! And he's going to shoot. At a fourth level, he's going to catch Scorching Ray. Fuck yeah, let's go! Which is normally second level, which is three rays, but this'll be five rays. Yeah. So that's five attacks. Suddenly Sugar Ray starts playing. Put your arms around me, baby Put your arms around me, baby
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So they all hit. Oh, so that's... Bunga bunga, ouch! This guy smoked. That's five hits. Yeah, he's tested. Oh no!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
No, the whole thing burns away, right? Thank you. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, it burned away. So not those squares burn away, the whole thing burns away. I'll take it. I see, I see, I see, I see. Five, nine, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 26, 28, 30, 34, 37 plus 25. 37, you watch these scorching rays. No, it's like 62.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
My lover. And as soon as he's done, as soon as any kind of opening,
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That's amazing. What a fun, fun turn. Now it's your and yours turn. Oh, fuck! Yep, you gotta go two in a row, baby. I'm gonna walk up here.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm just gonna have a real easy turn. I'm gonna breathe fire, because he's still concentrating on it, and I don't think Scorching Ray has concentration. No, it is not. It is not. So I'm going to breathe fire on that fella there. Oh, how about this? I'm gonna use metamagic to make that spell that I just cast a bonus action so he can dash and get the rest of it. That's what I'm gonna do. Nice.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
What if you can Rubik's Cube their brains? Dex save on troll two. 15 points of damage, or half if they succeed.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
If he's about to succeed, he's gonna get a dex save.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And then bonus action, he's going to... But that was fire damage, correct? That was fire damage. Okay. I think he's going to hold off on spending another spell slot. Are you looking really wounded? Is anyone looking really wounded? No. No, no, no, I'm good. I got chunked, but not that chunked. I have 69 health.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Nice. Nice. He's going to bonus action Healing Word Barlow's. Oh. Just a little something-something.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Well, how much do you think? I'm sorry. A five. It was bad. Not bad!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Is, yeah, that's gonna hit. I'm going to use my reaction on the second one. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love this feature. It's an amazing feature. This is the best fucking feature. You guys play the same subclass even, right? We do.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So now all of that is halved, so 12 plus five is, so five is, that's two, and then 12 points is six.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That's correct. Athletics. You're advantaged, because you're raging.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Mace isn't here, so I can make fun of him. That's all in good fun. Athletics, you say? Let's do some Jorgrim of Moots and chat. Yeah. I'm going to just do one twist, just to be safe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because we have them. This guy's dead. He exploded in the fire.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'd be helping just like trying to just shave a lot. I probably wouldn't do too much.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh yes, of course I can. Dexterity saving throw. I would be honored. Top of the round, Tyshen, what are you doing? I'd love to burn them alive. Jesus Christ.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Because it's when he starts his turn in web, and if the web's on fire, Oh, perfect.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm just going to cast, I don't want to read me these spells, so I'm going to cast Scorching Ray at third level. What about Fireball? He doesn't have Fireball. What?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
The kobolds had sulfur for a reason. Well, you can say whatever you want. It's your world. We're just living in it. Oh, these are bad. Can I twist two of these?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Enough out of you. Okay, two hit at the ones that are restrained. Aren't they advantaged? Oh, they are advantaged anyway.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
hit, and I'm gonna just use one twist on this one.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And this one, let's see if it prints. It does not. So they all hit. We'll just do one on each, because that's what Taishen would do. I didn't think to take Fireball.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh, no, no, I get a fourth one. I upcast it. That's another hit. Okay, so one, two, two.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Yeah. So, we'll do two on number six. These trolls never sit a chance. Six, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20 points of damage to number six. Fire damage? Yep. 12 points of damage to number four. I love the meat magic. Oh, max damage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And then 17 points of fire damage to number five.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
At the start of their turn, they'll all take web burning damage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
several minutes just floating, and just feeling the sea on my skin, perhaps for the last time, as I think about the memories that have been unearthed, fragmented, and the dreams that I've been having since, and how confusing all of it is. but feeling some sort of peace, given everything that's happened since the Mind Flayers had basically broken some sort of seal.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Torch these mofos. I'm just gonna walk right up into their biz, if I can climb down since I'm so attached. Don't get into the web. Yeah, I don't wanna touch the web. I'm going to Dragon's Breath as an action, all three of them. They all need to make dex saves. Two of them at disadvantage. That's right. 12.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
They all fail. They all fail, so they all take, I mean, not great, 10, 15, 17, 18 points of fire damage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Is Barnabas the only one that's been hit? Yeah, I haven't taken any damage. Okay. Yeah. Oh my god. I will hold my bonus action. Love that. 17, you said?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
No, that's it. Scrimblow. That's not mine. Oh, there is something I want to do. I want to, just in case.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
My bonus, Scrimblow. Mythrblow. You will see. Please, Mythrblow is my father. There's... The ice on my staff starts to kind of flake off and turn into snow and cover me, and I will shimmer out of sight, and I will turn invisible. What? Oh, shit. Is that Fearbolt magic?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Don't you remember that? Until the start of your next turn. Okay. We'll see if they notice me. I'm backing up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Six seconds a wrap? Six seconds of... So basically we can go two notches and then we'll have three more seconds to ramp up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
But I want to make sure I use my good dice. What a joy as a barbarian to already have advantage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
What a joy. It's a beautiful, I love barbarians, they're fucking great. I need to twist this, because I'm using Great Weapon Master unless stated otherwise. That will hit. Nice. I'm rolling for my next attack.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Uh... Whichever one was trained, so I actually, I need to actually, I need to move.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Great weapon master, pretty good. Great weapon master.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And I'd probably only do that for a couple minutes, and then I would immediately then just start getting to work. Remember that my friends are, you know, were starving after burning down a fucking lighthouse. And we'll try to find any kind of fish, any kind of creature that I can harpoon and bring back up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I just flew into orbit. I just landed on my flight point. I'm gonna go to the auction house. I'm gonna jump. How about Surrender?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Tysha. Oh, this is so lovely. One, two, I will use all of my resources. Three, I think a 15-foot cone from here hits all of them. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. He's gonna open his mouth. and use Dragon's Breath. They need to make a dex saving throw. Are the webs gone? The web's burned away. What am I looking for? Dex save, DC 15 or 16.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh no! Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Very average.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So 21 points of damage or half of that if they succeed.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Hold on, we got a concentration chart. Concentration chart, okay.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh, oh, I didn't make a save, didn't I? I guess a cold. He fails. Oh, let's twist it. All right, we're gonna twist one here.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I gotta find ways that I can... We're gonna twist this one more time.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Uh, can I reaction and protective wings, plus three AC?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So two con checks? Two con checks. Jesus. They both need to be 10. So I need to roll five. Shit. Well, one's good. You want one more twist? One twist, one twist. One twist, come on.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Do I need to keep saving, or as long as I fail once, then? You're fine.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That, I believe, hits. Let me double-check. Yeah, it does, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, it does.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I would have spent the two and a half hours, like, building, like, knowing that, okay, we'll probably, like, spend a good amount of time here with how long it would take and how long Barnabas would take to fish. So I would have been trying to build some, like, windbreaks with the snow that had fallen on top of the ice, if there is any.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
18 on a constant throw. And I make a constant, you're fine. God, I got to retire this dice.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Ah, shit. And I'm going to wave my hand, and you'll see Taishan is bloody and battered, and he's going, and he's going to swell and slowly shift. He's going to explode into a, we'll say like a right whale. Or no, we'll say sperm whale. Sperm whale's a different stat than a whale. Let me look. Sperm whale is a CR eight creature.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Well, my hope is that it will knock the trolls off and then I can drop concentration on it, is my plan. But we're gonna, we'll see what happens.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And just sort of setting up makeshift, like, tents with my cloaks and anything else that I had on my pack to sort of just make us a little more comfortable. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It is gargantuan. How many squares is that? That's four by four. That definitely breaks the mast. I'm dead. That smashes the mast. Taishen turns into a four by four creature? Well, I thought the mast was like high up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Yeah, they're not taller than nine feet. They're just wide. Very long. If it's gonna break the mast, Yornir would know to not do it where it's gonna break the mast.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
What, the whale? Oh man, that's funny. Then what I will do is I'm going to walk up here. I'm gonna walk around. Hmm, should I just help the speed? It's an ag. I'm just going to walk up around. I'm going to, because he still has concentration on it, I'm going to cone this way and try to get this guy and that guy.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 points of fire damage on a fail or half on a success. To which numbers? Two, three, and five.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm going to walk. I'm going to try to step away.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
He's going to use his last two sorcery points and make a third-level Scorching Ray at... That's funny as fuck, dude. at these guys, and he's gonna use his bonus action to, or that's his bonus action, his action is going to be to Dragon's Breath this guy. So let's do the Dragon's Breath first on number two. He needs to make a dex save.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Fails. Okay. He takes the 19 points of fire damage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Two. Thank you. Number two. I'm gonna twist this one. Natural 20, gotta get that. Yay! Yay, oh wow. So, that's two hits. Well, their AC is 16. Yep. Eight plus seven is not 16, correct? That's fine, though. That's 15. And that hits. So one miss is four hit. Is that four hits? Yeah. Well. Okay, that's one, two, what is it? Scorching Ray. One, two, four, nine points of fire damage to number three.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Yep. I will do the crit. 17 points of fire damage to number three. Nice.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And that's 13 more points of fire damage to number three.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And then... And six? 13 more points of fire damage to number three. Oh, wow, okay. So I Dragon Burst on this guy, Scorching Rain on that guy. And pass my turn.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Tyshen is super weak, if that would affect their decision to go to Scrims.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm at 56 as well, but that's proportionally more for my headphones. Hell yeah. Probably Yornir, then. Probably Yornir.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
We're weightless. We're tied to it, or I'm tied to it, I don't know about.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I thought you were attacking Mjolnir. Okay, that's fine.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Well, let's see what his fucking skills are. Probably not any good. Probably not any good at all.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
You tell me why it's so bad. I am going to, I have a solution. I'm going to invent those blueprints.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
As usual, I see. Oh, I can't do that, because I don't have any spell slots anymore. I actually can't use, couldn't even use that spell, so I'm glad we backed that up. Is this a crime? Is this a crime? Is this a crime? Is this a crime?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Is this a crime? Is this a crime? Is this a crime?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Mike's having a meltdown. We're all having a meltdown. It's one in the morning, I'm sorry. I'm going to, I don't have anything to boost us, and we're max speed, not that it matters, so I'm going to just Dragon's Breath. I'm gonna do it this way, so that I don't get my buddies. I'll Dragon's Breath number three. As an action, dex save.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
14 to number what? Three. And I'm going to bonus action Healing Word at a second level, or let's say third level. And these fucking jackasses, they're like, I'm done, go.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
He's probably a little shorter than six feet. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
There were wolves out here that were hunting. So the wolf that got left behind, broken by the waves.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I also would have taken one of my harpoons off my back and right where the hole is, I would have stuck it into the ice.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh, well done, Derek. What an awesome mechanical fight. You know, I should have drawn, like, a rocket booster on the back. I mean, just... Okay. Okay. That's against TOS. Yeah, exactly.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I know Yorneir won't like that, but. Lucky seals. I'm gonna use a twist. I'm gonna use two twists. That was a natural one, folks.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
and I am just going to, as soon as I see, I'll pick the harpoon that has the rope fashioned around it, attached to my netting, and I am going to just, as soon as I feel I have a shot at all, I'm going to try to harpoon it.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Harpoon! That'll be a 24. That hits. Roll for damage. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm going to... No, but there are other things about, like... As it swims out, I will have been pulling the rope.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
All reckless, I guess. A 24, natural 20. Nice. And then a 21. So, I mean, that's just an absolute shit ton.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And I'll wrap the rope around it so it doesn't lose its entrance, because that's good eats.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And well, before I do that, I see that Taishan's doing that. I'll look around. just basically black water all around me, and maybe a little bit of red from the blood that's still leaking from the shark. With my hands free, while I'm in the water, I'm going to grab my shell, and I'm just going to look at it, and then just hold it to my ear for underwater, perhaps for the last time.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I put it back in my fangs and I'll climb back up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Mr. Yornir, I don't mean to take your religious artifacts. We would be able to fashion a smoke box from those tusks and the wolf pelt.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
You will not use my tusks. But we can fashion something. All right, I think we're out of wood. Oh, I could use my harpoons. And I will basically, what I'll do is I'll just make an improvised smoke box the best that we can, and drape the wolf.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Just drape the wolf pelt, and then basically as Queenie and I are probably cleaning the shark and the wolf, and then everything that we get, we'll set aside something to create an actual stew, like Queenie said, for tonight, and then everything else we're smoking.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
You think this to provide her any kind of tribute. It's better than nothing. How many gold pieces do you have? The only gold that I have, Queenie now holds.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Golden platinum will not feed us or shelter us. As far as I'm concerned, it has no worth.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I think if we landed and got it cooked, you know, Basically go to sleep right after we're done cooking and smoking. I don't know if that would take us into the night or day. Six hours of the sunlight, right? I don't know if the, oh, I guess we're actually further south, so it might be a lot more bright. I don't know. Or dark, I don't know.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
You can go in first light. I'm not gonna argue with the DM. So we're long-rested, we're good there, right? Yes, you may all take a long rest.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Do I recover one level of exhaustion during this rest? You do. Yes! I was thinking that, like, the fucking... If the dragon's, like, going out back and forth for some reason. That's what I thought.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
While this is happening, I'd like to just be taking whatever kind of, like, bone pieces or stone pieces that I can find along the way that are roughly this sort of size and shape, and just basically risk runes and just sort of keep them on me and start sort of collecting them.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It's not very supporting. So I wasn't going to.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I think Yornir would feel like... It would be in emergencies, that's when you use it. And that, you know, we should be living off the land. Yeah, there's a connection to it. Yeah. It's your religion. It's against your religion. It's against my religion, 100%.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Perhaps we can. Is there any chance that there's still some power dormant?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh. So it's like what we were hoping it would be, the first one, where it passes through the mountains.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Are we ready to stick to our plan that we discussed those weeks ago? We don't have a choice.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
But the intention would be, like, based on what you know about dragons and dragonborn culture is...
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
No, I don't say that. How many days travel do we think we are from this tunnel?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And sense what you can sense with your innate connection to... Bees. The bees.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
As far as you are willing to go. Into the darkness.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Anyway, I'm joking. Oh, okay. You're kidding? Well, technically, this rule is written. We've never... Yeah, I'm not going to force you to do that. You're right at the entrance.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It's in the environment rule section. Very strange. That dim light causes the lightly obscured effect. And in a lightly obscured area, you have disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight. Very strange. Oh, but you can still hear it. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Yeah, let's do it. We love maps. Sure. What is the shiny map?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
but quick, so we don't have to spend a minute longer in these dark depths than we need to.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Well, I think that if we go deeper inside, we might find a dread against the DM. You continue to progress.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Before we move too far, I would want to at least just very quickly stick my head into both structures to get a sense of what they might have been used for when this was in operation.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Tyshen, want to help? Fuck off, Yornir! No, not really. Perhaps... I will only roll one die, then. Oh, look, I will help you.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm going to roll anyway, but this doesn't count. Fuck, it's one die.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I would just collect one day's bundle worth of firewood. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Is Scrim very, is he visibly cursed in any way?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Or are they too wide, too close, too deep? They seem very track-like. Yeah. Very much. So I'm picturing them on an old road where there's lots of wagons, like the wagon. Yeah, it seems like worn. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Perhaps if we were to bore, not that we had the capability to do so, perhaps the tunnel was collapsed hundreds of feet in.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And remind me what, it was when he was on top and failed the saving throw, and, because you cast a spell?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'd like to be good. Even underground, at the very least, we could have a ship.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
We can turn it around. There's got to be some sort of system. Otherwise, we can use our brute strength. We have that in abundance. I will basically look around, see if there's any way where we can, you know, I'll check the controls.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Can I assist him? Oh, yeah, absolutely. I would... You hop on. I'll look underneath to see if there's some sort of, like... 16. Thomas the Tank Engine. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Let's do it. Let's fucking dollhouse this shit.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And we think the tarp is the sail. Or it has a separate sail.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
and you are still kind of giving me a no. If you could see through my fur, I'm definitely a little pale. A little damp. I'm sweating a little bit. I look to Queenie. What are you doing in this moment?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I immediately open up one of the seats and I, I fasten it like three times around my waist.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
We experience a Conan the Barbarian montage of us. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good. Great montage.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It may be long abandoned, but perhaps something we can give as tribute.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Five minutes. We'll tear it apart. I'll think about it. I'll nod. And I feel like there's things that need smashing just to kind of take it a look. I'm being very reckless.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
If I find a house with a bunch of clay pots, I pull out my short sword. And I go, ha! and I collect all of the rubies. A bunch of rubies floating in space, and you just walk into it.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It is now the dead of winter. We will not survive long if we do not find shelter.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Is it kind of like one of those big dream catchers you see that you hang over the door?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I will be checking the rigging to make sure. When I realize that there's not a ton to smash, then I'm like, eh, never mind. They got it. I'll just make sure that everything that I fasten, check all my knots, I presume that it would hold up, but I've never done rigging at that speed before.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I will be sitting off, near the sled, but just sitting on the ground, meditating, maybe just a little bit of incense, trying to center myself.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Meaning the creature that the sinew is from?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Does this feel at all dragon-y, dragonborn-y, or does it feel out of place, given what I know about the culture? It seems extremely out of place.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Like naturalists, right? They weren't, okay. This is not...
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I can try. I want to see if I can suss out what type of animal or creature these bones might be from at all, based on the shape, the length. While you're doing that, I will say, ship leaves the harbor, five minutes!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh no, Barnabo says that. Oh. I was going to give him a whistle, but eh. Bosun's Whistle. Can I twist this? Yeah. Twice. I think it's pretty important.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I understand they're giant bones. I mean, like, capital G, giant bones.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Do I recall what the kobold said about the great army that serves the Prince of Wrath? That's interesting. I think they referenced that it wasn't just dragons. I just want, Mikey believes that this is the effigy of another culture of Drakkar that we've not yet encountered.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
If they're, like, a fucking calling the, you know, they're uniting all of the tribes, like, you know, the badass heavy metal tribes of fucking Jakar to, like, fucking go to war with a giant black or white dragon. Classic Barbarian Queen stuff. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do I get the sense, like, if I'm listening to this while I'm kind of getting ready to go? I'm, like, right next to you.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Meaning it's not, she's not only served by kobolds.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Okay, all right. Do I get the sense that where we are at the island, we can go directly across the frozen water to the eastern side of the mountain range?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Okay, so there, okay. Does the snowflake remind me of the vision that I saw? of the snowflake and the perfect fractals with presumably like Mechanus fucking shit up and making everything perfect.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I ain't kidding you. All right, ship's leaving the harbor. 30 seconds, boys. I'll stand up.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
While, is everyone else up front? I'm running up front.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm running. I'm running up here. Miss Morrison, was it? I scream, humanoids were not meant to go this fast! I stop this!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Was it an animal, a beast of the caverns? Was it a dragon? What did it look like? Dungeon Master, what did it look like? I just see paste!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I can't hear you! I literally rip the rope off and I walk up there and I just crank it down as hard as I can.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I literally rip Scrim off of the handle. I'm still holding onto it. As quickly as I can, every six seconds. Six seconds.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Do we feel like the collapsed right side is enough, can we clear it? Is there any, or is it like so collapsed in that there's no fucking way? Share some solutions that you have to that problem. Oh god, what spells do I have? I don't have Earthcraft. This is the worst thing I've ever seen. This is the worst.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Um... Oh my god. I have Stone Shape. That's pretty fucking good.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That's pretty fucking good. That is pretty good. Oh no, it's way less good than you would think. Okay, all right. I can only touch a stone object of medium size or smaller, or a section of stone no more than five feet in any dimension, and form it into any shape that suits your purpose.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So for example, you could shape a large rock into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is no less than five feet thick. What level is this? This is a fourth level spell. Oh!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I'm going to walk up, and I'm going to use it twice. I'm just going to blow two 4th-level spells on 10 by 10 cubic rock, and basically my goal is to, I have to touch it, I see holes that lead into tunnels. I want to basically form the rock off of the track and try to cover up or as many of the holes as I can in the 10 feet that I'm shaping.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Once it's cleared enough, I'll get back on the ship and I'll go to the back as Scrim starts to... Oh, as soon as you would tell me to go, go, go, I would do two, four, eight.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Wow! They both rolled 18 thanks to Queenie. Holy moly!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
This is my favorite. My favorite one is number one.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh no, Yorinir, Fu Xiao will see us through and his hands will light up. golden flame, and he will touch his own chest, and he'll touch Eornia's chest, and both of their chests will glow as they breed in and out. That's a great use. And he will twin spell Dragon's Breath at a fourth level. That's disgusting. And he says, I will burn the one in the back. And he jumps off. Shucks howdy.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Golly gee willikers. I love fire. And then a 15 foot cone, one, two, three. So basically all of this, he will open his mouth and as a bonus action, Or as an action, bonus action to cast a spell, and then his action is to breathe as he breathes onto the web and to the troll. And I think it needs to be a dex save, but I know that there's additional effects when you burn someone in web.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
In addition to whatever the fuck you're doing. In addition to... And it's a disadvantage on the saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Okay, so when he starts his turn, he'll take 4d4 fire damage. Yeah. Awesome. But right now, it needs to make a dex save. Disadvantage, because it's restrained. There you go. Disadvantage, because it's restrained. Oh, I got a three and a one. Okay, so it takes 5d6 fire damage. That's freaking huge. One, two, three.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Maybe I never will see the sea again. And I'll look across just each, you know, do a full 360 of the, I presume it was all just frozen waste.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Five, six, seven, eight, 14, 15, 16. Jeez, that's bad. 16 points of fire damage. 16, thank you. But now he's no longer restrained. At the end of the round, it'll burn away. They burn away and run around.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
He used all his movement, action, and bonus action.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh god, what do I have to do? That's terrible, I'm sorry.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
I should not have rolled next to you. Yeah, I'm just gonna walk up and breathe fire, I think. And I am all fired up. One, two, three and a half. Five. I mean, you've got a 15-foot cone. Yeah, I'm gonna move here and just breathe down, use my action to breathe down onto this troll. Can I stand here or no? Oh, I'll stand there.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Okay, so I'm going to breathe down. I need to make a dex save. Let me pick some better dice here. Uh, regular style? Regular, yep, regular style. Uh, 11. That fails. One, two, three, four, five.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
That's better. Nice. 12, uh... 22 points of damage to number three.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Sorry, and one should take five more points of damage because Tyshen has elemental affinity for fire. So any fire damage, he adds his sacraments. I love that feature. I'll get faster. Fjord's a great weapon master. You're great. Action.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Then just my bonus action, I'm going to hold my staff and you'll see the head of it, like ice starts to grow around the gnarled branches of my walking stick. I'm just casting Shillelagh in case I want to give it a whack at any point.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
It's still restrained, though. Really? Yeah, the whole round. Because it burns away in one round. Oh! And so, at the start of, or by the start, I believe the start of Tyshawn's turn is when it burns away. So what can it do?
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
And real quick, if I could, as a free action or whatever, I just want to shout out, If you understand me, let us pass or die!
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
We cannot hazard going south for you to see the ocean. You stand upon it, and Tyshen can bring you access to it. That's all I need. I'll look at Tyshen.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
Oh no, you're not raging, because it's been longer than that. So five cold damage. Yep. And then 13 slashing.
Legends of Avantris
Icebound | Ep. 24 | Passage of Rime
So what's the total? I'm finding real cold. Yep. Oh, I don't have any of these spell slots left.