Wilt Chamberlain
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
I used to hate the fact that there was no video of it, but as time goes on, I think it kind of adds to the mystique of the game.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
The game starts, I'm fairly warm. I'm really warm from the foul line. I'm not missing anything from the foul line. That should have gave me some kind of hint that, you know. You made 28 of 32 from the foul line that night, which is good for anybody and staggering for you. And one big reason Wilt was playing so well is that the Knicks' starting center was out sick. And, apparently,
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
I stopped the game.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
I used to hate the fact that there was no video of it, but as time goes on, I think it kind of adds to the mystique of the game.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
Well, you know, I still receive.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
But you know, I thought maybe one of the reasons you invited me on the show was to give me an award from the Board of Education. Because whenever people see me now, they go, 20,000. And let's see, he must have started when he was like 15, and he's now maybe 55. So let's see, 20,000, 365, and 20,000. And you know, and then . You're getting people thinking.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
PTFO - Wilt Chamberlain and the Conspiracy Factory: We Unearthed the True Story of the 100-Point Game
Not only that, I'm teaching them mathematics, which is really the whole story here. You understand?