Wesley Earnest
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
You make it sound in a way that I was trying to be this circus act juggling things, but it wasn't like that.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Working with kids, just there's no other more satisfying career that I can think of.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
The most athletic person I've ever met. Could do anything she wanted, successful. Master's degree, great job, working for a great company.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Very little. She kept telling me I needed to go sleep with other women and come home to her.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I considered going to the wrestling match, but because my throat was hurting, I decided to go catch a nap instead.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I'm a public school administrator. I'm that guy who's making it safe for kids to go to school, and I'm in this situation. That's pretty scary.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I have been charged with the most heinous crime. I'm an innocent man who's been charged with the murder of my late wife.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Everything from nervous to anger, frustration, scared about things, but excited. And I'm looking forward to getting my life back.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
My first thought was impossible. But when you think about it, I lived in that house for 10 years. I guess it could be possible.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
We just met outside of calculus class. She walked by and I introduced myself. And said, hey, you want to go out sometime or what? Let's go play some basketball. I know a little something about basketball myself.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
It was a fantastic relationship as far as Great friends. We were great friends.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
That was the problem. I'm a little uncomfortable talking about the negative things because she's a wonderful person. And I don't want to talk negatively about somebody.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
7,000 square feet. Seven bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms. Every bedroom had a lake view, sunset view. Designed it myself.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
She kept telling me I needed to go sleep with other women and come home to her.