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Victim Jane Carson



True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


Tuesday, October 5th, 1976. It was about 6.30 in the morning. My husband had just left for work. My three-year-old son hopped in bed with me for a snuggle. Within one to two minutes, I saw a flashlight shining down the hall, and I screamed out to my husband, what have you forgotten?


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


He told us with clenched teeth, shut up or I'll kill you. Sorry, it's just, you know, finding out what she went through.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


Next thing I knew, I looked up, and there was a man shining this flashlight in my eyes with a ski mask on, holding a large butcher knife. He told us with clenched teeth, shut up or I'll kill you.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


Learning new details about the arrest of the suspected golden state killer case. With help from genealogy websites.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


Life was very good back then, just a normal routine, getting up in the morning, taking my son to daycare, and then I would go to school, come home, fix dinner.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


It's been 42 years. I carried a backpack of feelings of revenge, of hate, of shame for a long time. But I no longer carry that.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


I have been a hot mess. I have just been an emotional roller coaster. Got to make your mess a message. You can't let it destroy your life. Life is too beautiful.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


The next thing is he gags us, blindfolds us, ties us up with shoelaces. He started ripping sheets or towels, I'm not sure. but it was very methodical and it was very slow.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


His next move was to move my son. This is where the fear really took place. My heart was pounding through my chest, and I just prayed, Dear Lord, please, please let my son be safe. And he came around and he untied my ankles. I wasn't paying attention to the rape. I was paying attention to what had he done with my son.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


I could feel his body and then I was relieved. And then he said, don't move or I'll come back and kill you. Then he goes into the kitchen and he starts rattling pots and pans. It's like he's cooking something. And I went, wow, this is really off the wall. This is really weird, strange.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


And when I got my blindfold down, would you believe that my three-year-old was asleep? That was God's protection for that child.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


I have a gun, but I still don't feel safe being at home alone. Every day in the newspaper, it was number 8, it was number 10, it was number 15, 20, 28, 30. You know, it just kept going on and on and on.


True Crime Vault: Golden State Killer


I was fortunate that I was number five, because after my rape, he became much more aggressive.