Tim Eulinger
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Thank you so much for having me. This story is really crazy to say the least.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Yes, Blaine. Angela and James had been married for about 23 years. James had a dental practice where Angela at times worked as an office manager. In March of 2023, about two years ago, she had been feeling sick for several weeks and had been making trips to the E.R., and on her final trip, she was admitted in grave condition and then died.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
According to the arrest warrant, James Craig's business partner told a nurse at the hospital that James had recently ordered potassium cyanide to the dental practice. The nurse called police, and Craig was arrested the next day.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, according to the arrest warrant, James told his business partner Angela had asked him to order the potassium cyanide, and he believed she was suicidal.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, there were emails with sexually explicit conversations and travel plans with a woman who was not Angela, first of all. And then according to the arrest warrant, Angela's sister told police the marriage had always been tumultuous and that James had multiple affairs and had drugged Angela in the past.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
So many crazy things have happened. This is the third defense team he's had.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, Blaine, during the hearing last week, prosecutors revealed that Craig allegedly plotted to have four people killed. Prosecutors said Craig tried to get fellow inmate Nathaniel Harris to kill the lead detective investigating Angela's murder, another officer, and two other inmates who were in the same detention facility.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Yes, they were.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
The hearing took almost three hours and prosecutors called two witnesses. One of the witnesses, a sergeant from the sheriff's office, said in an interview, Harris, that other inmate, had told him Craig offered him $20,000. Craig then allegedly contacted Harris's ex-wife by two letters and offered, quote, essentially a blank check to help make up evidence of texts, phone records, photos, etc.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, at one point, Blaine, during the preliminary hearing, he had been referred to as, quote unquote, the murder dentist. And I did see him flinch at that point.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
The new attorney said there wasn't any testing or verification of the handwriting in those letters to tie it back to Craig. But the judge ultimately decided that the prosecution had the evidence that they needed for the burden for the charges to be brought to trial.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Yes, it's really unusual. Last May, a detective said at a hearing that James Craig had asked a fellow inmate to help place letters at his house that would seem to have been written by Angela, stating that she was suicidal. James allegedly promised the inmate free dental work or to post bail in exchange for help.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
The defense said the inmate had glaring credibility issues, including an active arrest warrant when he contacted police.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Then, last September, a detective testified that James had sent a letter to a man who had been in jail with him, asking him to help him find women who would be willing to testify that they had had an affair with him, and that when Angela learned about the affairs, she asked the women to help her frame James for a crime.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, it's a little difficult on that right now because they haven't really had a chance to present what they might want to do in trial. And we always have to remember, innocent until proven guilty. So far, based on what James has told investigators, he seems to be sticking to his story that Angela was having suicidal thoughts and may have poisoned herself. So there's a lot we don't know.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
He's pleaded not guilty to first degree murder and to two charges of tampering with evidence. Last week, he also pleaded not guilty to those new charges. But ultimately, we're really waiting for a trial to hear what the defense's case is.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Well, you know, as you know, the trial has been moved three different times. But we do think it may start in the middle of July and lead up until probably the beginning of August.
Dateline NBC
An alleged "murder dentist" in Colorado. Hawaii husband takes the stand at his second murder trial. And Keith talks about his latest podcast series.
Oh, thank you so much, Blaine. Take care.