TikTok Feminist Influencer 2
The Matt Walsh Show
Ep. 1510 - Is It Finally Time For Our Glorious Conquest Of Canada To Begin?
I think I'm gonna take some medicine so I can kind of like transform into a boy, get surgery.
The Matt Walsh Show
Reacting To Whiny Adult Children On TikTok
I thought being in your early 20s was supposed to be fun. I see all these bitches having so much fun. I am miserable. Miserable to my core miserable. What the fuck? This sucks. I'm suing whoever told me that this was supposed to be the most fun time in my life because it is. It is not. Definitely not. Not even close.
The Matt Walsh Show
Reacting To Whiny Adult Children On TikTok
I hate this job. I hate this job. I didn't even apply. The benefits suck, okay? The hours suck. How do I quit? Where do I put my two weeks in?
The Matt Walsh Show
Reacting To Whiny Adult Children On TikTok
I don't want to work. I don't want to work. I don't want to work.
The Matt Walsh Show
Reacting To Whiny Adult Children On TikTok
Jim Smith, you've done a hell of a lousy job.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews Feminist TikTok Disasters
Not that my content reaches a lot of men because I have an IQ of 130.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews Feminist TikTok Disasters
Not that my content reaches a lot of men because I have an IQ of 130, but I want the men in this country to know that half the female population, we're dry. We're probably going to stay dry. I'm dry as a desert, baby. And I don't want it to change. Yeah, we're not going to like you anymore. You understand that? Like, it doesn't matter if you take away abortion.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews Feminist TikTok Disasters
Like, we'll want to have your babies even less, right? Even if you take away contraception, like... women are really good at celibacy because you guys are actually a threat to us. So we have a lot less to gain from you. So yeah, 4B all the way. Let's make some money, I guess. That's all we can do now.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
The relationship is going to fail because whether small or big, your partner is not giving attention to the things that you personally care about just for the sole reason that you care about it.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
I'm here. I'm here. I know you're scared.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
The Bird Test theory is basically a predictor for whether or not your relationship is going to succeed. And it kind of goes like this.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
A few weeks ago, I said I don't do my husband's laundry. And a lot of people are saying, whoa, whoa, whoa. Those are small acts of kindness. Why wouldn't you want to do that for your partner? But here's the thing. Small acts of kindness that are mostly domestic labor just add up to work at the end of the day. So here's a list of things that I don't do for my husband.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
You all know I don't do his laundry. He can do that himself. I do my laundry and we do the kid's laundry, but he does his own. I don't cook dinner. He cooks dinner every single night. I do breakfast and lunch for us and our kids. I don't pack him a lunch. If he's hungry, he'll figure out what he's going to eat for lunch the same way that I do.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
I don't make his doctor's appointments because guess what? He's not making mine. Would it be kind of me to do that? For sure. Is it my job? Absolutely not. I want him to be healthy, but he's a grown ass man and he can book his own appointments, right? There's a lot of things that I don't do for my husband. I don't schedule his haircuts. I don't pack his clothes for vacation. Right.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
let's say that you and your partner are sitting at a coffee shop and you see a bird outside and you mention it to them there's a couple different ways that your partner can respond your partner could be like oh that's a really cool bird and engage with you and take interest in what you just said or your partner can dismiss it all together and be like
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
I don't do those things. I don't buy him new underwear when it's got holes in it. All of those are things that he's a grown man and he can do himself. Can I do small acts of kindness for him? Of course I can. And I do. I see a vinyl that I think he's going to like because he's creating a vinyl collection. I buy it. I'm at the store and I see something that I think he might enjoy eating. I buy it.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
I find a new non-alcoholic beer that he wants to try out. I buy it, right? Those are small acts of kindness. Doing his laundry, cooking him dinner, making him lunch, booking his doctor's appointments, all those things, that's domestic labor. Those are chores. Those are not acts of kindness. Do I do them occasionally when he's working a lot? Of course.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
Do I cook dinner sometimes when he's had a really long day? Of course. But me not doing that does not mean that I don't show him love or kindness. They're different things. It is not my job as a wife, it is not in my job description to do all the domestic labor as small acts of kindness to my partner and receive nothing in return. I agree with this commenter. If it's going both ways, fantastic.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
But oftentimes domestic labor, especially when you have children, adds up. And so no, I am not my husband's personal secretary or his personal assistant. I am none of those things. I am his partner. I am his equal. And I do not have to do things to cater to him and serve him at all times to be kind and loving for him.
The Matt Walsh Show
Matt Walsh Reviews The Worst TikToks of 2024
okay it's a bird what about it basically the Gottman Institute which is this really big psychology institute for relationships calls that a bid and the idea is if your partner takes interest in the mundane little small things that you talk about the relationship is just more likely to succeed because your partner has genuine interest in whatever you say regardless of whether that thing is a small thing or not on the flip side if your partner kind of keeps ignoring your bids that's kind of a sign that