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Senator Amy Klobuchar



LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And so there are Republicans who have been speaking out, which is one of the first times. Otherwise, they've been acquiescing in everything Donald Trump wants. So that is the hope here, that Congress, as the Article 1 in the Constitution, we're number one, not Donald Trump, that we stand up when we stand up for Ukraine.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Well, I think, first of all, people know when things are lies. They know what Russia is up to on the Internet. You know, I post a picture, say, of me in a Ukraine T-shirt last weekend that I'd gotten it with our Ukrainian community. And of course, a bunch of people saying, yeah, that's great.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


30,000 of them, millions of views, 24,000 negative comments saying, wait a minute, pictures of me with John McCain, which were valid pictures, when we went and met with Ukrainian soldiers in a bunker. And it said on them, like, Amy is funding Nazis in Ukraine or things like that. So they have been doing this for years.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And I think people in a lot of the countries bordering Russia, like, say, Estonia and Lithuania and Latvia, they're kind of been schooled on this. They know when Russia is messing around in their democracy. Our citizens have to realize that that is going on as well, that it's one of the tools that they use, misinformation, and false claims to try to get you on the side.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


So I think most people, if you look at any newspaper, including your local newspaper, you can get facts. You can get the truth. Any kind of a normal news organization where you can tune in your podcast, you're able to find out some information. So people just got to not believe that stuff that they just see pop up on their internet about Zelensky or Ukraine, because I'm telling you,


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


It's either coming from Russia, it's coming from the Trump people who want to mess around with where peoples are in this. And the words that they are, some of the things they are saying are exactly what Donald Trump has said. And it's on all of us to say no.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And I just saw the recent polls today where finally a bunch of people that voted for Donald Trump are starting to say, hey, wait a minute, I thought he was going to bring costs down. But instead we got chaos up, corruption up, and the cost of eggs are up. And they're starting to figure it out only a month in because I understand they want to change.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


I had like 10% of my state voted for me and Donald Trump. So I actually understand where they were coming from. And now they're starting to see, wait a minute, I don't want to be going to bed with Vladimir Putin. I don't want to be waking up with Russia as our ally instead of Scandinavia. I don't want to spend my time talking about buying Greenland.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


I want to get a president that's actually going to do something about my child care and about how much housing is and rent is. And I thought that's what he said he was going to do. And he is doing exactly the opposite with those tariffs. That's going to bring prices up, firing people, working on their nuclear arsenal. And avian flu, which is contributing, by the way, to these egg prices.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


All of these things that are getting him headlines and getting him attention every day are actually setting us backwards.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Well, I'm glad you left me with these two softballs right now. I'll start with the negative information online and just the horrific. I think, you know, they've set the algorithms so that negative sells, which is just so corrosive to our kids, so corrosive to everybody. And I've been taking on these prologue arcs and these tech companies for a long time, have the scars just show forth.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


They've spent over $300 million in one ad campaign against one of my bills. It says they just couldn't put their own products at the top of their search engines all the time, or I've got the bill. with Ted Cruz that says they have to take off non-consensual pornography, like kids that think they're getting a boyfriend, right?


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


So they send their photo and then it shows up going all over the internet. They've got to take that stuff down in 48 hours, even when it's AI created. Over 20 suicides a year, 20 suicides a year. This is from the FBI when it was run by someone who knew what he was doing. Over 20 suicides a year just from that revenge porn. And so these things, they have stopped a lot of these things.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


They've rejected them. And I'm telling you right now, the best way to get at them, you're going to be surprised by this. There's a law called Section 230. It's the name of the law. And it says that they can't be liable for anything. You know, a kid gets a fentanyl lace pill online because they think it's a Percocet, dies. They're not liable for that, that they never police their platform.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


You could never allow that on any other kinds of form of media. So if you make sure that they can be liable, that people can sue them, like when that plane flipped over in Toronto, a lot of why those passengers are alive right now is that there'd been suits in the past, there'd been safety rules put in place about things like airline seats and what you had to do to keep people safe.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


That's not happening online at all, whether it comes to bad information, whether it comes to drugs, whether it comes to pornography. So I actually, I truly believe in my heart


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


If you want to make the internet a safer place, and of course, the Broligarcs that were sitting at that inauguration, I know I ended up being in charge of it and riding in a car with Joe Biden and Donald Trump from the White House to the Capitol, the only person in the history of America, just alone, the three of us. Oh my God.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Okay. So I know what we can do, and that is to make those companies liable, no matter who they suck up to, no matter how much power and how much money they throw around. So that's the first thing. Now on Elon Musk, he's a brogark of his own making there, as we all know.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


First of all, there are many suits, and you've got to believe, as hard as this last few weeks have been, when I look at this, I look at us as fighting at three levels, fighting in the courts, fighting with Congress, and that means oversight, and trying to get people on the record. I know that sounds boring, but it matters for the future.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


It's almost like evidence of what they say they're going to do, these nominees. We were, as I said, up until 4 a.m. fighting to say, why do you need tax cuts? That was a vote. We actually had a vote. And why do you need tax cuts for people making over $500 million a year? And they all voted that we had to have tax cuts for them. And we all voted that we didn't. OK, that happened.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And then the third thing is we have with our constituents because people are speaking out, they're breaking down the phone lines, they're sending emails. So when I look at Elon Musk, I look at the courts. The courts have already intervened several times, including Trump appointed judge and Bush and Reagan appointed judges. And they've said, no, you can't do that.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


He can't be rifling around in your personal data. at the Treasury Department. I know it's not a satisfying answer, but it's real. Yesterday, when Trump said, hey, I'm going to take over the Postal Service, I was trying to picture there, you know, as I'm sitting in the Senate with my colleagues at midnight. So it's like, Musk going to be delivering the mail?


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Is he going to be getting a contract for his rockets to go into Lanesboro, Minnesota with their, like, grandma's packages for Easter? I'm trying to picture this whole thing. So We have the ability to take this on because under the Constitution, so you got the courts with the lawsuits.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


For instance, Postal Service already said we're going to sue in court because we were established by the Constitution. Elon Musk is not Senate confirmable. He has conflicts up the wazoo. He's getting money from one agency. I just saw one of the biggest attacks he's had is the safety group that works on regulating self-driving cars. They've decimated that division by 10%.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


It's called the National Traffic Safety Commission, something like that. That's an example, right? Because he's got all this money in that. He also has contracts for space. So you have things around that that are illegal that he's doing. He's involved in them. And then you finally have the people. And Elon Musk is down to the mid 30s in his poll numbers, right?


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Two thirds of the people don't like that he's doing this. They get he's a billionaire. They don't think he should be there. Those people have to push at their own constituents, particularly Republicans. I think they know where I am on this and how I'm voting on this. But push on these Republicans and say, why are you letting this unelected billionaire run the government and be the king?


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


and stand behind the Resolute Desk, which is the president's desk, and make all these edicts and orders and run around with a chainsaw. Why are you doing that? Because guess what? I didn't sign up for this. I signed up like a lot of my constituents did. They said, I wanted something new for bringing down housing prices.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And by the way, we can go after some of these algorithms while they're ripping off you on rents and things like that. If he wants to play ball with us, we're ready to do it. Trump. Or why don't we have more childcare? There's not enough available. Why don't we do something more on prescription drugs or people getting their claims denied from health insurance companies?


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


We're ready to work with them. And I'm number one in the Congress before this one for bipartisan bills. Number one in the country, in the Senate for getting things done. Number three for passing bills into law. So I'm not just like making this up. I have worked with all kinds of people, Marsha Blackburn.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


I could just go through the list because I try to find a way to find common ground so we can get one thing done. But if he's just going to be out there acting like he's king and literally putting a crown on his head, we're going to stand our ground. And our ground is really clear under the Constitution.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


So the Elon Musk question, answer, just to make it a little shorter and less of a filibuster, take him on in the courts, take him on in Congress, get our Republican colleagues so embarrassed, because of their constituents calling them, pushing them, asking them when they see them in the grocery store, that they actually stand up and say, enough, it's hurting our constituents.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And then finally, just the old fashioned way of calling Congress and the like.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And even, I mean, Just to be really clear, at home, they have some of these people who are so excited, young people in their first job, and they just went in and decided, we're going to just cut everyone, not based on merit, like when a business comes in and says, we're going to stop this function.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


So these people need to find another job where they make some rational decisions about we're not going to make these things anymore in our business. But they've just basically across the board with no warnings. gotten rid of all these people. And we've already seen what can screw up with air travel, right? As tragic and tragic.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


This has been, and you start messing around and people are demoralized and they don't want to work for the government anymore. They don't go work for the government for tons of money. They go work for the government because they believe in something. And when you demoralize people like that, they're going to leave. And so that's one of my biggest problems


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


because I don't have a lot of federal workers in my state compared to other places. But what I do have are ones that are getting funds are like medical researchers that have developed incredible cures and treatments for cancer and people that help small farmers get loans. And this is what they do. And so it is all connected. They want this chaos and the corruption for their buddies.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And you got to understand that they're looking for all this money. So he can go out there with a chainsaw on a stage and impress his friends, but also, I'm talking about Musk, but also so that they get the money to give their tax cuts for these people that are billionaires.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


So we always say, when I was a prosecutor in my old job, we'd always say, when we're looking at a case, follow the money, follow the money, look where the money's going. Is the money going to you or is the money going to really rich people? And that's where you got the answer. And I don't, I mean, we are in this in such a big way. And I just want your listeners to understand that.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Like every single day, three hours of sleep like last night, we get how horrible this is. We are as frustrated as anyone. I was at last weekend when I was home. I was I went to the container store. They're not bankrupt. Well, they kind of are. They have a store. And I was standing in line with my shopping cart with all those plastic boxes. And this woman, I didn't know where she come up.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


She goes, hey, Senator, I know why you're here. And I go, it's Saturday. I'm just taking a few hours off. And I got to organize some. I've got these teas and this coffee and this. She goes, no, you're here because the whole world's out of control and you're trying to find some control at the container store, trying to organize it. And I hadn't even thought about it. I'm like, that's exactly right.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


And I go home, I organize all these cabinets. Next weekend, I'm back there again, because it is a hard time and you've got to take breaks and you've got to do some fun things, but you can never give up on our democracy. You think about three times through civil war and through the great depression and world war II, there were people that never gave up.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


They said, okay, this is really bad, but I believe that we are in the greater good and that what unites us is bigger than what divides us. And that it is courageous to be with other people, even if we don't agree with them. So That's what I think every day. And I want your people to think this way because otherwise we're lost.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


We cannot give in to what this guy is doing every single day to distract, to get your intention, to blow things up when we know there's a greater good in this country.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Like the greatest hits.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


Oh, I'm great. You know, we were voting till 4 30 AM. How's work going? Oh, it is. It's great. You know, you want to be at your workplace voting at 4 30 AM. How are your coworkers? With my coworkers, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, me. And then I got here. and had three hours sleep and then got on with you guys. So there we are.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


You know, senatorial, made myself some coffee, kind of hearing about the interior design and wishing there was more on that. Ikea bookcase behind me that would look better. I can try to go like that.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


This whole thing has been awful. I mean, it has been just to me, it just has someone who's been to Ukraine three times. I've actually been in the presidential offices with President Zelensky, which are, by the way, surrounded by sandbags. And he's bunkered in there as he stands up. We all remember that first day when he went down to the street corner, when everyone accounted him out.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


and his country out, and he said three simple words, we are here. That has been true ever since. And the thought that we have a president now that claims that Zelensky started the war, I have been at the mass graves in Bucha. I've been at the burned out apartment buildings in Irpin. This has been a horror show. And this is Vladimir Putin who has shot down passenger planes.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


He has killed journalists. He has imprisoned his political opponents. And now Donald Trump, in his first month in office, has decided, yeah, there's always negotiated settlements to war. That's okay. New president comes in. You have peace talks. You try to work this out. But what does he do? He excludes Zelensky from the talks.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


He basically sells out the store by through his vice president and through his defense minister basically saying, Well, no, Ukraine, you can never get in NATO. And hey, no, sorry, you're going to have to give up the territory that has been yours for years. And then he embarks on these peace talks through his Secretary of State. So my own view is what is their hope? Well, there's hope in Europe.


LIVE: Dems Have HAD IT


They've given over $50 billion in defense spending, over $100 billion in aid in total. There is hope that there will be people in Congress, not just me, not just Democrats, who are going to stand up with Republicans and say, no, we're in this for democracies. We're not going to be on the side of Vladimir Putin, the thug, and his pals, North Korea and Iran and China.