Sebastián Haddad
Nosotros Los Clones
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Pues sí. Al final de cuentas, esta tecnología es muy accesible. Muchas veces ni siquiera se tiene que instalar una aplicación para utilizarla. Entonces, hay muchas ventajas. Los doctores poco a poco se están dando cuenta que es un gran aliado la inteligencia artificial, por ejemplo, porque potencia mucho las capacidades del médico, que es That's what artificial intelligence was made for.
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And all this technology that comes helps a lot so that doctors can strengthen their diagnoses, strengthen their treatments and, as a benefit, provide better care to patients.
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Well, that's something very important, that everything they can see on social networks, they have to make sure that it has scientific rigor, that it has a support that is based on evidence, and in that way, they can already know that it is something reliable, that it is something that they can use, and also that they practice it, when they learn something about this technology, that they practice it, that they use it, and over time they become familiar and realize that it is very accessible.
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Of course, we are focusing with artificial intelligence on precision medicine, which is what you are mentioning. Patients will already be seen as individuals who have certain characteristics, if they have a tumor, it can even be analyzed to see what specific medicine can work for that tumor and in that person. So, they are advances that were not had before. Why were they not had?
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Because maybe we have the data, a lot of data, but we cannot process them. Y ahora, justo con los wearables, que son todos los dispositivos que se pueden poner, pues algunos se pueden poner en el brazo sin nada de dolor. Ya los hay de monitores constantes de glucosa, por ejemplo, muy accesibles.
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Toda esta información que tú puedas captar, la puedes tener, procesarla, y que la persona reciba un tratamiento específico. Y como tú dices, los beneficios son enormes. Well, you have a very fine adjustment, you go to the point and there are not so many side effects, for example.
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We were just talking about the life expectancy, for example, in the 50s, how much we lived and now how it has increased. And this is going to be exponential with artificial intelligence, right?
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We see that there are two categories. The LLMs, which are like the ChatGPT for some specialists, obviously they have databases, a gigantic corpus specific to medicine. that help for any specialty. And then there are completely vertical applications of radiology. They analyze specialized images, even for the specialty to which it wants to be applied.
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So there are some that you simply need to learn to communicate with natural language, which is the way we are talking now. And that is very accessible for the doctor. And there are others that you have to use a specialized interface that allows you to analyze, for example, a chest x-ray, right?
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Well, there are artificial intelligences that are also with natural language. For example, there is one called Open Evidence, which is exclusive for health professionals. So you have to be a doctor or an accredited health professional and they give you completely free access. But it has a completely specialized database, it has millions and millions of data, right?
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Sí, hay talleres, hay diferentes, tenemos cursos más introductorios para que empiezan a conocer la inteligencia artificial en medicina y un curso ya más avanzado que los médicos, que en realidad no son fáciles de verlos porque están hechos que sean muy didácticos para que puedan entender y no entramos en términos muy complejos ni muy técnicos.
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Que entiendan el principio de cómo funciona todo esto y que vayan conociendo cómo se puede aplicar con ejemplos de casos clínicos reales, que eso es muy importante. Es el enfoque que le dimos nosotros porque muchas veces se habla de la tecnología, qué puede hacer y algunos ejercicios generales, pero ya aplicado casos clínicos reales ayuda mucho que el médico entienda específicamente.
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Nos pueden buscar en nuestro Instagram, que es, como en inglés, Artificial Intelligence. Y nuestro YouTube, nuestro canal de YouTube también, que es Mastermind Doc. O nos pueden buscar Inteligencia Artificial, Mastermind Doctor en YouTube y ahí les aparece toda la información o nuestra página web.
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For example, we talk a lot when we talk to doctors about the adoption of the stethoscope. Now it seems absurd to think that a doctor would not want to use the stethoscope. But in his time, René Lennec was the inventor of the stethoscope. It was a very, very simple stethoscope, practically like a cone.
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And at that time there was resistance for the doctor to use that new device because he felt that there was a barrier between him and the patient. Entonces, en esa época muchos decían, oye, esto, ¿cómo crees que no voy a poner mi oído directamente en el pecho del paciente? Estás loco, ¿no?
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Y bueno, fue desarrollándose, fue pasando el tiempo y ya, pues, ahora pensar que alguien no quiere utilizar el estetoscopio como médico, pues, o un estudio de imagen, pues, sería sin sentido, ¿no? Y eso va a pasar con la IA en los siguientes años. Definitivamente.
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Lo importante es que sepan, lo que tú preguntabas antes, una de las grandes barreras es que piensan que tienes que ser un experto en programación o en tecnología.
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And it is not necessary, although there are ways to follow that are for people who are experts in technology, it is not necessary for them to be able to connect to a computer, to use their mobile phone, they use enough calculators or to write a text with that.
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Well, they are very useful because they are in your home. That's why it's very useful. If we remember, for example, the oximeters, well, before we didn't know each other in general, but having an oximetry in your home, well, it has a lot of value. So all these analyzes can be used to send them to the doctor.
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Again, what we talked about, there always has to be a doctor behind seeing everything that happens. But, for example, we are talking about the glucose monitor. Obviously, for people who have diabetes, it helps them a lot to be constantly monitoring their glucose levels in the blood.
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But they are also being used for athletes to increase their performance, to see how they consume, how they feed, how they benefit from the glucose levels to have more energy when they have to make more effort. So, in the end, Todas estas tecnologías nos permiten tener más información de nosotros y eso después se le va a alimentar.
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Hay un concepto que se llama el Digital Twin, que es como un clon justo, un clon tuyo, pero no a nivel de la voz o apariencia física, sino el perfil tuyo de tus estudios, de muchos marcadores que te has medido. Todo se pone en una simulación y de esa manera tú podrías It's like running a simulator, but from you. If I start eating better, what's going to happen?
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Well, I'm going to improve these levels. If I eat badly, what's going to happen? But already applied to you, not in general. So that's going to happen. So the more points we have to feed an artificial intelligence system, which by the way is predictive. It is multimodal, which means that it can take images, audios, all kinds of data that you feed it.
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And that is where the artificial intelligence is superior to the human being. It can take a huge amount of data and cross it. And many times it finds patterns that the human being does not see.
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It's like a coin. It has a filament and... Yes, but imagine that the watch already does it.
Nosotros Los Clones
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