Scott Horton
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
And so now nobody in Ukraine is pro-Russia anymore. Or the ones who are even sympathetic at all are going to be far more marginal in Russian politics now, which is going to be even more heavily dominated by the nationalists from far out west. who absolutely hate Russia. And I don't know if they're going to be allowed.
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Scott Horton
I don't think they ever will be allowed to join NATO, but they may still join the EU and they still will be, you know, anti-matter force stuck right there, sharing a border with matter in the form of Russia from now on. And so I expect there to continue to be problems, you know, kind of ongoing even after the civil war
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Scott Horton
or the the major war comes to an end um and including what could be a nazi-based insurgency uh led by the likes of andrew beletsky and dimitri yarosh and these others who you know it is after all a massive country and the russians still only control like the eastern and southern fifth of it right i mean it's the size of texas which there's a reason the size of Texas is a cliche.
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Scott Horton
It's because it's huge. It's the same as Afghanistan. So now a lot of it is barren steppe and not very conducive to insurgency, but they do have some forests and some swampland and some other places where they could be based out of. And so I'm sure there are those who would want to continue to fight over the long term.
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Scott Horton
I don't know whether the national central state would be able to stop them or not. I don't know that this is what Zelensky is thinking, but he has reason to fear that these guys would kill him if he makes peace. They've said that they would over and over again. Even before the war, when he first took power in 2019, they threatened to kill him over all the guys who died in the war so far.
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Scott Horton
So you want to talk about, you know, sunk cost fallacy. After all that they have sacrificed, he's going to sell them out now? Like, he has reason to flee home to the Brookings Institution after that, man. They could have his ass. So...
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Scott Horton
uh that may be part of his calculation here is there are some in ukraine and it's i think far from the majority but there are some who would rather never give in and keep fighting to the death no matter what and so um that may be part of his calculation maybe not but i think
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Scott Horton
Well, I'd be very interested to see after, especially yesterday where he said the war is going to continue for a very long time. And then Trump denounced him for talking like that even. And all this, the break is getting solidified and things can change quickly. There's so much at stake that people can say sorry and shake hands and do different things and maybe try to get back on the same page.
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Scott Horton
But, you know, as we're recording this, essentially his stance is we're going to keep fighting without you and you can't make peace without us. And so who holds the cards now?
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Scott Horton
That just seems crazy to me. That could have been a translation mistake type of a thing, too. Possible. Yes. So don't fight with the president and vice president when you don't speak the language properly, right? As you already said, they're like, are you sure you're fluent enough to get in this crap right now in this situation? And so that was a huge error to do, right? To say, look, JD.
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Scott Horton
And, but then importantly, what was the statement? He was disregarding what he said. Like, listen, You're talking about negotiating with Putin, but you can't negotiate with Putin. You're essentially a fool to say that you can negotiate with this guy. He must be made to lose the war first, and then you have to give me a war guarantee.
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Scott Horton
And so that was when Vance said, not, hey, how dare you call me JD, but I can't believe he actually said, like, actually astonished. Wow, I can't believe you want to litigate this right here in public with us. Because guess what? You're going to lose the argument now. You might've had a chance backstage, I think was the implication there. But dude, you're going to come at me like this.
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Scott Horton
And, but the thing is too, They should have already agreed. You know, everybody talks about the deal, the deal, the deal. Well, which deal? You're talking about a ceasefire and Russia stays where they are? Or you're just talking about this mineral deal and then who knows what's going to happen in peace negotiations later, et cetera, et cetera, right?
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Scott Horton
Most of the actual minerals are not rare earth minerals, but there are other minerals in the country, but they're all under Russian control in the Donbass. So now I think there there must be some east of the river there, but mostly it's wheat fields. And those have already been gangsterized by Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland and Monsanto Company back in the Obama years.
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Scott Horton
So I don't know if they're still there now. There might be biding their time until the. war ends to go back in and monopolize all that grain, or triopolize it, I guess. But it used to be illegal for foreign multinational corporations to come in and buy up all that Ukrainian grain. But America just overthrows the government when the wrong guys win over there.
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Scott Horton
So they changed the law to make it okay. So that's a huge part of, you know, I don't know exactly their role in lobbying for the war, but it's a huge part of American-based multinational corporations' interests in Ukraine is all that grain, not just the potential natural gas resources and coal and iron and whatever in the East.
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Scott Horton
And they really mean it. I mean, even when I say this, I know it sounds silly. Like if somebody was... too young or not paying attention at the time or just on vacation or something, if I tell you, I know it sounds nuts to say, but it's really true.
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Scott Horton
The third time ever that the Congress impeached the President of the United States of America, it was Donald Trump for temporarily holding up an arms shipment to Ukraine, which Ukrainians all agreed they didn't even notice was late. What late shipment? I don't even know what you're talking about. We weren't even due another crate for another six weeks or whatever it was.
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Scott Horton
Nothing happened at all in the name of an extortion that did not take place. The whole thing was completely phony. It's unbelievable.
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Scott Horton
It's the biggest asterisk in the whole world too, which is that the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop for three months leading up to the impeachment. which was in January of 20. And so on that laptop, anyone can now read emails back and forth between Hunter Biden and the leaders of Burisma promising them that he's going to intervene in American politics to protect
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Scott Horton
them for prosecution it's all right there and then what do they do not only did they not leak that this is the fbi the land of 10 000 leaks against donald trump they get the biggest leak in the world that would spare him in the middle of being impeached and they keep that all buried under wraps and behind a grand jury and whatever it is and then what do they do with it
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Scott Horton
In the months in the lead up to the election, when they know that Giuliani also has the laptop, and this is going to be the Republicans' big October surprise, they go to all the social media companies and the major media companies and tell them, beware of incoming Russian disinformation accusing Hunter Biden of doing something wrong with this gas company Burisma.
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Scott Horton
And so then when it comes out, they're able to censor the entire thing. You're talking about rigging the election. And it was the FBI and the CIA that did it.
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Scott Horton
We know that the New York Times' Scott Shane was at the tabletop exercise where they warned him about all of this. And then when all the censorship regime came out with the laptop, he didn't say nothing about it. Same for Noah Shockman at Rolling Stone, who is otherwise most famous for helping to cover up the most disgusting, unspeakable crimes of his buddy James Gordon Meek from ABC News.
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Scott Horton
Yeah, and I'm getting almost universally good feedback from it. I've had very little substantive criticism, a lot of Russian asset and Russian talking point type garbage. On a substantive basis, they seem to have not read the thing because they'll accuse me of never addressing stuff that has a whole section of its own and whatever in there. I don't know.
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Scott Horton
clips of these congressmen talking about, you know, yeah, it'll have to be like the Korean model where we'll stay forever. This is how John McCain talked about Iraq 20 years ago. That like, oh yeah, no, we can never come home from there. And that just makes no sense at all. If you... you're not willing to fight for them now. You're willing to fight for them then after they've already lost.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
What's the point of that? The whole thing is crazy. And then having some workers there as a, as a security guarantee some miners that essentially they'll serve as a trip wire for war that russia would always think not just twice but even three times about invading because american miners could get caught up in it and they don't want trouble with us
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Scott Horton
Well, if you're going to do that, then it would make more logical sense to put combat forces there who could actually be a deterrent of some kind. Not that I'm recommending that, but I'm just saying it makes no sense to have, you know, like we have in Korea. Our soldiers are not there to really, there's not enough of them there to deter an attack or to defeat an attack from North Korea, probably.
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Scott Horton
but they are a trip wire that means if north korea ever attacks south korea our guys will be caught up in it and that'll mean the rest of the usa is also coming and so um yeah it just makes no sense whatsoever to this whole damn war dave has been fought for the principle that ukraine can too join nato right
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Scott Horton
day in the long term future from now, which we're absolutely not willing to let them in now, which might have been a deterrent, although I think it would have caused the war sooner, but we're not willing to give them a war guarantee. but we're willing to help them get into and lose a three-year war on the principle that no one else can say that they can't join.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Back to, as I say in the book over and over again, I cite all of these hawks, not the opponents of NATO expansion, which included not just our heroes like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul and Ted Galen Carpenter and other of our guys, but including vast parts of the foreign policy establishment were against this. But then even the expanders,
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Scott Horton
like Richard Holbrooke, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Henry Kissinger and others, they all said, well, of course we have to make a special exception for Ukraine. Of course, they have to have some kind of, they all said the same thing. Like Austria or Finland during the last Cold War, where they don't have troops occupying their country from either side.
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Scott Horton
They're not in NATO and they're not in the Warsaw Pact and they're just neutral. And we'll do the same kind of thing for Ukraine. Forgive me if I'm being redundant. I forgot what I said on your show last time, but there's a guy named Ken Pollock who was sort of the liberal hawk who told all the liberal Democrats it was a good idea to support W. Bush's war in 2003.
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Scott Horton
He was like best buddies and writing partners with a guy named O'Hanlon, Michael O'Hanlon, who's maybe a little bit more prominent, but they're sort of alter egos, these guys. Anyway, so they're like, you know, Brookings Institution guys, right? Like very center left liberal Democrat war hawks.
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Scott Horton
But look, it did get up to the top 300 on all of Amazon. It's now still in the top 1000. I believe in the top 700 something or 600. No, I think 700 something on Amazon. It's still number one in War and Peace.
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Scott Horton
And he wrote a monograph that came out in 2018 saying, we got to, you know, have a new treaty that guarantees no further NATO expansion and neutrality for Ukraine and this permanent arrangement security structure. And he had war guarantees built into it and the rest too, but still like, It was important that he was recognizing that we have gone too far in trying to take Ukraine away from Russia.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
And of course, they're reacting just like everybody knew that they would. And so we should call it off here before a real war breaks out, before it gets so much worse than this, at that time, low-level civil war under the...
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Scott Horton
partially implemented Minsk 2 deal let's say um and so uh so they all knew better they all knew this was the consensus was that we shouldn't do this that it makes no sense to bring them into NATO and give them an article five if if russian knew that was happening they would invade before the ceremony and the ink was dry on the page or they would you know immediately test
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Scott Horton
the the alliance by moving right in there as putin said back in 2014 although you know a little bit optimistic he said i could be in kiev in two weeks which in fact he did his guys did get almost to kiev before what they stopped because they were in the middle of negotiating a peace deal one that america and britain ruined this is after the war had already begun
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Scott Horton
um the uh istanbul deal which would be the basis of the deal that they're trying to get right now and at the time of course the two major issues was nato expansion and the ongoing civil war and they were willing to accept
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Scott Horton
Donbas, Luhansk and Donetsk both staying in Ukraine under a strong federalism type situation, but still as part of Ukraine, not completely independent and not part of the Russian Federation, if they could have got the deal. And, you know, you quoted Jens Stoltenberg earlier. You almost had it right. You just added an R, but... But Stoltenberg, you're right.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
He had cited that treaty that Russia proposed a treaty to NATO and the United States just signed this very simple deal and this won't happen. And they basically just ignored that. And- And I'm sorry, I was going to make one more point there.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
On top of him was was Zelensky himself gave that statement to CNN where he said, they told me behind the scenes, look, we're not going to bring you into NATO. But in public, we're going to pretend like we're going to someday. And we want you to continue to act like that's going to happen and all this.
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Scott Horton
And he explained all this in frustration on CNN that they had him in this weird bind where they were promising that. you know someday will protect you but not now even though we know promising to someday protect you now is going to get you into a war now and he's saying what the hell kind of a situation is this for you to put me in and then but he continued to go along yeah you know it it is um
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Scott Horton
still in the top uh top 40 in all history on amazon so and that's three and a half months and if it wasn't for jimmy carter dying and dave chappelle recommending his book peace not apartheid on um saturday night live then i'd have been number one in war and peace the whole time but jimmy carter kind of he snaked my title for a minute there but i got it back
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Scott Horton
especially when we're the ones doing it i mean this is the whole thing you know the famous henry kissinger quote where he says to be america to be america's enemy is dangerous to be america's friend is fatal what he was talking about was building up groups and then stabbing them in the back leaving them high and dry and i forget exactly i think he's talking about the kurds then which he betrayed the kurds at least twice himself i think um
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Scott Horton
it may have been a reference to the Hmong tribesmen of Laos and, and kind of North, I think Northwestern Vietnam that the CIA backed them to take on the North Vietnamese. And then it was like, okay, well we're leaving. Good luck to you guys after we just, you know, encourage you to turn yourselves into the avowed deadly enemies of these people who have so much more power than you do. So bye.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
And didn't even help them get out of there, you know? They do the same thing to the Kurds over and over again. I don't know. The Iraqi Kurds are in a pretty good spot with America now, but they've been stabbed in the back by America at least twice in the 1980s. And then again, after the end of the first Iraq war and then the the Syrian Kurds in in Turkey and pardon me, in northeastern Syria.
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Scott Horton
Claim we love them and then built up the Islamist caliphate that became their absolute deadly enemy when it conquered all of that land in eastern Syria and western Iraq. We had to go in there and fight another war for them. And we're still there protecting them now. Otherwise, what? They'll be overrun by our other allies, the Turks.
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Scott Horton
I know what trouble he got in for writing it, so it must be something.
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Scott Horton
And they're, again, agents on the move, al-Qaeda that now rules Damascus and the rest of Western Syria. And this kind of thing happens over and over again. And so here, I mean, what could be a worse thing than to get your friend into a fight that you know he can't win? And then to keep pushing them out there, stay out there.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Lindsey Graham, quote unquote, how dare you not lower your draft age to 18? Right now it's 25, but they try to send the older men to the front and leave the younger men behind to do...
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Scott Horton
uh you know equipment and logistics and whatever the background stuff because their population is decimated and they're terrified of losing all their reproductive age males and so they're sending all middle-aged guys to go and get ground up and then lindsey graham won't stand for it and stomps his foot and says the draft age should be 18 and those boys should be at the front how in the hell are you ever going to win this war if you don't send your 18 year olds to the front
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Scott Horton
which is i'm sorry but just none of his damn business to be insisting that another nation do to sacrifice for his what his goals for them or his goals for america's geopolitical contest with russia where they you know there's a clip of um was it kissinger or um i confuse these absolute idiot uh russiagate democrats from the house dave from that era um i think it was kissinger um
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Scott Horton
was saying just yesterday, there was a clip going around on X of him saying that, look, we're killing Russians and no American soldiers are dying. It's the best bang for our buck we've ever spent. And I have a whole section of quotations like that in the book where over and over again, these pundits and writers and politicians in America say this.
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Scott Horton
And in numerous cases, they don't even mention the Ukrainian deaths at all. They'll say Russian soldiers are dying and American soldiers are being preserved. It's great. So the Russian soldiers have lives to be degraded and our soldiers have their lives have value to be degraded and our soldiers lives have value to be preserved. Ukrainians aren't even worth mentioning at all.
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Scott Horton
you know like he was like because what i'm hearing is like this is really good for business but like so you're saying you have a moral problem with backing a genocide you know like it yeah i think he even said like this could really cost the american arms firms that are selling these weapons and rand paul was as flabbergasted as wolf blitzer like what did you just say dude i'm as confused as you are wolf what in the world
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Scott Horton
This is my fourth grade education in government school, man, is that, you know, when they teach you about war and stuff, that, yeah, civilians in the other country, they die, but that's their problem. That's not our problem to consider. And there may be, you know, they might allude to the Geneva Conventions and some rules of war, but it's no sin.
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Scott Horton
for your government to kill people in another country. That's between them and their government, not between us. And then they'll turn it around and they'll say, no, see, the evil, amoralist, realist strategists, they only care about balance of power politics. They don't care about morality at all. We...
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Scott Horton
want a morality-based foreign policy that's why we have to invade iraq to stop saddam hussein don't you know he throws people in a giant human shredder and whatever nonsense they make up to invoke your emotions and say yes this is the morality-based foreign policy america can do no wrong in stopping evil around the world so those are your two choices either henry kissinger or paul wolfowitz
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Yep. And look, just like on the Pierce Morgan show yesterday, and anybody can log on to X and see it all day. The Hawks, they only talk in these vague analogies and they only talk in glittering generalities. And they say, oh, we're turning our back and stabbing our friends in the back and all these things. They never say, what's the solution to the problem?
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Well, what we need to do is send in the 82nd Airborne and the U.S. Navy. And that would solve the problem, right? Like if we put, if we did like George W. Bush in Iraq and sent the third infantry division and the Marine Corps and everybody in there to break things as much as possible, then yeah, potentially they could drive the Russians out of Ukraine, South and East.
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Scott Horton
They could also potentially start a hydrogen bomb war, which Joe Biden was not willing to risk, uh, to that degree right he has some special operations forces there serving as advisors and stuff like that but i don't i've never seen that our guys are on there fighting there they're picking targets pretty close to fighting
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Scott Horton
but they weren't willing to risk that nobody's willing to really risk that so this is the same thing that obama said to jeffrey goldberg back in 2014 that ultimately ukraine is not really a vital american interest it is a vital russian one and it's going to always mean more to them than us and our if we're not really as he put it if people in washington want to say that we should go to war for the donbass and let them say that i don't hear anybody saying that so if you're not willing to say that then i don't know why we should sort of half-ass it essentially
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Scott Horton
Well, it's because well, essentially, because it was his fault. He overthrew the government and he was responsible for Crimea, as he admits. And there was a reaction to our transition of the government there, he said, which was completely correct. But he was also right. But now what are we going to do? We're going to double down. We're going to fight a war in the Donbass. No, we're not going to.
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Scott Horton
George Soros bragged to the New Yorker in 1995 that he rigged the election of 1994. And then you had America overthrow and intervene in the election of 2004 in the Orange Revolution. Then they had a legit election in 2010. They overthrew that guy in 2013, 14. So, yeah, it's not much of a democracy. And that's why even George Soros' Transparency International –
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Scott Horton
ranks them with the lowest kleptocracies on the planet, the most corrupt countries in the world. Their political and economic system are just nothing but cronyism from top to bottom, and everybody knows it, and nobody can even lie about it with a straight face. That was part of Biden's, like,
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Scott Horton
somewhat convincing excuse for going after the prosecutor there was the prosecutor wasn't going after everybody enough now he really ran up against the laugh test when he said he was mad that they weren't prosecuting his son's company uh wait a minute but but boy was there a lot of corruption for him to go after there if he was picking the right sides you know
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Yeah, thank you for remembering. I forgot. Yes, I am the director of the Libertarian Institute. I got about 25 of the best writers and authors and podcasters. We're constantly putting out great new books and everything like that. And we've got $25,000 worth of matching funds right now. So anything that you donate to the Institute gets doubled.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
You write it off on your taxes and you get, then we have all kinds of great kickbacks, including books and stuff like that. So that's all at slash donate. And thank you very much.
Part Of The Problem
Scott Horton
Well, I mean, yeah, I was a bit just in disbelief. In fact, the second time I watched it, I finally found the clip of the whole deal, the 40 minute long discussion leading up to it and everything. And yeah, You know, I was impressed the first time, but the second time I watched, I was like, wow, I really had not remembered just how bad it was.
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Scott Horton
The, uh, him attempting to shout down Trump and talk over Trump in that way. That's pretty remarkable. I think, well, we got two choices, right? One is he just couldn't stand anymore and he had to blurt something stupid out and he's like kicking himself now, which I think is the less likely explanation.
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Scott Horton
Or that this was a planned political move that he made because essentially what was happening was Trump was saying, we're going to call this ceasefire. That's what we're going to do. We want a deal where the fighting stops, implying, of course, then that everyone accepts that the lines are where they're drawn now.
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Scott Horton
And potentially, maybe in negotiations, they would even grow, right? Because as it stands now, Russia still doesn't control 100% of Donetsk, nor of Zaporozhye or Kherson, although they do control, I believe, virtually all of Luhansk and some of Arkiv. But...
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Scott Horton
so this is zielinski i think had already decided that trump was throwing him overboard and wasn't going to keep supporting him in more anyway and that i don't know what the deal the minerals is is hardly worth anything and we can talk a little bit more about that but that's basically a red herring um for the most part but um so i think his decision was
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Scott Horton
that instead of cutting running from the war he just wanted to cut and run from the united states and say fine because of course if america stops backing him we can't really make a deal with russia to end the war if ukraine's not willing to end the war and we can call off all support and then they will be you know in a much tougher situation but it won't just be like the taliban walking right into kabul or anything like that the russians will still have a fight on their hands
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Scott Horton
um at least for a time and so zielinski apparently is betting then that he can just turn to the europeans and essentially bet on their center left you know um last status quo position you know the the common call it whatever you want the the woke standard of the biden administration um
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Scott Horton
And that they will, you know, distance themselves from Trump, who is, you know, oh, he's the rogue and the right wing nationalist. And so they are left. They're calling, you know, Keir Starmer. Is that how you pronounce it?
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Scott Horton
They're calling him the leader of the free world now because Donald Trump is the isolationist turning his back on Europe and all this, which is, you know, vast hyperbole on both counts. But you do have, it's kind of funny to see, right? The British, the French, and the Germans are talking about, well, and I think the Poles as well, we're not going to sell you out.
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Scott Horton
We're going to continue to back you no matter what, Ukraine. And with the British prime minister even promising with boots and planes, he said, and he's I would be worried about that, except that I just don't believe him. I think the Europeans have already all admitted that without the United States to guarantee their guarantees, they have nothing to offer, really.
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Scott Horton
The British can't fight a war on the continent. I don't think the Germans really are coming and willing to risk that level of war over eastern Ukraine and without support from the United States and knowing that they don't have it. So, you know, I agree with you that it was ultimately a strategic blunder.
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Scott Horton
I think it was deliberate, but I think it was a huge mistake because just like the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, and the then current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, had said back in September or October of 2002, I guess even still in September, they said... This is as good as it's going to get for you.
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Scott Horton
Quit now while you're only this far behind. It's time to come to the table and negotiate. And, you know, we already knew what happened, but there's a profile of Antony Blinken, the outgoing Secretary of State here,
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Scott Horton
in the new york times where they call him secretary of war and they talk about how of course it was he and the state department weenies that won over biden and won the argument in the government that no we need to extend the war and remember then they were going to launch the winter offensive which became the spring offensive which finally when they launched it was the summer offensive and got nowhere and just got a whole bunch of people killed for nothing and this was the big gamble that blinken had made to continue the war
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Scott Horton
when the four stars were saying, it's all downhill from here. So you got a good, and they did, by the way, you know, the occasion at the time, Dave, was that
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Scott Horton
on the weekend of September 11th, Ukrainians had done this great feint and had made major gains in Kharkiv province and, or, you know, Oblast and also down in Kherson where they had essentially forced the Russians back to the Southern and Eastern side of the river there. And so that was, you know, to their credit, but then that was all they were going to get. And all the, the,
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Scott Horton
The actual reasonable pundits on this knew it at the time, too. Everybody wise who you would turn to for any opinion on this kind of thing at all that you could find all said the same thing, which was even Mark Milley is saying quit now, which that should have been all you need to know.
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Scott Horton
I mean, the medium term future here at minimum just completely sucks for everybody as well because no matter exactly how the war finally comes to an end, Russia's not losing that territory. They have essentially absorbed the most pro-Russian population of Ukraine into Russia just by expanding the line around them. But what that means is they've moved them out of Ukraine.