Samantha McVeigh
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Well, so that's the question. How is it marketed?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
This is the only way we could fit the tiny stones on there with the tiny hands.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
So did people not realize it was a cult? They just assumed it was just a foundation and a children's home or like a halfway house type of thing at this point?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
It is still named the Tony Alamo Jacket Company. And people are like, yeah, I still need it. I really need that now.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
They're not going to make it anymore. I have to have one.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I mean, maybe you could resurrect him from the dead. All you got to do is cuddle him.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
That's why he needs the speed, right? Oh, no, that's what he sounds like.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
You've got to make it happen. You've got to make it happen. Dolly Parton calls. She's got a show coming. Come on.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Yeah, for sure. But, you know. This does go along the biblical ideals, and that's also why a lot of the states in the U.S. have not banned child brides. Yeah. And I'm sure Arkansas is probably one of those places. Sorry, I don't know.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I'm just... Honestly, the problem I have is knowing that this man, if he was... under trial now, guarantee he'd be fine.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I think he would be so fine. He would probably be in office and or an advisor at this point. That's just the level. If he has gone that well.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right, right. Well, I mean, that's the point.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
But I mean, like in general, like he's also a God, obviously. Maybe he didn't resurrect his wife, but that was for a plan to impregnate adolescence.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. And people who want to put those people on pedestals will justify why this is okay.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Exactly. For that group of people. For that group of people. Right. I mean, Matt Gaetz.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
That's about right. That's what kids do. Amen, brother.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. My question, though, is that the wife wasn't necessarily trying to protect the children as much as she was jealous of the children. She's his wife, right? Which is what happened with her daughter. She was upset with the daughter for seducing her husband at such a young age.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. But this is that conversation is that no one really takes responsibility because they're just like, well, he's the one bad character. We didn't know better. But the thing is, yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. You're like the parent or the people who watch these children grow up or haven't grown up. And then that's like, oh, everything about this. And the fact that this continues to be a...
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Justifiable conversation as if eventually someone will believe me and agree with me. Yeah, it works. They do.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Wait, I would think that is... Because he would be older than David Koresh, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think he is. He's definitely older. So maybe he's mentoring this dude at this point?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
If it's under like the actual umbrella of his cult, he still does.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Tithing, right? That's what I would assume.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I'm not going to lie, that's a hustle. That's a hustle. Hustle, come on now.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
That is, I would have never thought of that. There's a reason you wouldn't have thought of it. I can't believe grocery stores. Because you're not a monster. Yeah. But, like, grocery stores actually buying from them? That's... Yeah. Like, it's different times. It's different times.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Wait, so, wait, her body's missing now?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Wait, what? What? Are we trying to resurrect our 2.0? Is this like... No.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Yeah, you put sunglasses on her. You put sunglasses on her.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
For some reason, I feel like she would enjoy, Susan would have enjoyed that. Oh yeah. Torturing her daughter after death. Also a piece of shit. I feel like she would approve of that. Yes. Yes.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
The parents are making their children still make these jackets. Oh, yeah. It's still the children.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
First of all, the voice is fantastic. Did he take on like hippie speak in order to like sell this after all of that?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I guess hippie and jean jacket, denim, maybe they do go hand in hand. I don't know.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Tell me she's in that white suit, though. Is she at least in that suit?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
What a deal. What a deal. A good conversation and jackets. Beaded jackets on that note? Beaded jackets, yes. So many rhinestones.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
That's just setting up for a haunting. Like being cursed and unhaunted.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I am here. That's the answer, right? You're here, alive.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Did he, like, remarry her? Like, renew the vows here, too? I mean, there's a lot that I'm, wow.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. I mean, this is kind of like the Jaws moment. Yes, yes. Pretend like no one's dead. Pretend like there's not a giant shark attack. We're just going to enjoy the summer. Let's just chill.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
You gotta marry her for the fifth time, right?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
yeah that makes sense yeah no i was i mean to be fair in these cult situations it doesn't matter usually the parents whether they're present or not they're somewhat like complicit parts complicit i think a lot of these yeah but then like separating them makes a lot of sense which it does happen in a lot of cults yep yep it's a pretty it's pretty standard cult behavior and it i mean it makes sense that that's how tony works
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
So he was okay with other people having multi-relationships too? It wasn't just him, or did he do all the marrying?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
There's so many questions. I have so many questions.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Like they already know there's these rumors, but then they let them in and be like, this is completely normal. Completely normal.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
The amount of like... First of all, just... Just from what I remember working as a social worker for DFAX, having a child sex abuse case literally cost a dude $6,000 in probation.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
It had to be forensic proof or the child had to be able to explicitly tell in detail what had happened to them. You would talk about the fact that it only costs a bit of money if you want to do this. It's disgusting.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
And this is why I don't trust Christians.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I mean, I was going to say a lot of this is hand in hand, once again, with the current church leaders today.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Was this a documentary at any point? Because some of these stories sound familiar.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I may have watched parts of it because some of this sounds, especially like the town being like, this is getting weird. Yeah. Finally getting to that point. Sounded familiar.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. Like we would mind our business, but then when you start doing this and like devaluing our property.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
But mattresses, how? I want to know this is like a Fast and Furious operation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In which they're like, there's a package coming. There's a truck coming.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I want to know that the prisoners cuddled him. Yeah. I'm just kidding. Don't tell me.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. And the fact that he lived a majority of his adulthood in luxury and like infamy, people respected his stuff. That's really disgusting. It makes me, yeah, angry. The entire system. Like, the fact that people are okay with this.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Like, I want to know, did Michael Jackson, obviously he can't now, but, like, Mr. T, Dolly Parton, anybody ever talk about, you know, having a shame in that or, like, renouncing any of those things? Did they at least burn?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I was going to ask about that, but you know.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Right. I mean, at the very least, like acknowledging that the victims existed, including the child labor that went into her work.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Of course not. Yeah. They wouldn't. Yeah. I mean, we don't know who the queens and kings and presidents are at this point.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I mean, I feel like Bill Clinton probably had one. Like, I could see him putting one of those on and playing his saxophone.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I need to save my computer. How do I do this?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
You know, we talk about stuff on Stuff Mom Never Told You about how the world is awful and similar to these bad people. And hopefully solutions or at least positive things. So if you want to come listen to us, you can find me on Blue Sky, McVeigh Sam. I do have Instagram and all that, but I'm rarely on there.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
And those kids became serial killers. Yeah, those...
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
So was this during an interview, like...
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
So they just found him. You slept with a dead body. Tell us about that experience. You grew up in this cult. Also, to those people, I'm so sorry.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Oh, I was waiting for six days. Six months?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Were they not cuddling enough? Is that the reason?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I don't know. You'd have to ask Tony. What's supposed to happen?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
It's just conceding. It's not like he's conceded.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Bedazzled did their thing. Yes. So this makes sense. Also, it's kind of. Horrifying?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Yeah, that's going to take me a minute.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
The fact that, that means he had to have sold so many more after the fact.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
I was waiting for her name. But wait, Mr. T, the cutoff jean jacket?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
That's Tony next to Mr. T. He really looks like off-brand country musicians. He looks like Haggard. He's Merle Haggard. Like, what the hell?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Tony Alamo: The Worst Preacher
Again, Mr. T, I remember him with a cut-off jean jacket. That's what I'm picturing when you say Mr. T. This one, it's got American flag arms. That doesn't sound like a big leap.