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Ryder Strong


Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Lots of Fargo talk. That's right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


That's such good advice.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Okay, so I feel like I've talked about on, mostly off mic, but probably on mic too. You know, I always have this debate with you guys about how I like local places. Oh yeah, we know. Small businesses. Bad parking.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So I had an experience yesterday, which is just the epitome. It just distilled all the pros and the cons in like one experience. I was like thinking of you guys the whole time. Because my favorite example of this is when I complained about my dentist who was like my local dentist. And I was like, she's kind of a bad dentist. And you were like, then get a better dentist. And you're right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Do you remember what your material was?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


But anyway, so. So my key in my car, I went to turn it and it just like snapped. Oh. Like just like full on like. Oh. I was like, what? So I had to like literally take, the metal part was okay, but I had to like take a pair of pliers to like. Right, to turn it. Turn it, right. Or actually I didn't take a pair. What I did is like, I took the key fob part and like clamped it on there. Anyway.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It's great. And so at this point, are you thinking of yourself as an actor who does stand up or a comedian who acts sometimes or is it just all the same?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


You have to not be able to not do it. Because otherwise, why would you put yourself down?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So this goes on for like a day or two. And of course I know that if you call the dealer. Uh-huh. In this case, Toyota. Yeah. We had done this for my wife. It's like a $400 replacement for the key because they got to like reprogram. And I was like, there's no way you can do this. I'm going to a locksmith. Right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It's still worse.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I get two of them because I need two of them. I get two new keys. I go, like, I find a locksmith, like the local, actually I go to the hardware store first and they're like, oh no, we can't, you know, we can't do that. And we talked to them and no, they tried. They were like, we do keys, but like car keys. And they, they took it behind the counter. Like, no, we can't.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


But no one's gone into entertainment? Well, actually, my daughter.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And I'm like, well, where, you know, oh, there's a locksmith down the street across from the McDonald's. Right across from the Toyota dealership. Yeah, just go to the McDonald's and then go to the Toyota dealership. Perfect. So I'm like, okay, yeah, we're going to do this. And I show up. And this is before I'm meeting you guys for lunch.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I only have like 10 minutes because I figured this is quick, right? And I walk in. I'm like, you know, the guy's there and he's got like a mask on because he's probably welding something in the back. He's doing something cool. And I'm like, hey, man. He's like, oh, yeah. It's five bucks a key. Cool. I'm like, yeah, sure. And he etches my keys. I'm like, great. Hand him cash.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Because then it becomes the funniest part of the scene.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


But I wonder if they hadn't thought about that when they wrote it. Nope, there's no way. So you just did it? Oh my God.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I'm also realizing that as ridiculous as this sounds, I think the yelling choice might be one of the major reasons that the episode works. Because if I think about that dialogue without the yelling, like take that scene and take the fact that they're screaming, you know, that you guys are screaming at each other away, right? Right. suddenly it becomes pretty sappy Boy Meets World dialogue.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It's a little melodrama. Suddenly it becomes, why don't we have the relationship that you and Corey have? You know, if Eric, and that turn where it goes from a story about Corey trying to prove himself to his dad or to, you know, and then to Eric suddenly becomes very sentimental and a little like saccharine, right? In like the way that Boy Meets World as a sitcom could do.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


But the fact that you guys are all screaming and about to jump out of the plane makes it, removes any of that sentimentality. And so it gets the story across, but it makes it more just fun and funny.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And he tells me, he's like, yeah, you know. I just recently got a cast off. So he's like in my hand. He hasn't used his right hand. So I'm like, oh, already this is great. I love supporting this guy. This guy lives in my neighborhood probably. We're talking about his cast.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And like, I think that that's one of the reasons why the episode's so good is that it never gets weighted down by, you know, what other episodes would, we would, we would get very sappy, you know, and it just isn't. It's so good.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It's so important in sitcoms, you know? It's like such a key thing to have a great guest cast.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Well, no, I mean, Will probably did make you feel bad about that. He's like, oh, you were in Fargo, but you don't know Beavis and Butthead?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I give him cash. I haven't used cash in weeks.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Thanks, bud. Okay, I'll see you later. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


and walking out I'm gonna use this you know I gotta remember this this locksmith he's like a mile from my house gotta remember this guy next time I need a locksmith get into my car turn it over doesn't start I'm like the key fits turns but doesn't turn over the engine I'm like that's really weird so I get out and I walk in I'm like hey would you know why he's like oh yeah well probably a chip

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And I'm like, okay, well, that would have been nice to know before you just, so already I'm like, well, this backfired. Like, Toyota wouldn't have had this problem, right? So I'm already like, okay, well, and I'm like, so what do I, you know, what do I do? And he's like, well, you know, he starts explaining. He's like, it's a chip. And I'm like, okay, well, you know, what is that?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


He starts giving me way too long of an explanation. If you have the old fob, I'm like, well, I do have the old fob. And he's like, well, then the chip's in there. And he's like, well, look here, I got to bring the car around back. I can plug in my computer. I can, you know, for 85 bucks, I can give you a whole new. And he's like, and you know what?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh man. You feel like you're part of a company. You feel like you're all, you're all entering the same artistic mindset and collaborating together. That is. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And I'm like, 85 bucks should have just gone to Toyota. But then he's like, but you know what? If you if you need two keys, because I do. He's like, I'll just give you both for the same price. Oh, wow. And I'm like, oh, so I'm like, this is why you go to the local guy. This is it. Yeah. And so I bring my car around back. Now we're hanging out.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, that's so cool to hear what we were.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


He's plugging in this computer, which looks... Meanwhile, I'm going to be late for lunch with my friends, but who cares?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Yes. Yeah. And he plugs in this computer, which they totally look... I didn't know these things exist. You can have computers that plug into the lock and read out to him what...

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


chip i need on it's crazy like and so he like tells me oh it's an i6e chip and i mean it looks like straight out of the movie hackers do you remember that where you like can plug something into a lock and and then he takes my key and he plugs it into this other little thing it's like looks like my key is just sitting in a bowl basically but he's able to like read the keys like oh yeah it's this kind of chip but the fobs that i bought from amazon don't have a chip in them so we can't program those chips

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And I'm just like, okay, I'm going to be late for lunch now. Yeah, what do I do? But he's like, you know, here's the thing. And he opens up the fob. He's like, if you still have the old fob, and I'd already thrown one of them away. He's like, the chip is here. He's like, it's not going to cost you anything. You don't even need me. You just pull this chip out, work it out.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And so, again, I'm like, this is great. Again, I'm loving this guy. But then I notice it's like... his, you know, cause I'm asking about his cast and his hand and he's like, Oh yeah, his skin is like flaking off.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Amazing. Well put.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I'm curious about this moment, you know, you talk about this race consciousness that you sort of arrived at. You were already like mid-career. I mean, you had already been working. I mean, was part of this recognizing that especially, you know, auditioning for parts and reading scripts before that.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I mean, there must've been so many times when you were asked to audition for what was essentially a stereotype or a role that, and were you turning those parts down or were you just a hungry enough act? Oh yeah. So you were, you were already making choices.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I was going to say, yeah, this is kind of, kind of gross. Like, you know, and he's, he's telling me about how it was like, he broke his arm and it healed wrong. Like now it's, and they wanted to like re-break it, but he's like, Oh, I'm just kidding. So we're laughing and telling stories. And I'm like, this is the human connection thing. Meanwhile, he is flaking his skin all over my driver's seat.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, send it somewhere else, please. Send it to another... Just go on the internet, Will.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And literally like brushing his arm. Oh my God. And I'm like, yeah. And I'm sitting there and I'm like, Will and Danielle would love this. This is the cost of the human experience.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Such a wonderful person. Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. But I also love that the interview moved from... you know, Hollywood stories, which I obviously love. And I just want to sit and have dinner conversation about that too. Like really intense, spiritual, interesting, philosophical stuff that I'm like, I also want to hear your thoughts on this.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


This guy is literally, I'm like, why? And I'm like, what do I say? I'm like, dude, like. You say, where's the nearest Toyota dealer? He's like rubbing, flaking, like it's like cornflakes of skin coming off into my front. And I'm like, dude. And he's like, yeah. And he's telling me about his wrist and his thing. But meanwhile, he keeps doing it. And I'm like, you realize you're in my car.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Well, he's so even keeled. And what's interesting about that is that, you know, actors, comedic actors especially, are usually not.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


You know, it's like it's hard. A lot of the reason that people become actors often is because they're very expressive and they're very emotional and they're up and down. And so the result is that often actors are kind of... you know, erratic, unstable people. And they're just harder to, you know, they're harder to feel relaxed around. And he is clearly a great actor.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Listening to him talk about how he thinks as an actor, like when he was talking about his Fargo experience and how he was so invested in the emotion and made it personal for himself. Like this, I mean, he's just a genius actor, but then he can also be... very even keel, talk very intelligently and sort of like, you know, basically about his life and his experience and his thoughts. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Well, again, he talked about

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


probably one of the most gifted actresses in the history of hollywood who says you've got to turn the camera on right now he's more in it right now he's or he's so in it right and i love it she's so sensitive to that because that's totally her style is to be like oh let's be you know and of course she's like married to the director so she can tell them i mean apparently she's that way like she's just so yeah like you gotta be looking that way right now because look at what i also just love it like every other story is like and then i was doing a play i'm like why are you still doing plays because you're just

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


are an actor because he can't not yep like you said except for that one year when he which also was super interesting like that he reached this point where he was like I need to take a step back because I'm getting too caught up in something that is yeah it's hurting me oh he's so fascinating yeah interesting guy yeah

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


We love you all. Pod dismissed. Pod Meets World is an iHeart podcast produced and hosted by Danielle Fishel, Wilfred L., and Ryder Strong. Executive Producers Jensen Karp and Amy Sugarman. Executive in Charge of Production, Danielle Romo. Producer and Editor, Tara Sudbach. Producer, Maddie Moore. Engineer and Boy Meets World Superfan, Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Follow us on Instagram at podmeetsworldshow or email us at podmeetsworldshow at

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


You are in my, and you are, and he's like, and then it's just like these flaking. And I'm just, you know, and I'm like, yeah, in my car. Oh, my gosh. Anyway, got away. I figured it out. Pulled the chip out myself later on last night. Everything's fine. So it was only five bucks for him to etch a key. Ultimately, it did.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And I had the human connection, but I also probably have, you know, some skin disease.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


All over your car. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, my gosh. But I made it on time. You guys were late yesterday.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And, you know, I'll use him again, I guess, as long as he's not flaking his skin all over the place.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Seriously, it was like $400 or $500 for a key when my wife got her key replaced. So, like, you know, how long did it take her? I've also been to the Toyota dealership so many times for, like, just oil changes. I never had a conversation with anybody there. So, you know, now I know this guy. He's always there.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh. What?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, you know what? I said hackers. I was actually thinking sneakers, but go on. Ah, different. Okay, yeah. Sneakers was the heist movie where they have all the hacker technology. Hackers was the other one, yeah. Hackers is the Angelina Jolie movie. Correct. Where she's topless for a second. She is. One second. But if you pause it, she's topless for hours. You pause it. Oh, yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, I remember sitting at Ocean's house with her, the VHS. We were like...

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Sitting in the movie theater.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, you could only pay attention to that one thing.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Back then? Right then. Well, yeah, because she had done that movie Foxfire with my brother that Shiloh ended up getting cut out of. And when I saw that, I was like, who is this person? She's, you know, the most gorgeous woman alive. And a good actor. I mean, I also thought she was a girl interrupted and all that. Yeah, I had a huge crush.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Sitcoms for 800, please. It was on this sitcom that Corey and Topanga first got together. Skylar. What is Boy Meets World? Right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I was like, first got together. Oh, because of Girl Meets World.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I had this Indy. Indy and I were at a bookstore once and he wanted like joke books. Like he likes getting joke books or trivia books.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, it's such. And so there was one that was like 90s trivia. And I was like, Indy, I bet.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I bet we're in here. And like scouring this book.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It took a while. It wasn't me, but there was a Boy Meets World Day. And it took a while. I was like, if anybody sees me in this Barnes & Noble or whatever, flipping through this book, looking for my... I was like, this is embarrassing. This is embarrassing.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Boys Meet World. For $1,200.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So you just stopped watching television in like 2004-ish?