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Ryan Riggs


Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


Where did you find Chante that day? She was walking past the mailboxes, and I had stopped and asked her if she needed a ride, and she got in my truck.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


Music. I was letting her go through all my music, and every time she'd play a song, she'd say something like, oh, that's my song.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


Out of nowhere, I just put my left arm around her and began to strangle her. And whenever she had passed out, I took her clothes off and I raped her.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


I went to the abandoned house.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


I threw her over that fence and then climbed over the fence and dragged her to that tank battery where I had put her. But before I threw her in there, I went back to my truck and got a lawnmower blade out of the back of my truck. And I went back to where she was and I beat her to death with it. I had stomped on her chest as well.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


I think whatever came over me knew that she was an easy target.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


It's like this different part of me that just wants nothing but destruction and evil. It wanted to kill somebody. It wanted to rape. How long have you been having those thoughts before this happened? I've always had these thoughts. We used to have a chihuahua, and I tried on numerous occasions to drown that chihuahua in a five-gallon bucket of water.

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


But I would just hold it there long enough to where I would just think to myself, what am I doing?

Dateline NBC

The Haunted House Confession


Then I'm sorry that I did what I did. And whatever I have coming towards me, I deserve. What do you think you deserve? Death for sure.