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First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah. I thought it was like a really fun way to get to know each other. And I mean, truth be told, we met online. But like even online, our banter was really great. And so I was like super, super happy to, when I met him in person, like he was so funny. He was so, so, so, so, so funny.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah, exactly. He was funny online, but he was even funnier in person.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah. And, like, we decided to share a slice of the triple chocolate cake. Like, or it was, like, triple chocolate truffle cake or something. But it was so good. And we each had martinis. So, like, you know, it was really nice. This is a great date idea. I'm loving this date idea. I thought it was cute.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


You know, it ended pretty well. He walked me to my car, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, and he was like, yeah, I'll get in touch with you.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


And then never got in touch with you? I mean, I basically texted him a couple days later. There was just one thing that happened on the date that was a little strange. Okay. So basically, he... Okay. We're talking, I'm like asking him some cool questions, right? Like I'm getting to know him. I'm asking him like, what's your astrological sign? You know, like I'm really into that stuff.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Like, are you close with your parents? Like blah, blah, blah. So like the usual stuff. And I did kind of notice that he was on his phone a lot, like towards the end of the day. So like that kind of was a little conserving to me. Um, and then like at one point he excused himself, like after we have our martini and he said he had to go like all of a sudden. So it was like, oh, okay. Weird.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I mean, everything was going great until then. And it honestly happened so fast. So he was like, oh, I have to go. And I was like, oh, okay. So like we paid the bill. And I'm like, OK, so we walk out to my car, you know, he he kisses me on the cheek. He's like, you know, I had fun, but I have to go. And I was like, I hope everything's OK. And he just kind of like left.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


It was it was very kind of strange. The ending was strange.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah. So like after that, I did text him and I was just like, hey, I hope everything's OK. And nothing. And it's been like, I don't know, it's been like 10 days or something, like almost two weeks.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah. So your family emergency. Maybe that's what I'm thinking where I was like, maybe he just didn't like the idea of like the cocktail and cake. Like I thought it was really cute, but I was like the only thing like maybe he just didn't like my judgment and like the place that I picked.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I mean, you know, in that case, that's a red flag for you. Or like maybe I ate too much of the cake. I don't know.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?



First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Yeah, because I really want one.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Anna, I'm calling from Las Vegas.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Okay, so basically we met online. We decided to go to this really cute place. It was like a cocktail and dessert type place. Like, get some cake, get some cocktails. And everything was going great. Really great conversation. And then...

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


you know kind of halfway through the date he was like kind of got a little strange like he basically said that he had to go to the bathroom and when he came back he was like oh i have to leave like kind of all of a sudden and i was like oh okay um that's strange because the banter was really good and then he walked me to my car he kissed me on the cheek and then you know kind of just like rushed out and i texted him being like i hope everything's okay and no response and that was like 10 days ago

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Thank you.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I was just trying to get to know you.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I'm just like, you know, I was disappointed because I really, I felt like we had such great banter and I'm like, I'm just like interested in you. And I just, I was interested in those things. And I just think, you know, it was a good conversation. They're like, they're like conversation starters, you know? And I mean, I'm so sorry that it turned you off.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I can certainly, you know, tone it down and not next time.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


I mean, yeah, I was nervous and excited, you know, and I think when I get excited, I just like, you know, kind of like get a little bit fiery. And so I definitely need to work on my delivery, which I am really willing to do Jake, because I think we really hit it off and I would really love to see you again.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?



First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


Oh, gosh, it's been like a couple weeks.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Jake ghosting Raquel?


So we met at a bar that's also kind of known for their dessert. So my idea was like cocktail and cake, which I thought was really cute.

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