Prosecutor Wes Nance
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
She had decided to stand up to him as far as the divorce and the finances go. But on a personal level, she was scared to death of him.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
By the time he got there, it was dark. Wesley Earnest either snuck into an unlocked door or forced his way in when Jocelyn was at the door. She had time to run, and he pulled out the .357 and shot her in the back of the head. Because the evidence of guilt is overwhelming.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
No, sir. Wesley Ernest has a goal of success that he wouldn't allow anyone to get in the way of. And we believe that it's his frustration over her unwillingness to give him that goose that lays the golden egg is ultimately what drove him to kill her.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
A prosecutor has a duty to make sure that justice is done for Jocelyn Earnest, but also Wesley Earnest.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
We're disappointed for the jurors, but most of all for the family. We know the judge did the right thing today.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
A piece of evidence that we had sort of set aside throughout the first trial and all the way through the second trial could be a key component to put Mr. Ernest in a corner that he would have a hard time backing out of.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Mr. Earnest had written entries as if he was Jocelyn Earnest writing those. He would either have to deny writing that, or he would have to admit that he had done this before. He had assumed her identity, just like the killer had in the fake suicide note.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
He turns to the jury and with a smile on his face indicates that she had a broken window on her home. And he pantomimes with his hands how he could move that window up and enter into it. Frankly, I was shocked to, quite frankly, have a Perry Mason moment for the first time in my 15 years of prosecuting.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I think it's an overwhelming sense of relief. A lot of dedicated people worked very hard to come to this day, and we're glad to see it finally here.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Wesley Ernest is a killer. He's a person who attempted to manipulate his wife and did so for many years. But when that stopped working and when she stood up to him, he had to remove her. And he did it in a very deliberate way. He's where he belongs.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Oh, my word. It's actually an age-old story of greed and lust, sex and money.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
We're gonna show that he's the only person linked to that fake suicide note. That he's the only person linked to that murder weapon.