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Prosecutor Randy Krantz


48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


She had recently seen her counselor within hours of her death. In the counselor's assessment, this lady was not suicidal. In fact, was the opposite, was upbeat.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


I get a phone call as I'm traveling from one of our investigators on the homicide case.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


And he says, Mr. Krantz, you're not going to believe what is occurring.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


and what is being described as the 40-foot flame.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


And it is burning hot and fast.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


And it is Wesley Earnest's house, and Wesley Earnest cannot be found. There's now been two major incidents. This man's wife has died a traumatic death. The house burns down, and so you have to start thinking this is the most unluckiest individual in the world. or his absence from these major incidents are not coincidental.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


Certainly. But as we continue to investigate the fire, certain things start to emerge. Wesley Earnest is due a huge insurance payoff and plus retains the land. Now the debt that burdened that house is eliminated, plus the land is still there, which is worth millions. Problem solved. Problem is solved.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


At the time of the fire, Mr. Earnest was allegedly in Northern Virginia with Shameka Wright. He had maintained a rental website, renting this lake house out surreptitiously behind Jocelyn's back. Within minutes of the fire, the website goes down.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


Suddenly the house is not for rent anymore.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


I think that Wesley Earnest not only thinks that he's smarter than everybody else, he believes that he is smarter than everyone else.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


My goal on his cross-examination was to let his real personality emerge.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


The postings essentially said that the jurors had read the journals. That they weren't supposed to read. That they weren't supposed to read. To whatever extent they had evidentiary value, there was a strong risk that if these journals had been allowed in, that it could have created all sorts of issues on appeal that would require us to try the case over.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


It made us physically ill. We did not want those journals in for that very reason. And then a simple human error created that situation.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


The question that I ask him, isn't it true, Mr. Ernest, that you will lie and deceive people when it is in your best interest? And even then, he eventually conceded, yes, I will.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


We left the courtroom that day. I felt someone defeated. Did you think I could be losing this? I felt that, personally, that I had let down the team.

48 Hours

Marriage Secrets


When you have a staged crime scene, that immediately makes it a whodunit. And by definition, a staged crime scene indicates premeditation. And so we have to follow the evidence back to that source.