Patrick Baud
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
How do we know it's him if it's anonymous? Because he wrote a little letter, a little word.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Whereas I was going to say thank you Flo, we need that. I think he killed her. It's my clown, it's my clown. It's his clown, wait.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
D'ailleurs, ça va être adapté par Antoniente, le petit voleur.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
What's crazy is that it means that the guy had remorse for 30 years.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Maybe he has a list, in fact. It's the double life of Eddie MacDowd.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
There are really people who ate crickets because of you. In fact, you opened it and you were like...
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
C'est ça, dans une enveloppe. Franchement, c'est une jolie bêtise d'enfant.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Non, en fait, j'ai... Very little made of nonsense. Or maybe I forgot them. You forgot last week. I was really counting on Manon to tell one.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I'm not going to make up nonsense, I've been thinking about it, I haven't done much in my memories.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
The only nonsense that comes to mind, and in addition it allows me to pay tribute to Michel Blanc. We were skiing with my parents and I was on the cable car with my mother. We get off the cable car and I must have been maybe six years old, something like that. We get off the cable car and my mother actually forgot her sticks on the cable car and I see them and the cable car leaves again.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And me, like an idiot, I say to myself, I'm going to save the sticks. And I run, I jump. And the guy from the cable car stops the cable cars and yells at me, really, he rots me.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, it was the cable car. And so I had jumped on the thing to get the sticks, you know, at the risk of falling. The peril of your life, in the end. It's the only nonsense in my memory. When you said save...
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Moi j'aime beaucoup le minimalisme de l'étiquette qui fait que ça ressemble un peu à un médicament.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, but it's because I feel my folklorist genes boiling, literally. You're talking about white mice, I want to tell a story.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Well, because last night... I hope it's in Richard Gere's ass. Last night, friends, it was La Veillée. Ah yes. La Veillée, it's this show where we bring people on stage to tell stories. Of course. And so, last night, we had, in particular, Jordan Mechner, who is the creator of Prince of Persia. But I assure you... Incredible. I'm sure my old man was there.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
He speaks French, he lives in Montpellier. Maybe we shouldn't say it, we should cut it out. You'll tell us.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Anyway, he was there. You don't invite me! And I would add that while he was telling his story, it was raining on stage.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And so Jordan Mechner, in his comic book called Replay, he talks about his own story. So I remember that he created a legend of the video game to himself, Prince of Persia. And he talks at the same time about the life of his father and his grandfather. He establishes parallels. And so there is a rather surprising parallel.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So when he coded Prince of Persia, he had a friend who told him it would be good if the main character is a kind of companion, an assistant. And since there was not enough memory on the computers of the time, so he coded that on an Apple II in the 80s, he said to himself, I'm going to create a very small creature that won't take up too much space, a few pixels.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
He made a white mouse that helps Prince of Persia escape from prison. And so, in parallel to that, Jordan Mechner transcribed the newspapers of his grandfather, who escaped to the Nazi camp, on a blog. And there were hundreds and hundreds of pages. And one day, years after having done Prince of Persia,
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
He realized that his grandfather, in his exile, spent some time in a good room, and his only friend in the good room was a left-handed smile. That's cute. Excuse me, I couldn't hold myself back.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
You know that can happen, because I lose my head too. I propose, he made spectators come, people to attend the operation.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
If there are people who listen to us and who will soon be operated on, C'est jamais totalement safe, une anesthésie générale. Il y a toujours un petit risque.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
You know, like in Franchi, who's going to put his feet in the concrete. Go to Parc Astérix next time.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
In addition, we can buy knives inside. You go to the shop of Pirates of the Caribbean, there are huge swords.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, I went on a mountain dressed as a magician. That's the truth. That's true. What did I forget? Sorry, the app.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
It's coach Lucio. Fabio Lucio. But there, he gave him a little accent or...
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I know this podcast is very well listened to, so if you want to develop an app, contact me, I'm open to offer. It's my app, not Patrick's. It's a collaboration. I write the texts.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Mais est-ce qu'on sait ce qu'il a ouvert exactement ? J'ai pas toutes les infos.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Le musée d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, non. Celui avec la momie ? Pas assez insolite, non.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Putain, par contre, j'ai mis le muséum d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse... Oui, c'est ça que je voulais dire. ...dans l'étranger scale de Toulouse. Ah, oui, bien sûr.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, no, no, no. Because it's next to the Capitol Square. Excuse me. How is the hotel room of Saint-Exupéry? In fact, there was a hotel in which all the young aviators went in the 30s. And Saint-Exupéry had its room titled and it remained in its figure. They didn't change the decor. That's an expression that disgusts me.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But it's true that it's a bit like celebrities who make videos on Videoleo. Yes, I would say very well. Paying videos, you don't know that? Yes, of course. Be careful because it's a spiral. Once you're in it, in fact, it's celebrities. It looks like you've cracked your whole head. To watch a video of Franck Leboeuf, you have to pay 100,000 dollars.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Until the end of the show, I'm waiting for him to introduce me. Otherwise, I won't talk.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
You can watch it, that's what's great, you don't even have to pay. There are examples actually. When you go on the site, you can choose a celebrity. Generally, they are celebrities a little fan. From your childhood, often. And so you can pay a video so that the celebrity in question wishes a happy birthday to your cousin, etc.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
After Patrick, for example, Patrick, he has a bit of a superpower, he gets interested in people very quickly.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
If you're listening to the podcast and you're thinking about a possible startup, contact me. Patrick needs money right now.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Since there's this word on my Wikipedia page, it's been a few years already, when I do interviews for books with people who don't know me too well, they say, Patrick Beau, you're a folklorist, right? I stopped fighting, I said yes. I don't know who the person who had this idea is, but at the same time, it's quite funny. It's a subject.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
At this sacred Antoine Dupont, he will also present you his trophies, his medals, including the gold medal he won at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Did you see Jean-Claude Bourré's interview where he explains that he interviewed an alien? Yes, that's true. It's crazy. He's a former TF1 journalist, he did the JT, etc. And for a few years, he's been really obsessed with UFOs, aliens. UFOs. And he's been on several TV sets, but recently, he was at Hanouna, etc. Of course.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
To explain that one day, he was doing an interview with a politician, I think, on the news, and he felt that the politician was an alien who tried to get into his head.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
En tout cas, s'ils font un Airbnb dans le château ambulant, moi je signe tout de suite.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But you love that, Adrien. Have you ever been to small cabins in the trees? Never.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I read l'avenir, I think Adrien will receive Obama 200 offers of cabanas in the coming weeks.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
The inside of these things, I love it because it's very functional, it's very small and all.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I would like to offer it to you. Because I know that there would have to be a very high-speed connection in this perched cabin. I would be both far from the men and connected.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
It's the dream, it's the dream, of course. But yes, I had done a few Airbnbs like that, of cabins in the trees, and it works, it's magic, of course. Yeah, it's very enjoyable. There's silence, Patrick. Sealand, absolutely, the principality of Sealand. Yes, across England, in the Manche, which is a micro-nation and which is in fact an old oil platform.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And you could be Lord, that's it, I saw this thing coming to you. You can have your passport as a citizen of Sealand.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But I love it. A folklorist he is. I discovered it myself. By reading the Wikipedia page.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But when I was a kid, yes, I loved that. I loved birthdays. And you did it with your friends. With my friends. And then, when you're a kid and you receive birthday gifts, it's still not the same thing as after. Because after, you can buy them. And when you're little, apart from Christmas, you don't have any other way to access the toys that make you dream.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I remember the day I was given the Nintendo 64. You know that famous video of the kid who gets it for Christmas. For me, it was for my birthday. And I remember spending my birthday in pyjamas playing Mario 64. It was one of the best days of my life.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And I think it's something that we don't do a lot between boys. I would love for a friend to surprise me. Hop, we're going to an amusement park. Take the idea.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, I think that... It surprises me coming from you, because Europe is extraordinary.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But me, just the restaurant, La Belle et le Clochard at Disneyland, I'm like a fool to look at the front.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Patrick is dead! Patrick is dead! Patrick is dead! Patrick is dead! Patrick is dead!
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
C'est comme pour la légende du prix Nobel de mathématiques qui n'existe pas parce que, soi-disant, Nobel a eu un grief avec un mathématicien qui aurait couché avec sa femme. Mais c'est faux. C'est une légende.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
On Twitter, people rediscover this thing, so I'm happy to learn that it's thanks to me. Well, you're a trendsetter.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
It's a bit balatro, it's balatro. The best is when all the terms are thematized, like Trader Buveur. Trader Buveur. It's really fabulous. It's Trader Buveur.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
In any case, I want to thank you publicly for writing, for taking the time to write a new presentation every time, because it's starting to make a lot of fun. I come here and I always have a new presentation. It's a pleasure.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
First of all, I don't like to drink. I don't like alcohol, so it's true that it limits the interest.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
It's true. But for a long time, it's true that there was a little stigmatization of people who didn't drink in bars. So you always feel a little stupid to say, well, no, I'm going to take a mandate or something. But there was a period in my life when I was single where I used to go to a lot of bars, especially Pub Z in Avignon. And what I noticed is that your social skills improve day by day.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
With alcohol. Not with alcohol, the fact of seeing people all the time. It's a muscle. It's exactly a muscle. And when I stopped... When I met my partner at PubZ, I felt that the muscle was decreasing day by day. So when you go back into the public eye, you have to go back up that slope.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Wake up! A American series called From. Did you hear about this series? No. And it's normal because it really went under silence, this series. While it is extraordinary. So there are already three seasons. In fact, the third season has just come out. It's on Paramount+. In France, it is available with Paramount+. And so this series is a perfect fusion between the work of Stephen King and Lost.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So if you like these two universes, it's really the perfect mix. And besides, there is one of the actors from Lost who plays in it. And I won't say more, but honestly, when I saw the first episode, I was hooked like rarely.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Absolutely. And it was a very, very long time that I hadn't waited so much for the sequel of a series. Because there, the third season, it came out after a year of waiting. And honestly, after the cliffhanger of the second season, I was on the nerves. Like on the... Calm down! As it rarely happened to me. Listen, he just whistled at me. I don't know what to say. So there you go.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
See From knowing that you can see directly the three seasons without waiting a year between each. Great.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Or... No, no, it's in progress. And I also emphasize, be careful, because Trigger Warning is still a horror series. You have to say it. There are some pretty gory moments.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Yes, of course. Clearly, yes. So if it's not your thing, don't go to From. But if you like the universe of Stephen King and Lost, I think it's the perfect work for you. Really, go for it.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I have the feeling that the more it goes, the more the Pepsi logo looks like the one from Back to the Future 2. It's gradually changing.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
There was a time when the Pepsi logo looked like the dandruff of a stinging man. And you see, the blue at the bottom, it looked like a jean that was stretched on the guy's belly. And I think they changed that. Le folklorisme, putain.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
We don't say enough that Arte's YouTube channels may be the best YouTube channels.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But what we could see with all the interviews, all the archival images that emerged over the last few days, is that he was far from the character of Jean-Claude Duss. And above all, he didn't reduce himself to that. And before making Jean-Claude Duss, he played in dozens of independent films. And he explained that...
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
This role, precisely, took him away from these cinemas because the authors didn't want him anymore, in fact. He was too labeled Jean-Claude Duce. And then he went back to it. And there's a film that I love about Michel Blanc, it's Grosse Fatigue. Of course. Which is quite unknown, but which is exceptional, where he plays his own role. And his sister-in-law.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And his sister-in-law, if you haven't seen this film, watch it because it's remarkable.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
You wrote La Chouette d'Or. I reacted to your story, sorry. I reacted to your story like, but no, incredible. La Chouette d'Or. It's Fabien Olicard who made a documentary about it. He found it. We still don't know who found it.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Because it's my job, the guys who are looking for it. Yes, it's hard. There is a hardcore community. There are many who think that it's not the real Chouette that was destroyed. That's what I read.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
The co-creator of the game was supposed to make a YouTube video the day after the discovery to explain, he still hasn't done it. So there are doubts, there are controversies. In any case, for the people who would be disgusted that La Chouette d'Or had been buried, know that there are other treasure hunts in progress, like the hunt of the Najador. But what is it?
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
It literally rained. I had never seen rain in a theater. It's crazy. And it had to fall on my show.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So, at the same time, since the concept is people who come to tell amazing stories, there they have lived one.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I think there must have been... I saw on a story that you specified it.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Because there was a lot of rain in Paris yesterday, and so there was a leak in the theater. It was a flood, and there was a leak on the ceiling. But in addition, it must be emphasized that it is an Italian-style theater, which is very pretty, with ornaments, dorures. And to see water flowing, really like it was raining in this room, there was something a little unreal.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So we couldn't go all the way. There were six stories. We could do five stories. And so people could have almost the whole show, plus an improbable event.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So everyone could pass, except Fabien Olicard who passed last. And so he will go first at the watch of France Inter, the
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Which is a golden snake, listen, I beg you, tap on your computer. He's going to folklorize us there. I'm in the middle of folklore, the Najador is a golden snake estimated at a value of 50,000 euros, which is currently the object of a treasure hunt. In France? In France, absolutely. There is a book, in fact, we can buy a book. It was like me, it was not me who wrote it. It was the same thing.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
We're going to do a watch live from the house of the radio. It will be broadcast live on France Inter. And so all the people who were present last night will be able to come. Ah, he's strong, Patrick.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
The little detail that is added to the surrealist side, is that this evening, the decoration was a hospital with a morgue. Because there was a theater piece at the same time. They had covered the decor with black curtains, but in the backstage, there was a macabre in latex. Super realistic, under a sheet. And so the guests waited in the backstage for an hour with this body. Ah, nice.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And I'm particularly proud of this book. I admit it. Because it's a year of work to look for the most incredible museums on the planet. So I did country by country. And I went to look for museums, preferably unknown, or even unknown to the public. Listen, the listeners of the podcast have a dry mouth.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So this book is called Curieux Musée. And in this book, you will find 102 museums, amazing, unusual, weird.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Already, it was my strategy. So really incredible museums all over the world.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
A lot of French museums. For example, what could I tell you? Obviously, there you take me, you take me. For example, on the cover, the museum that is on the cover, it's called the Museum Initium et Finis. So in Latin, it's the beginning and the end. This museum is a private museum created by a rather eccentric enthusiast who lives in Germany in a small village.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
He filled his house with objects, curiosities, things he found at the flea market and he made a kind of work of art. Each square centimeter is covered with crazy objects. Is he an unstable person? No, no, it's really the project of his life, it's an artistic project.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
There are several currently. And at the time, because I don't date from yesterday.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Visually, it's incredible, really. And when I discovered this place while doing the research, I said to myself, but it's crazy that I've never seen it before, so I contacted him. And so the guy was very surprised that a Frenchman had heard about his museum. And when I explained to him that we were going to put it on the cover, he was very happy. He sent us a lot of photos.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And so there are museums that are, for example, at the end of the Cambrousse in New Zealand. So an artist who bought an old bus English, and he filled it with tomatoes that he makes himself. And he too, when I contacted him, he said to me, but how do you know my museum? You are French, I say it's my job, sir.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
So there's a spectacular part of the museum by their architecture, by their collections, then there's an improbable part of the museum, like a dog collar museum, a mason's museum, a devil's museum, so there are museums specialized in weird things. There's the banana museum, but I don't think it's solid enough for you. I didn't put the banana museum, I admit it. It's not solid enough.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
In Mexico, for example, you have the mummy museum, which is terrifying. So it's almost unique in the world. You have dozens and dozens of mummies that have been preserved for a century in Mexico and that are terrifying for Western tourists. But over there, they are really part of the country's culture. That is to say that there have been films in the 1960s, like the catchers against the mummies.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
But they're only women. And so, there you have it, incredible visions, like that, all over the world, and I'm very, very happy.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And there are sites that list all the exchanges with Max Valentin of the time, in case he would have dropped small clues in his answer. Oh, wow.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
Like what, it would be ChatGPT who would have found the choice.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
If you do the calculations, it's a lot more. And if I may, as a folklorist, excuse me, but during the years, the inhabitants of the city of Dabo in Moselle were desperate. Excuse me, I'll put my microphone back on.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
The inhabitants of the city of Dabau in Moselle were desperate because the chouetteurs came to dig their territory in the hope of the chouetteurs. The chouettistes too, it depends on the schools. There were clues that seemed to lead to the village of Dabau in Moselle. And there's an incredible monument over there, it's the Dabo Rock. And so, a priori, La Chouette would have been found there.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
And the creator is deceased, right? He is deceased. I forgot the name of the other one.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
No, no, in fact, it's the guy who sculpted La Chouette. Ah, but I think there's his son in the story, I think. It's possible, I don't know. Max Val.
S10E05 - Folkloriste Professionnel
I'll kill my dog. It's good to go to the end of the story. I think it's better to assume, but you're right. Shit, shit, shit. Is it something that the son of the client did, that cost money?