Pastor Gregory Hendrickson
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
She was very committed to sort of seeing him come through and eventually he thrived on the other side of that. I think he had a sense of honoring his mom by, as she had cared for him when he was a child, caring for her as she was getting older.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
She was living alone. She was living on the other side of the country. She didn't have a lot of family support around her, and he wanted her to come and be with him during his studies at Yale.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
She was very committed to sort of seeing him come through and eventually he thrived on the other side of that. I think he had a sense of honoring his mom by, as she had cared for him when he was a child, caring for her as she was getting older.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
She was living alone. She was living on the other side of the country. She didn't have a lot of family support around her, and he wanted her to come and be with him during his studies at Yale.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
He said, you know, I met her at a Christian retreat and she's very kind and we enjoy talking and just have great conversations together. Then she came to do her PhD at Yale. They clearly shared a lot in common. They both love nature. I mean, he's a scientist. He was studying molecular biophysics and biochemistry. So, you know, he was studying in the School of the Environment.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
They're both brilliant and hardworking students. And yet they didn't feel like their accomplishments were what defined them at the deepest level.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
He said, you know, I met her at a Christian retreat and she's very kind and we enjoy talking and just have great conversations together. Then she came to do her PhD at Yale. They clearly shared a lot in common. They both love nature. I mean, he's a scientist. He was studying molecular biophysics and biochemistry. So, you know, he was studying in the School of the Environment.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
They're both brilliant and hardworking students. And yet they didn't feel like their accomplishments were what defined them at the deepest level.