Molly Lippincott
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
Once we got him here, honestly, within that first day, we were able to introduce him to several new friends that we had in our pools. He seemed like he already was like ready to settle right in and meet some friends. So within the first day or so, we were able to get him out to our front pools. I mean, he's a pretty large animal.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
So we wanted to make sure that we gave him friends and space and given his age and that he lives at a facility for generally most of his life. We've been pleasantly surprised by his adaptability.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
You know, they live into their 60s. So the longer that Romeo lives, that's kind of telling us how long they can live. We don't know his exact age, but we believe it's about 68 years old. So he's doing really well. I mean, considering we believe he's 68 years old, his body condition and everything. and looks really good. So I think it's a happy ending for him.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
Obviously, we've grown to know and love him here and wish that he has many happy years to come.