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Minda Hartz


The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yes, well, without giving away too much, because I want people- Yes, of course, of course. But I'll give an example. So sensitivity, for example- Recently, we've had if you're in the United States, we've had an election. Right. And people who might feel one way about the election results and there might be a group of people who feel another way.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And then there might be a group who are indifferent. Right. But the reality is when we enter into the workplace, we need the language of sensitivity because there are people who feel like. This is the best thing. And there's people feel like this is their world is ending. Right. And to be true.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And both sides, all people involved in the workplace need to be sensitive to how their colleagues are experiencing things. Right. And so maybe the best thing to do isn't to wear a certain T-shirt to the one on one meeting where you know that the person is really good. Right. That's not going to help the relationship. Right.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And I think if we think about it, like I don't expect all of us to flex the language of all seven. But if we're speaking each other's language a little bit more than we were the day before or an hour before, then that person can trust us a little bit. Because the reality is, Morgan, that we could have trust at 9 a.m. and one decision will impact that and erode trust by lunchtime. Right.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so if we're just thinking a little bit more about, OK, I may not be sensitive to this, but the person I work with, they're going to need a little sensitivity from me. And so I just feel like if we're speaking a language that we both can understand, because sensitivity is, again, that's universal. Right. We all have a feeling involved in that.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And I just thought, OK, what if we put some kind of baseline markers for people, for humanity and respect in the workplace? Could we have a less toxic workplace?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, absolutely. I think that myself, there's been times where in my former life, I had managers that I wasn't sure that I could trust that they had my best interest in mind or that they cared about the trajectory of my career. And instead of saying, you know, I don't trust so-and-so, it's like, what is it that I really want from them? Because if I can articulate what it is I need, then...

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


maybe they can give it to me. But if I don't ever have the conversation, then where are my expectations for someone who doesn't know what I need? And so I started to kind of create these languages, not knowing that eventually I'd use them later.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So for example, one of the things I realized that I needed from a manager in order to feel seen, feel trusted in some capacity, we weren't BFFs, but I needed acknowledgement. So if I'm doing all of this work, I don't want you to pretend like OK, next project, I need you to give me some acknowledgement.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


You know, give me that employee of the month, girl, you know, give me something so that I know that you care about the work that I'm doing, that you value the work that I do. Right. And that keeps us having a more trusting relationship because I'm going to want to do my best work for somebody who acknowledges me. And trust me with the work that I'm doing.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so I've had tons of managers who have broken trust and they've never even acknowledged that they made a mistake. Right. So I don't expect people to be without flaws because we're all flawed in some way. But acknowledge those things when they happen. Yeah. Oh, again, for me, I just started to think about what what would I have needed in those moments?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Or what do I need to ask for so that at least I can say, you know what, what gets the best out of me in the workplace is when you acknowledge that I've been the top performer for the last 12 months. That helps me do my best. And then you give that person the opportunity to either rise to the occasion or not.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But either way, you need to know that because there's some statistic out there, Morgan, around like 80% of people leave their jobs, never having a conversation about the conflict, a job that they love. We actually have a conversation to find out, could somebody acknowledge me a little bit more than they did in the last 30 days? That's going to help me maybe want to stick around a little bit more.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


You know, well, thank you for telling that story about transparency, because it's If we're talking about it, then somebody else is going to benefit from it too, right? It's just more trust to go around. In terms of rebuilding trust, I do think it's possible, right? But people have to be willing to do the work. And I think kind of ownership is like the baseline.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So if we have made a mistake, I know for me, if somebody does something to me and I trust them initially, and then they do some kind of shady move, I would prefer them to come and say, you know what, Minda? Sorry, I failed you. Here's what was going on. You know, no excuses, but this is what it is. And I'm willing to do what it takes to restore however you might feel about me.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I'm more willing to say, you know what, I'll give that person another chance because I want somebody to give me another chance if I make a mistake and I own my stuff. Right. And so but it's one of the other languages, the follow through. Are you continuously having patterns where we're going back to this thing and you're always apologizing to me for this thing? That's a little bit harder.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But if we look at, is this a one-time thing? And now I see that this person's behavior is trying to restore something that was lost. And I think we have to, if we want to consider what it's like to allow somebody to demonstrate what that looks like, right? So I do think there are opportunities in the workplace for

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


example, managers, if you made a misstep and you made some calls that maybe you shouldn't just say, hey, my bad, I made these calls and I'm going to do what I need to do to make sure that we don't see this situation happen again. And if you do see anything that even looks remotely funny, I have an open door. Come and talk to me about it. Let's solve this right away.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I'm more willing to say, you know what? I can rock with you. Yeah. Who's like nothing to see here. See you next week.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yes. Trust is so important. It is the business imperative. The Edelman's Trust Barometer is coming out soon. And they talk about 50% of your workforce can be retained when trust is is there, right? You have over 43% employees are more productive when trust is there. So these aren't just like you said, frills and thrills. This is a business imperative, right? We're getting the best out of people.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so I created the trust equation and it's credibility plus reliability equals transparency divided by self-awareness. Now that sounds like a chemistry thing, right? We don't like this. No chemistry though. It sounds like a hard equation, but no math involved.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


OK, it's basically just saying, let's say if we're a manager or colleague on a team and we're evaluating ourself, where is our credibility in this matter? Are we reliable enough if we have credibility plus reliability? then we can have some transparency, right? What's the overall health of your team and how do you contribute to enhancing it or eroding it?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So for example, if gossip is a big deal on the team, are you part of the gossip train? Or are you one of those people that are like, you know what? When they come to me with this, I've had a great experience with Morgan. I don't know what you're talking about in that way, right? All my experiences have been very professional. I don't have to engage in that, right?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


what is my role in the trust dynamics? And am I flexing my emotional intelligence to say, maybe I am a contributor to the erosion of trust on occasions, right? And so what can I do to uphold my credibility, right? Have some self-awareness when I do, when my, you know, reliability is a little shaky that I'm willing to call it out, be transparent. And so again, is just owning our role.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah. Since I did use the election and some people, again, may be happy or triggered, I'm going to flip it a little and use a cultural, in our cultural lexicon, the One of my favorite shows is the Golden Girls. That's like how I like to decompress along with RuPaul's Drag Race, which by the way, I love Alaska. Thank you so much.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So when I think about it in this way, I don't know if anybody remembers the episode. It's called Bringing Up Baby. And That's where Rose inherits this pig named Baby and insists on caring for it to honor her uncle's will, which promises if she takes care of this pig, then she'll get some inheritance. Well, initially, the other girls, you know, in the house

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


They trusted Rose's judgment because of the history of her being responsible, right? But as the pig starts to disrupt the household, their trust in Rose starts to waver and that becomes a problem, right? Because now there's a lack of transparency because Rose didn't fully explain why she has this pig in the first place, what the conditions were of her getting the inheritance.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so at some point, Rose had to be self-aware enough to say, you know what, I wasn't transparent with my roommates as she didn't consider how this decision would impact others. And when we're in the workplace, sometimes we're making decisions and every decision we make is gonna impact somebody else. It just is. And that's either gonna enhance trust or erode trust.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so Rose thought I'll bring this pig into the house. It's cute, it's all good. But ultimately when Rose communicates openly and prioritizes what's best for everybody in the house, she's able to start restoring the trust.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And it's a great reminder that trust in any relationship rather with pigs or people or whatever, it's built on clear communication and system behavior and understanding how, again, those actions impact others. So I hope that makes sense. Yes. No, it did.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, you know, I think that so two things. I often think of this mantra in the workplace. It goes, I say what I mean without saying it mean. So I'm thinking about the tone in which I'm going to bring it and I'm going to root what I have to say or what I'm going to ask for in facts and not feelings. So for example, we didn't go into like, full description of every single trust language.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But let's say, for example, you also need acknowledgement, right? What would that look like to draft up some type of script to say, okay, what is it that I really need? So I had this project that I've been working on for the last six months. I haven't Only thing that I receive is, is it done yet? Where are we? But we're not having any back and forth, any dialogue.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So maybe you would say, you'd go to your manager and say, you know what? I really appreciate the relationship that we have. I love that we can be a partner in this way. But I think what I need more of is X, Y, and Z. We give people the opportunity, even in that, because then we're not coming with defense. Well, when I do this, you do this.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so again, we want to approach the conversation with solutions. And I feel like the seven trust languages are offering up solutions because those power dynamics are a little off. You can't go to your manager and be like, Hey, bud. Hey, you know, hey, bro, you're not doing this. And I don't like when you do this.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But if we reframe this kind of negativity where I don't feel distrust, because if we say I don't trust you, then you're not going to get the response that you want. But if you say, I actually need a little bit more feedback, right? You know, is it possible that in this next situation that, you know, we can work on a here's what I've experienced in the last department I was in.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And I just want to give you a little context because that might, you know, can we partner in this way together? And that just feels a little bit better, right? You open up more dialogue.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, I agree. You hit it on the head, Morgan. I mean, I think the problem is, again, we have these expectations for people and they don't always know because their language may not be acknowledgement. They could go all year and just leave me alone. Right. And there's somebody which is fine.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But I think if you're a manager and you're listening or you aspire to be in a management position, these are now something that you can get this book for your team and say, let's talk about. I may not. And I'm going to be transparent. I may not speak all seven. Out of these one, what do you need from me to do your best work, right? Oh, you need me to be more sensitive. Okay, I can manage that.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


That's manageable, right? Or I work on a team with somebody and I'm not giving as much feedback about a shared project that we both hold stake in. They're asking me for that and saying, hey, I think you're trying to stab me in the back. It's not what you said. It's how you said it. Right.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And in my hope, it's like you said, with the love languages, that the trust languages will be this new way of speaking to each other so that we can at least have better careers and leave better legacies at the end of the day.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yes, well, they go pre-order the book, but in the meantime, they go to... I partnered with LinkedIn Learning to do this trust course called Trust Language of Leadership. So I would definitely encourage every leader, every aspiring leader, anybody who just wants to be better with building trust with their colleagues to take it. But as another first step, I would say...

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


have that self-awareness, right? To say, hey, I probably did make some missteps. And to your point, I don't think anybody shows up in the workplace and says, who can I erode trust with today? I don't think people are that psychopathic, but I'm sure we have one that we can find. But I do think that It's just the day to day.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


People are running at 90,000 miles per hour and they just don't have the time to think about how one decision might impact somebody. And now trust is gone. Right. But what I will say is get to know the people on your team, because the more that you build relationships with people, you can understand what they need. And. Leadership is not a one size fits all.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


You might have three people on your team that are your go to. You trust each other. But what about that person who's maybe an introvert and they're not able to have the conversations, right? Or they're not at the break room birthday parties or the bingo Zooms. You know, what is it that you need to get to know them so that you know what language they need to speak or what would it look like?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I know I wish I would have had it for a manager to say, what do you need from me to do your best work while you're here? Right. If I've done anything that's impacted you in a negative way, I'm really sorry. Let's start fresh because trust is got to be the main character on this team for productivity.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


If we lean in with that as leaders, even if we make a mistake an hour later, I have more people, more people. buy-in than I did an hour before, because now at least I'm using language that I wasn't using before.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Ah, yes, we have some. This is a real sneak peek because, again, the book hasn't come out yet, but we chose four languages that we're going to deep dive into. And each guest, I don't know if I'm allowed to say their names yet, Morgan, but each guest is going to tackle a portion of trust that I guarantee you're going to listen to these episodes over and over and over again.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Before we let you go, when and how can we get our hands on your upcoming book? Talk to me nice. Well, again, thank you to you. Thank you to Nicole. I'm so excited to be on this journey this week. And you all can go pre-order right now. But Talk to Me Nice by Minda Hartz, wherever you like to buy your books. And it comes out July 23rd this year.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I wanted to be so many things, probably like many of us, you know, most of us out with, you know, teaching because we'd be playing teacher right in the room. And then I moved to a firefighter and then I went to college for dentistry. And so I thought that I would become a dentist. And then I, the chemistry just took me out. So I just... somewhere else.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So once I realized that chemistry and me were not a good fit, I decided I went to my guidance counselor. I was like, I have all these credits. What could I get into that I can graduate somewhat on time, right? And It was communications. And so my first job out of college, because I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, was an administrative assistant.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so I was doing like executive admin work and that type of thing. And then I realized that that probably wasn't it either, but I did like working with people. And I just saw the... way that some admins were treated in a corporate environment. And I realized that, you know, two things can be true at the same time.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


You could work at the same place and have a different experience as everybody else. And that kind of got me thinking about what I might end up doing down the line.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah. You know, every job that I had, once I graduated from college, I was always the only, the only woman in many cases, the only woman of color, the only black woman, the youngest, you know, I sat at all different identities or intersections. And when I left my admin role, I ended up getting a consulting role. I guess you'd call that my like big, big salary after I left the admin world.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And, you know, just the way that I would be

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


in certain rooms with many people that you've seen on Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine, and just the way that people talked about other people as though they weren't in the room, you know, like, you're not like those other people, you know, and all those sorts of things that I was just experiencing in a world that I wasn't necessarily thought about in, but I was accepted in.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so it really just started to make me think about toxic workplace culture's And I worked in very toxic environments. And so I started writing this blog. Now I'm dating myself. Writing this blog about my experiences as a woman of color as the only and one of few. And eventually the blog started to become popular. We didn't have like the viralness of language back then, but

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


More than just my mom and my brother started to subscribe and other people were saying, wow, that's a similar experience that I'm having. And so my story, which I thought was isolating and was just kind of for me, allowed me to. help other people identify and articulate what they were experiencing too. And then the blog turned into a best-selling book down the line.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But had you told me when I said, I can't do this chemistry anymore, that eventually I'd become a best-selling author, I couldn't have written it better myself.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, even if you aren't a woman of color, but you work with them, you know, I wrote the book so that people could also remove barriers for people. And so for me, I spent, you know, this 13 year period in corporate America where I wasn't talking about the things that I was experiencing, because as many of us women sometimes feel, we have to be strong.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


at the expense of our own well-being, right? Grin as you bear it and don't let them see you sweat. All of these certain narratives that we have to uphold. And so I didn't feel like I had the agency to talk about those things because the stories that we tell ourself are just as damning as the stories that we allow other people to tell about you.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so when people would say, oh, Minda, that's just Chad being Chad or you need thick skin or look what the money that you make. It allows you to go to you know, traveled to Tulum and Tokyo. And so I started to internalize that, well, you know, maybe it's not that bad. Maybe this is just how it's supposed to be because look at my life, right?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But when I started to experience depression, anxiety, panic attacks, I realized that there was no paycheck that could make me feel better about that. You know, I was one of the top performers and yet experiencing no humanity, dignity, and respect in the workplace. And

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Once I started to go to therapy, because that ended up being my soft place to land, my therapist then worked with me to say, you know what, Minda, this is not what the workplace is supposed to look like. This is what a toxic workplace looks like. And you do have the power and the agency. And once I started to be a little more vulnerable, Morgan, I realized that it wasn't just me.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, I get the opportunity to speak at a lot of companies and conferences and Rather, I'm talking to women of color or men or young adults. One thing always stood out to me was what the core of what people were telling me about their experiences in the workplace is that they didn't trust the people they worked with. They were side-eyeing those people, right?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So, you know, there was a reason why these things were happening or maybe trust was never there in the workplace. And I thought, you know what? I've been writing about the specific topic, but I'm ready to have a crossover album because everybody experiences trust. either enhanced trust or eroded trust. Trust is a global language and experience.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


And so I wanted to be able to say, you know, if we have these so-called love languages that have entered into the cultural zeitgeist, what about trust languages? What are the languages we need inside the workplace to make the workplace work for everybody or a little bit better?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


Yeah, you know, it's funny, Morgan, when I, you know, I've written three books already and I thought that those were the last. Like, you know, I'm like, it's happy to write a book. I'm like, I don't really think I have anything I want to say anymore. And then at like three o'clock in the morning, this song by Drake called Trust Issues just kept like ringing in my head.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I'm like, oh, wait a second. People are experiencing trust issues every day in the workplace. This is like what people have been telling me about. And then I just started to kind of jot things down. And that's kind of how I thought about this.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


But as you said, people would tell me or they'd write me or DM me and say, oh, I don't trust my manager because we just had a layoff and they just act like there was nothing to see here and nothing to do. I don't trust them. And I said, well, what's the real reason you don't trust them? Yes, they didn't tell you that this

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


layoff was coming and they're not being maybe humanizing the experience of those who might have survivor's guilt. And I started to unpack that with them. And what we found is that really they just wanted some transparency. And then I came to somebody else and they were saying, oh, I don't trust one of my colleagues because I asked them about something and they never tell me

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


you know, how I did with the project, what's going on with it. And I said, well, is it that you don't trust them or that you need some feedback, right? So I started to think about what was it that people were actually saying, but weren't saying. And it made me think about these languages that if we had

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


these languages that we already use in our day-to-day, but use them in a way that gets to removing barriers for people because nobody's going around with a crystal ball in the workplace. What does Morgan want today, right? So if I could say, you know what, I really appreciate our working relationship, but I need a little more transparency when certain things happen.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


I know you can't tell me everything, but if we can articulate what it is we need, then people can know what good looks like to us.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1528 - WATCH The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting


So transparency, follow through, feedback, security, acknowledgement, demonstration, and sensitivity.