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Michael Scott


Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)


Oh, my God. OK, it's happening.

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)


No one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


That's what she said. Michael. Michael. Come on.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


Oh, okay. That one's still about me. Hey, hey, hey. So you don't have the biggest package. Don't feel bad. I don't feel bad. I think he feels bad.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


Well, you know, not exactly what I was looking for, but thanks, guys.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


You get it from his mama.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


And we have your stupid rules to blame, Toby. Toby actually gets alimony from his ex-wife because she makes more. So that's kind of embarrassing. Not that I'd mind, but it would never happen to me because I would make the marriage work. People seem to like him because they think he's one of us, but he's not.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


He's this weird loner who just tells people, don't do this, don't do that, hire this person for this reason. I would complain about him, but who would I go to to complain about Toby? Toby. Bias. And what does he do about that? Nothing, because he's Toby. What kind of name is that? It's almost a girl's name. I think I've known more girls named Toby than guys.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Sexual Harassment


He just kind of makes my skin crawl a little bit. Toby is the devil. Toby's the devil.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: The Client with Melora Hardin


Pam, it's Michael. I need you to go into my office and check some data for me.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: The Client with Melora Hardin


Not as good as you think. Pick another one. Okay, there's a transcript between a naval ship... Okay, bingo, and a lighthouse. Yes, that is hysterical. Could you start that one from the beginning?

Office Ladies

Second Drink: The Client with Melora Hardin


Why didn't the baker buy a new car?

Office Ladies

Second Drink: The Client with Melora Hardin


I want my baby back, baby back, baby back. I want my baby back, baby back, baby back. I want my baby back. Chili's baby back ribs. I want my baby back ribs. Baby back, baby back. I want my baby back, baby back, baby back. I want my... Chili's baby back ribs. Chili's... Chili's baby back ribs. But... No, wait out the second one. Okay.

Office Ladies

Second Drink: Office Olympics with Paul Feig


SNL. When they pull him apart, he would always get rolled over by something. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.