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Meredith Haney


48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


We talked about sitting on the porch, rocking chairs at 80, and it was just a different kind of relationship.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I think he agreed. But then we talked about it and decided that was just giving him another little piece of control.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


So then, also, that's when I kind of started looking at the car more and noticed that his front tire was smashed in. And I remember looking, and I noticed there's a body. Meredith just started, like, screaming, like, who is it? Who is it?

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


We went to dinner at Break on the Lake.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Where are you? Who are you with? Why are you doing this to me? Did you tell him where you were? I feel like at some point in the conversation, either he could tell where I was because of what's around me, or I finally did tell him. It was one or the other.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


He was laying there, and his head was rested on the slot like a pillow. And he was shirtless, and his face was covered in blood.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


When Davis decides to call Bud, he walked out the back of the bar. It was 1251 a.m. A few minutes passed, and I went out there to check on him, and he was gone.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Was there anything about the scene that struck you as odd? Davis being all the way on the other side of the road, the car being wrecked. Like, none of that. I couldn't piece anything together.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Davis's car was way over there, and his body was way down here. And I was like, well, how'd he end up down here? That's quite a distance. Yeah. To here. It is quite a distance.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


What it sounded like to me was, what do you want to talk about now?

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I was getting very frustrated and angry. And just, it was getting obsessive. It was getting scary.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I was in shock. I was like, it doesn't even make sense.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I drove back into Meg's car because I thought that the only way that Bud would have ever killed somebody would have been to shoot her.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I was scared that he was still out there.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


There's so many things missing from the story. And once I kind of get that out there, then I can close the chapter.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I mean, I thought it would be fast. Not that fast.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I know that where he is is where he's supposed to be.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I was worried that if he only got five or ten years that I'd never get to start a new life because... I'd be scared for when he got out.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


You really feel that way? Absolutely.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


As a hero. For the way he treated people. For his empathy, for his heart. He was just a good person.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Greenwood. I lived here half my life. Everyone knows everyone and their business. I have decided to set the story straight. It's still surreal. I still think maybe I'll wake up. We were out for my birthday. I remember I was just sitting at the bar and he sat down beside me and we just talked the rest of the night.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


And I think he text on Christmas Day, and then the next day, and then the next.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


He didn't want to be the reason that, you know, we didn't get our family back together. So we made sure from the get-go that that wasn't going to be an issue. And it just happened.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I was. I was there that night.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I would immediately. Davis, he was so kind.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I mean, his heart was huge. We enjoyed each other so much. It was an amazing six months.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


He said something about, Meredith, how could you? What was your reaction to that text? I think it was hurt. Like, I was, I felt bad. Because I just don't like to hurt people's feelings. I don't like people to be hurt. So I felt bad.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


He was a good father. He was a really good dad.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


I started to notice, like, some depression and things like that that I'd never seen before.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Meredith, her and Davis, they would go on away weekends a lot. I liked them. His smile was so contagious, and he's just such a sweet guy. I would have never expected this to happen, ever. I pull up right beside Davis' car, and he wasn't in his car.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


There were never enough groceries. It was so loud. and vulgar.

48 Hours

The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon


Oh, there was one hidden in our dresser that faced the bed. Found one in a bush in the front yard. He put them in all the kids' rooms.