Max Hunty
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
Just because somebody is older doesn't automatically mean that they're... and sort of their intelligence should be questioned because it absolutely shouldn't.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
I have seen over the years from doing stage shows, ladies screaming at the guys on stage. The funny thing is, it's always the older ladies who end up having the best time because at the end of the night, they are always the ones that come over to me and the lads and say, that wasn't like what I expected and you've... One of the most lines that I hear is, I feel young again.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
You've helped me relive my youth. And that is really special to us as performers. So when Dreamboys sort of mentioned the care home job, obviously with my background, then I wanted to be the person to deliver that performance.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
When I walked out, I started interacting with them. The music was playing, but I start talking to them as well. Like, for example, I say, oh, Betty, I'm sure we've met before. And just little one-liners like that, you know, that's what it's all about.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
Yeah, 100%. I mean, me as a performer... I like to sort of change it up a little bit. I like to do things that people won't expect. And it's all about building that rapport with the audience.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
You have just said, you've just used the word, you've just used the word stripper. Now, personally, I don't class myself as a stripper. It's not like that at all. It's a performance. I'm a performer. To hear the feedback that the ladies loved it, I'm changing perceptions.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand
Which I'd like to say, I am going to go to that knitter-natter. I am going to go to that. Yeah, because I've made friends that day.