Martin O'Malley
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Can you, a candidate to be chair of the Democrat Party, define what a woman is for me today?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Madam or can you define what a woman is? Oh, yes.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
You're going to ask me to define what a woman is?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Yes, I am right now. You just said you could.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Explain it to me. I'm talking to a woman right now, distinguished woman. What is a woman?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
I think you're kind of denigrating the purpose of this.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
You can't define what a woman is. I'm married to a woman. I have two daughters. In an effort to be fair and unbiased, can you define what a man is for me?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
I have two sons that are men.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Is this in reference to allowing men and women's bathrooms?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
Is this in reference to forcing women and girls to undress in front of men in the locker room?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
This is your party's platform. You understand what I'm laying out for you. Do you understand English?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
I understand what you're trying to lay out, but our party's platform is the economic security and the well-being of every man, woman, and child in the United States of America. That's our party's platform.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
I trust the judgment of women and doctors over the judgment of government.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
LOL! Republicans CRUMBLE Quicker than EXPECTED
I am pro-choice, and I trust the judgment of women and their doctors over the judgments of government.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
Good to be with you again, Rachel. Wish it weren't under these circumstances. So how do you want to unpack this?
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
Yeah, I would imagine that they were trying to go after personal identifying information on all of us. I mean, this is an agency that collects a lot of data. Every job we've ever had since our very first job, they keep track of those earnings. And there are a lot of laws in place that protect the privacy of that information. In fact,
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
The very first regulation Social Security ever issued back in 1934, when FDR signed it into being, was to promise the American people we would protect their personal identifying information.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
So one of the things I learned in leading the great men and women at Social Security, who, by the way, are serving more and more customers every day with staffing that House Republicans have reduced to a 50-year low. But one of the things I learned about the culture of the place was that The folks there really take very seriously their duty to protect our personal identifying information.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
So it does not surprise me at all that Michelle King, who I know very well and who I served with, a woman beyond reproach, a career civil servant who loves the agency and believes in the mission, that she would not allow herself to be an accomplice
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
to any violation of law or the sacred duty that she's been taught her whole life to abide by, which is to protect people's personal identifying information. I mean, that's a fireable offense at the agency. No doubt Michelle and her role as being the person that oversaw operations when I was
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
commissioner of social security for president Biden, she probably had to dismiss employees for browsing, you know, looking at the personal data of other people. And that was also something that we would, you know, not infrequently refer to the inspector general for possible criminal prosecution. But now we can't do that because the co-presidents whacked all of them in the first week.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
Oh, I think so. I mean, these laws came into place, let's keep in mind, after 1974 and the abuse of power in Watergate, which in hindsight looks almost kind of quaint compared to the shredding of the Constitution that we see every day happening by the co-presidents, Musk and Trump. And And they're out of disregard for laws and norms.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
So I would think it would be actionable, except for the fact that he controls the FBI and the prosecutorial powders that should bring it to action. But perhaps creative lawyers will find a way to call the question in front of a court. You know, the real threat to this agency and what's going to crater it, though, Rachel,
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
is actually reducing its staff to even lower than the 50-year low that it finds itself in right now. And I don't know if it's their plan to crater it or if they're just so ignorant of how stressed it is that they don't realize they could interrupt benefits.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
And let's keep in mind, these are lifelines for 72 and a half million Americans, and half of all seniors living alone depend entirely on Social Security. So I do believe this will probably be the first beloved program by Americans that these Doge boys break. And they're on their way to doing it by driving people out of the agency.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
Total horse hockey. There are not like cadavers wandering all around the continent of the United States with Social Security benefit checks flowing out of their pocket. This is totally untrue. They spew stuff and they throw things because of the nitwit 19-year-olds that don't understand the program or its database or its COBOL technology. And they just spew this stuff. So
The Rachel Maddow Show
Trump agenda stymied by principled federal workers as protest resignations mount
I say put up or shut up, you know? If you actually have the names of the 1,250-year-old people who are receiving benefits, put them up. They don't have any privacy rights. So, come on. It's total...