Marine Biologist
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
So we're talking about false killer whales, which some of your listeners have probably never even heard of before. If you can just picture a dolphin, probably the length of your family size car, if not longer. And they're super, they're all black. They've got a very rounded mouth, a very rounded face rather. And they're very social. So they breathe air like you and I, except they sound like this.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
Wenn sie atmen. Und diese Kreaturen, leider sind es zumindest 157 von ihnen, haben offensichtlich an einem Punkt, wenn sie um Tasmanien herum fliegen und We don't exactly know why, but they've become stranded. And all efforts really went on to try and assist the remaining individuals that were still alive. But unfortunately, the challenge was trying to get these animals back out.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
And where they were stranded was just too tricky. And the environment was also terrible at the same time.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
These animals are very social. So they've got nice family bonds. They're very social. You know, they'd be the first one at a whale disco because there's so many of them. Aber warum? Normalerweise wäre es ein Pott von bis zu 100 oder so. Das ist ein wirklich großer Pott. Vielleicht genießen sie nur die offiziellen Wälder.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
Tasmanien ist an der Türste des südlichen Ozeans, was für euch und ich wichtig ist, egal wo wir in der Welt sind. Es hilft, die Erde zu regulieren, das Wasser, das wir atmen, unser Klima. Und vielleicht genießen diese falschen Killerwälder diese wirklich produktiven Wälder. frisch, kalt, kühle Wasser.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
Well, falsche Wildschweine sind normalerweise eine offshore Spezies. Diese Kreaturen, wir wissen wirklich nicht viel über sie. Und in australischen Wäldern gibt es nur ein paar kleine Spots, wo wir auf sie recherchiert haben. Aber es gibt immer das wachsende Bewusstsein. Und deshalb dokumentiere ich sie auf der Ostküste Australiens, hier, um das Wissen zu bauen, weil...
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
We actually know more about space than we do about our ocean. And that might sound like a silly-billy thing to say, but it's so true. And how is us as marine scientists trying to do the best for these creatures when we just don't know? And so studying them is quite challenging. They go where they want, when. They don't recognize international boundaries.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
And so most of the time they're probably offshore. So this is just an opportunity for science to learn more about these animals.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
Es sind so viele verschiedene Dinge. Also, die Sicherheit der Menschen ist Nummer eins und die Bedingungen dort, meiner Meinung nach, sind nicht favorabel. Also die Tide, es ist einfach nicht das Beste. Die Tiere haben in der Gegend für ein bisschen Zeit geblieben. Das bedeutet, dass ihr Körper ihre Organe literally zerstört.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
They've never felt their own body weight before because they've only ever had a water birth, right? The other thing is getting machinery to that area. If you had vessels, diggers, things with big strength that is able to essentially move a couple ton animal off the sand. And that's awesome, but it's not the case there.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
And then for the animals that were able to be refloated, they're just coming back.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky says Trump 'living in disinformation space' created by Russia
These animals are very social. So they've got nice family bonds. They're very social. You know, they'd be the first one at a whale disco.