Marcus Ackford
Global News Podcast
Syria: thousands celebrate 'Victory Day'
There's not too much you can do with your dog aside from, you know, a walk in the park to the much larger and more prestigious events. So the kind of event that I host, the Pop-Up Cafe has been hosting for five, six years, is something quite unique and different.
Global News Podcast
Syria: thousands celebrate 'Victory Day'
And we find a lot of people, you know, it's an hour and a half to just enjoy, take some time, have a bit of fun, which is often needed nowadays, I think. I mean, the kind of clientele that we have, most of them have an Instagram account for the dogs. Something nice. It can come along. They can grab some photos, have a bit of social time.
Global News Podcast
Syria: thousands celebrate 'Victory Day'
But also, you know, keep the dog's social media feed all updated.