Marcellus Wiley
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
On YouTube. Yes, you can find it on YouTube. Marcellus Wiley, DatDudeTV. Going and growing.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah, you know, it's interesting times, man. It feels like I got to a party so early that the DJ wasn't set up. No food was out, no drinks there. I've been saying this for so long and now everyone's like on board and I'm like, all right, I'm glad we can all dance together now because the truth has always been there and it's,
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Just unfortunate so many people want to read the temperature, gauge the winds and see when is it the best time to tell the truth instead of all the time. I think we will be much more unified if we just live by that truth instead of how we're feeling and some of the pandering that comes along with it. So I love the fact that my wife is speaking out and speaking the truth.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
There was a time where that headwind was strong in her world and All of us have been through it. I was just born with a disposition and raised in a condition where I didn't give a damn from hello. And I'm glad to see more people are doing the same.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah. Yeah. I've heard and I've seen she's dressing the part now. She's she's stepping up the garb so she can look more presidential. I've noticed already.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah, you know, I think there's an overcorrection all the time in societies. If you just study world history, you know that there's always a swing of the tides and then they will go in excess in other way just to find that happy medium.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
I don't think on this issue, when you're talking about sports and if we're talking about transgender rights, that this issue will swing back in a different direction. This issue was already misplaced from Hello based off of the social elements, not the biological elements. So that conflation had a lot of people confused. And look, I understand the power dynamics in our country.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
I know when that headwind is in front of you and is facing you, you're saying, do I speak to power? And a lot of people felt like they couldn't. But there was this brewing silent majority that happened not only in politics, but in sports that was saying, man, if somebody doesn't step out and say what it is, what's going to happen?
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
And finally, that first domino fell, whoever that may have been, whoever they may have been, they may be. But it all adds up to this. Now you have that strength. Now you have that courage. Now you have that movement. And I don't think it moves back in the other direction.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah. And you know, it's really not that deep. And this is what's irritating about our political climate right now. and how he tried to even invade sports culture, there are two genders. And anyone else has anything else to say about that, I'm going to judge you outwardly and tell you that I don't think it's highly of you as I did before you answered that. Now, from that point on,
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
You can look at the truth any way you want, but there's an absolute truth to that. Now, if you want to carve that up any way you want to and say, well, there's a little truth, well, then that's when we start to get into where we are currently, which is I'm going to say things in pandering to make sure that I keep my safe position wherever I am on the scale of things. And that's the problem.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
It's so obvious that when you talk about the issue biologically, that there's a difference and it should be respected, right? Like there's no like advantage, disadvantage if you want to add it all up. Yeah, I could beat my wife running, maybe. You can beat me in anything. Yeah, yeah, maybe. Most things. Physical. But then she can bring life.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Like people don't look at the whole perspective of this stuff like, oh, I'm trying to. beat a woman in track and that's all it's about. No, this is a conversation that should be based off of the truth, which is a man and a woman are different for biological reasons. And it's been respected for many years in sports. And then it got invaded by a lot of these political and social issues.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
I'm glad they're out. I think about...
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah, it's scary. And it was stupid. And look, people thought I was being like, like just extreme or I was crazy. I was like, my daughters are not competing against a transgender male. It's not happening. Anybody who comes out there and plays against my daughters and I have three daughters, they're going to have to be of the same biology because I went to me a few years ago before it was in vogue.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah. And it wasn't. And please judge me if you want. But I am not what you're saying. I'm I'm sensible, if anything. And I just know it. I'm an athlete. I know what I can do. And I'm a washed up athlete who could still go out there with the best women, give them some run for their business because I still have that testosterone.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
I am a person went through puberty as a male and it's a whole different animal.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah. And it's sad to see the seesaw effect happen where, oh, don't ask us. And then it's like the White House is saying, well, we don't want to be embarrassed by asking and getting rejected.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
So both sides are sitting there playing this little cat and mouse game when you should obviously not only be honored to go see whoever the president is, but the opportunity to go to the White House like we just did last week. their opportunity to go to the White House.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Well, I can tell you from my perspective, I see the Philadelphia Eagles, maybe some of their players, if they reject that opportunity like they did in the past, it's based on they don't want to be called a sellout. Exactly. It's as simple as that. Now, I've been called a sellout so many times that I'm like, well...
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Uh, rather that label than being someone who's not living their truth, not living the truth, not respecting and honoring the presidency. When we all live in this country, we pay our taxes, we have a huge amount of trust for him as he runs this country, but at the same time, you don't want that opportunity. That's fine.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
But the reason that it's not fine is because they're caring about the label that will be put on them.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah, well, for me, it would be a Black person who doesn't speak for the Black cultures, not thinking about all Black people, which is crazy because we are not a monolith, but now I'm supposed to act a certain way, speak a certain way, and define my actions a certain way for the whole group. I'm not into groupthink. I don't even believe in power of the people. I believe in power of the person.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
There's not a single group out there, white, Black, tall, short, That you could say all are the same. So none of us should speak for all of us. That's my mindset. But sellout is from the black perspective. Oh, man, you just doing what white people want you to do or you're not thinking for black people. And that is a old mindset that needs to be discarded if you really want to go forward.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
Yeah, what was wild, Megan, is the fact that I met Donald Trump twice, and this is pre-politics, so this is when everyone loved him. And, you know, I judged the Miss Universe pageant back in 2003. And it was the biggest honor, and everyone was pumped Donald Trump was in the building. You fast-forward a few years, I have a friend who was a member
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
at Trump in New Jersey, and we're out there, and he's just on the putting green. Next thing you know, we're talking. Next thing you know, we're having breakfast together. Best time. You say that now? Oh, dawg, what was you doing? Why would you ever want to golf with Donald Trump? Like, it's like, are you shitting me? You haven't even met him.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
So a lot of times, they want to say, well, the policies. I'm like, yeah, he's canceling Black History, but he's inviting hundreds of Black people to the White House for Black History Month. To celebrate it, so... It's very hard to figure out his racism. Very confusing racism. That's a crazy way to show you're racist.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
No, I don't like Black History Month. I got jokes, too. Like, first of all, it's the shortest month, so stop it. But no, too, like, there's no White History Month, and I understand we have different history, but I don't need anyone to single out one time where we're going to talk and really lean into all the things that are Black.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
If you're not going to do it all the time, don't do it any time, and I'm going to do it the rest of the time. You know, like, I hate when people, like, give you this little handicap sticker and lane and say... All right, it's your turn. All right, go. It's almost like when you're coaching a kid that you know is not good and everyone knows we're winning by like 90 points.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
It's like, all right, finally put them in. And that's what it feels like. Black History Month. I always have pride in my black history. I always have pride in my black presence. So why do I need this country to single it out? I don't like any of the identity politics when it comes to holidays, any of them. And especially when you have to identify them, it feels like BET and BET is now white owned.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Elitist Maddow Smears MSNBC Bosses, and Culture Shift on Biological Reality, with Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Marcellus and Annemarie Wiley | Ep. 1013
But even when it was black owned, I was like, I don't need to see BET because I would hate to see wet white entertainment television. And then people were saying, oh, no, that's every channel. And I was like, look, whatever it is, don't single me out, pander to me, pet me on the head and coddle me. I'll be fine. I'll be myself.