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Mamoon Hamid


The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I love products that create markets. Slack created a market. Figma created a market. They get to create the playing field, they play on the playing field, and they win the game. There is more capital in our industry than ever before. That capital at times thinks that everything will be a deck of corn, and you're overfunding some companies.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And so there's a great business to be had in LLMs and in providing the compute and the electricity. And there's a great business to be had by being very vertically focused around applications.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


The beautiful thing about just the GPUs getting better and the infrastructure being more performant, models getting better. Sure, the models are getting bigger too at the same time.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


So let's maybe draw the difference between there's all the folks who are providing those GPUs, there's people providing data centers, there's people who've now built LLMs on top of all this compute infrastructure that's there. So clearly, NVIDIA is a great business. Hyperscalers are investing today for the future.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And I think ultimately the margins, just like if you look at 20 years later of AWS, how great of a business that is, that standalone basis would be a top four enterprise software company. Same with Google Cloud. So that's a great business over time. And then you look at the LLMs. So if you're just providing tokens, is that a great business?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Right now, given the public profile of OpenAI and financials that we've all seen, today it's not a great business, but they're smart enough to figure out how they can get to a gross margin that will allow them to be a highly profitable business over time. Do you think the scaling laws will continue?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, so just the rough math is that in the last 18 months, the price of a token has gone down by 200x. But that's just the super early innings, right? We're talking about the first two years ago, we didn't have chat GPT. Today, we have so many different applications that are utilizing this technology. So will it go down 200x over the next two years? I don't know.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


But it will probably go down by 10x or 20x. Do we expect to see 10x better models or 20x better models? That'd be pretty insane, right? Don't you think that the 20x better model is going to be pretty insane for all of us?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I'd say if I look at the... Do you know what the world's GDP is? No. It's about $100 trillion. Of that, 50% to 60% is in labor. Technology is roughly like 15% of it. And over the next decade, if we grow at the more traditional GDP growth rates... It'll be anywhere from 125 to 130. What if technology grows from 15% to 20%?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


That's like 25 trillion in technology companies, up from, say, 15 trillion today. So 10 trillion of annual spend will get created for technology companies over the next decade. When you think about $200 billion spent on CapEx or $600 billion spent, I think the question is really the $200 billion should result in $600 billion of revenue.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I think the revenue will be there because, again, we're not just tackling software, linear software, as I call it. We're tackling labor. labor shortages and things that humans can do, but it's the worst part of our job, or we don't have enough people who can do the job. Again, I go back to the example of doctors. We're not producing enough doctors. We're not producing enough developers.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


We're not producing enough lawyers. Those types of jobs where we're going to see the immediate, more near-term impact.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


What's the same then? The same is we're in the business of backing incredible founders who are... perseverating on a problem set that may be a hair on fire problem for lots of folks. And they're building the right product at the right time. That's the same. We're in the business of finding those people who are doing that job and trying to build a business.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And hopefully we can help them a little bit in building their business. So what's different? What's different is that there is more capital in our industry than ever before. That capital at times thinks that everything will be a deck of corn. You're overfunding some companies. Maybe they deserve it because they're the far and away leaders.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


How do you think about that? We are primarily early stage focused. We have an $800 million fund for that. And then we have a $1.2 billion growth fund. This team of seven folks invests out of both of those funds. I would characterize us as boutique because we're kind of a small team that believes in the craft of venture capital. We think it's a business that doesn't scale, actually.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


We're not scaling through people, but we have the scale of capital. Our growth fund even, half of the dollars are invested in our best companies from our early stage funds. So it doesn't require us to have a large team, so to say, because we're already involved with some of these companies like Rippling and Glean and Figma that we're doubling down into out of our growth fund.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, so reserves is one. It's like when you have an early stage fund and we typically invest in about 35 companies per fund. So how much do you reserve for each one of those investments? We try to invest, and we've looked at the math, more than half in that first check.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


So let's say you're doing over the life of the company, you're investing $25 million in that early stage company, but you're starting out with a $15 million check. And then you're reserving another 10 for the series B and beyond. And it's generally worked out pretty well. So you're 60% initial, 40% for subsequent two rounds? That's a rough, rough math.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And then we move dollars around, you know, a company may get acquired early or a company might shut down and we'll rejigger those dollars around. It's an art and a science. When you don't do it, how do you communicate that to founders as well?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It is a tough, if you're not giving someone, well, I think because we're on the board and there's so much signaling involved in us doing, let's say nothing, we generally do something. And I think that's allowed us to get away with doing a small amount in a follow-on round.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


In many cases, if it's a really attractive round where folks want as much as possible and we're doing a little bit less than prerata, everyone's happy. But if it's the, we need the money and you're not going to invest in this round. These days, there's pay to play. So if you don't invest, you get wiped out. Okay, so don't want that. So there are different scenarios here.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I've had companies that are one week away from cash out become public companies. Wow. Yeah. Can you say? Yeah, sure. Box. Really? Yes. Wow. There was a point in time where we had to do three bridges at Box back in 2008, 2009. Why? What was not working? The market sucked. Nobody wanted to invest in a cloud storage business that would get eaten up live by a Google or a Microsoft.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Harry, you and I, we're in the risk business, my friend. You believe in the people. It goes back to like, these are incredible people. Aaron Levy, Dylan Smith, incredible founders, like legendary to me. And it was just a dislocation in the market where the market did not understand how to, well, one, it was just afraid.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It was a global financial crisis and nobody wanted to invest in anything because back to your point of reserves, everyone was trying to save money for their own companies. In the same vein, we had to take our reserves and put it in the box. And we weren't investing in new companies at the time. And that happens in every sort of cycle, down cycle like this.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I think we all know like some of the best investments come out of that cycle. And so we got to invest more dollars in the box at a $25 million valuation. Every incremental dollar, two, three million dollars in bridge that was being done, done at that valuation.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


They don't innovate anymore or fast enough. They are what big companies become, which is, you know, you're trying to protect your turf and you're not disrupting yourself. And someone else comes in to disrupt you and starts taking away revenue from you. You mentioned Box there. Box, obviously, IPOs.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Great question. Well, I wish there was a bit more selling happening right now or opportunities to sell. As you know, the M&A markets have been pretty, pretty slow. But to answer your question, Harry, there's a local maxima that I think about sometimes with companies where this is sort of the local maximum in terms of perceived value by the market for a company. And that's a great time to sell.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And so now you have to figure out when is the local maximum for a company. And I would say it's like the markets are riding high, but it's also like where people believe that this company is the leader. But there's questions around whether there's a standalone company we built and it's way better off being acquired by a strategic who can do even better things with the company.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


That is, again, doesn't happen as much anymore. Have you done well selling? There's one particular example that I think ended up working out pretty well. This is when Yammer got acquired by Microsoft. It was a $1.2 billion acquisition. At the time, it felt like, man, we've got so much ahead of us. Yammer can become the next Slack.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And fortunately for us, Yammer got acquired and a year later we had a chance to invest in Slack. And so it almost like you had a great outcome and then you weren't conflicted out of investing in the future Slack.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah. Yeah. In that case, when you get just cash, you just distribute the cash and you move on. And, you know, generally speaking, I would say even when companies go public for us, we've been pretty good about distributing stock. It's tough when you think Shopify went public at 700 million though.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah. And I would say just, Harry, again, we have a lot of friends in the industry. In almost all scenarios, when you're returning 10x the fund on a great outcome, or 5x plus, let's say, of a fund through a legendary company, your LPs are happy. You're happy. You wish you would have held on and generate another few multiples on that fund. But you have an option of holding it.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


there's a lot of time being spent on a lot of the middle layer between the foundation models and the applications there's just a lot going on there i feel like perhaps it's a little over invested we've invested in a lot of application layer companies we took actually the top 20 jobs in the us and it's doctors it's lawyers and it's developers how do we help supercharge these people who are highly scarce highly skilled and we're not producing enough of them

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


The LPs do, as do you as a GP. You can hold on to your Google stock forever as John Doerr has done over the last 25 years. And that's a great choice you have. What has been your best performing investment on a pure multiples basis? It's probably Slack, I would say, even at the 250 post with all the dilution over time and take the 27 billion or some other number. That's a great multiple.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Figma, the initial investment was done at about 100 post. Rippling was also in the 250 post when we did it. There's one investment I remember doing early days of USVP where we did it at, I think, 10 post. It was a $3 million check for like 30% of the company. That company, about a year and a half ago, the founder, CEO, Steve Flagg, they sold it to Siemens for $700 million.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And that ended up being 70X. Crazy multiple, right? Some ridiculous multiple. But you know, when you hold on to something for 15 years, guess what the IRR on that investment was? If you still owned, let's say, 25% of that company at 700 million, so like 100 and something, 170 million, 3 million becomes 170 million or something like that, or that's a great multiple.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


But the IR over 15 years looked more like, I think it was like 15%. We're in the multiple business still at the end of the day. But IRRs do take a hit when you hold on to something for 15 years.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


They're in slow, man. Yeah, slow. A lot of the big companies are just gun-shy. I hear this all the time. Just like not ready. Too much going on in the regulatory space. Why would you bother if you're them? Exactly. You're like, why create headaches?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


We already have multiple legal things that we're pursuing, and we don't need yet another thing we're questioned about or used as an example in this other thing. So yeah, why bother? The question is, are there a next tier of companies that will buy? And we thought, obviously, with Adobe Figma, Adobe is that next tier. And even that, the story has been told.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, you're right. Yeah, there are big private companies looking to buy small private companies. That's happening. And I think small, that was never part of the playbook. What would change the M&A market today? You know, it's easy to say like, you know, regulatory environment, like the people running these organizations.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I don't think so. I don't think a lot of the blame on Lina Khan, poor Lina Khan. In our own experience, that was not the issue for Adobe Figma. It wasn't Lina or the FTC. There were other issues here in the UK. There was a CMA that was really involved there.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah. Yeah, I think everyone's just waiting until after the election. You know, I think we all thought there's a window of like eight weeks before the election or this year to go out and just not a lot of activity. I do think that we're going to have a good year next year.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


What did you see that no one else saw in this round and why did you? Credit goes first and foremost to Dylan and Evan who'd built an incredible product. It was just, it took a while to build. We've heard sort of famously the story around like WebGL advancing and finally by 2017 Figma had a product that could work multiplayer inside the browser as a design tool.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And that just wasn't the case in 15, 16. It just wasn't didn't have the latency for people like designers are very high end in terms of like their needs for product naturally. Right. And so lucky for us that we got to see the company when the product started to work and in the metrics for the product, even though the numbers of

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


number of users was small, the amount of use, you look at something like a Dao Mao or look at an L28, you just saw that designers were using the product 15, 16, 17, 18 days out of a month. So effectively every workday, a designer was going in and collaborating inside of Figma or using it to design inside of Figma.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And so you saw early indications that the product that had just launched and it was just in a few hundred K revenue, it was working. Yeah, lucky for us that we got to catch it before it. Can I ask, what did you get wrong in your assumptions on Figma? I have to share my memo with you. I would love that. Yeah, I know. I'll share it with you.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Sometimes it's eerie how right you can get it in terms of talking about the adjacencies to product people, so designers to then marketers and to engineers, not just the growth in designers driving the number of seats that you can sell at Figma, but also adjacent seats.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


and doing the math behind what was potentially possible in terms of Figma's TAM, which one would have said, well, it's just like the Envision TAM or the Sketch TAM, which is not that exciting. Sometimes you can play this out in diligence or play this out in your head around building a real prepared mind around an investment. And in the case of Figma, sometimes you get it right.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, I don't mind competitive markets, but at the same time, I love products that create markets. Slack created a market. In some ways, Figma created a market. There wasn't a notion of collaborative design software. I love companies that create markets. They get to create the playing field, they play on the playing field, and they win the game. That's a beautiful thing.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


One of the founder types that I love is the first time founder, hyper obsessed about building a product in a sort of newish market where it's not obvious and the market doesn't necessarily exist. And that would, I'd put Owen from Intercom in that bucket. I'd put Dylan from Figma in the bucket. Owen's alluding to young product centric founder.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And the other bucket for me is actually the repeat founder who had an okay outcome or even a pretty good outcome and is doing it again. And I would put Stuart Butterfield from Slack in that bucket. I would put Parker from Rippling in that bucket. He was a repeat founder, as you know. So there's the first time founder going into a market that they're hyper obsessed about.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


They're building a beautiful product. Taste is on. The level of grind and grit is there. And then there's a second time founder who wants to surpass anything they've done before. What founder profile don't you like? I don't like the, we looked at the landscape and we discovered this is a great place to build a business.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


We did a whole market mapping exercise and the TAM is going to be X billion dollars. It is that sort of like the top down approach to building a company versus the bottoms up approach to building a company.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah. So, I mean, I'll just give hard numbers. We'll be back to Arvind Gleen. Yeah. We did it, co-led it with Lightspeed at 35 post. And Arvind is a G. You know, he started Rubrik. He's like... How much did he raise? He raised a lot. He's like 15 million at 35 post. So gave up a lot of the company in that round. A 35 post? Yeah.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, and because... That's not crazy for someone to evolve in his profile, actually. It's not. I don't think it's high. Yeah. I think, but in today's environment, that would be like, oh, it needs to be 200 posts. So... Would you do that at 200 posts? Probably not. That's a hard thing. So I think... It's not that I'm trying to get a deal.

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I'm trying to work with people who see the world the way I see it. And they're willing to be partners together and creating a bigger pie for all of us. They're not so short-term oriented around like, well, I need to have this crazy pricing. Or another example is Syed Ali at Aleph. We did that also at like 35 posts. And Syed had come off of a company just sold for $6 billion.

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And do you think he could have raised at a higher price? Probably. But he's just that this is feels fair. It feels right. And so I'm sure a lot of people listening are here thinking, oh, wow, like we really jammed them. Or no, these are adults making decisions together around what the right pricing of a company should be at that stage.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Do you think you should always be raising? For the CEO, founder CEO or CEO, your job is to make sure your company never rounds out of money. If you have $300 million sitting on your balance sheet, I'm not sure you should be raising at all. So if you're well capitalized, heads down, go build. When you've got a founder pick wrong, what do you get wrong?

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Hard. Yeah, hard. Bad markets, the structure of industries where margins are compressed and customers are bad. Life's just too hard that way.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I mean, I think one could have said that about like you would have maybe would have missed the seat at Uber because what probably not so great economics early on, right? Customer acquisition and like trying to pay the drivers, et cetera. So I think Slack an obvious home run when you did it. None of these are obvious home runs when you do them, right? No, it wasn't. It was 500K of ARR at the time.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


What price did you do that? 250 million post. You did it at 500X ARR. Yeah, and I think we weren't thinking in those terms. Why? Was it usage patterns again? Yeah, I think there were enough, at that time there were 10,000 or so users, like a third of them were using the product every day for multiple hours a day.

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And like, okay, well, we all need something like Slack and you can scale this by a thousand X because there are lots of companies that look like this, that use it like this today.

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But if you've seen the engagement data on a product that you think can apply to 10,000, 100,000 companies, then... The entire workforce. Yeah, then why not? I think it's really a mistake to look at revenue multiples at like half a million, a million. What do you think is nuts that VCs do today that they shouldn't do? There's just a big echo chamber and a lot of people live in the echo chamber.

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Folks think that's information and information is knowledge and knowledge is arbitrage. But when everyone has the same knowledge, then it's no longer arbitrage. Do you think everyone does have the same knowledge?

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I think it's mostly BS. Many have tried and failed at using the very data-oriented approach to investing in startups, when at the end of the day, it's about the founders. And the founders wanting to work with you. Exactly.

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It means shit. Oh, 100%. It's about how do you position yourself so that the founders are choosing us. It's based on reputation of our body of work, our firm's body of work, what the firm represents, what we can offer them once we get involved or even before we're involved. What are people saying about you? What's the folks who you worked with before?

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Yeah, I don't believe in voting structures for early stage venture capital. I think you have to allow every partner to put themselves on the line with their conviction that they've built up over a year sometimes, weeks sometimes, but you have to give into the conviction of the person wanting to lead.

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And so the way we work is that because we sit around the table, we literally get to see each other's body language. how someone goes from excitement to less excitement. When one of our partners, like, you know, Ilya asked me a question about why I'm so excited about a company, and then he asked another question, and then I just go, well, that's a good question that I don't have a good answer for.

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Maybe my excitement wanes, and then I come back a few days later when we see each other again. It's like, you know what, like, we talked about that, and, you know, I'm sort of leaning out on the opportunity. And so I think that's also the magic of being around the same table in the same room. You get to really test each other's conviction. So you don't have a vote, right?

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I'd say it's when questions get asked around, or is this a fleeting cycle of adoption for this sort of product? Or this is going to be gnarly dogfight because there are too many competitors, or this is the wrong time. The risk reward isn't great for this round. That's when your excitement tends to wane. Do you do outcome scenario planning? We used to, and haven't done it more recently.

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We used to do like, what is the probability of this company being a zero, a $500 million exit, a $250 million exit, a billion dollar exit, and a $10 billion exit. You do the percentages. It's such false precision. I always do 25, 25, 25. Thank you so much. It's such false precision that I think it feels like busy work, actually. Who's the best picker in the team? Josh is a very precise picker.

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I would say that Ilya and I, we're almost always on the same page. We're like too similar, actually. Is that too dangerous, actually? Because you can almost encourage each other. Well, it's actually great because if I meet someone and then I say, you know, Ilya, come over, you know, like I'll see him in the hallway. Can you meet this person for like five or ten minutes?

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And he did that to me recently, actually. And he'll come in and he's like, oh, yeah, I see the same thing you do. So we are in some ways quite similar, which is awesome. I think we may miss some of the same things then too because of it. But I think it's a good lock to get, especially when we're trying to build conviction or at least quickly get to, am I seeing the same thing that you're seeing?

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


What was the most contentious deal that you did? You know, actually Figma was quite contentious. Because to your point around like half a million of AR at 110, 15 posts or whatever it was at the time. The same thing, there's Envision, there's Sketch. This company's been around for five years. It's not obvious to us. It was contentious that there's a lot of questions around the investment.

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I think the view is, hey, we'd love to deploy over a two and a half to three year period of time. When we got to KP, I came in 2017, a bunch of the team joined in 2018. So Bucky, Ilya, Annie joined that year. Josh joined the same week I did. So there was a period of time in 2019. So we just raised our first fund as a team together where we deployed that fund within like 15 months.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Would you agree with that statement? It is the most exciting time to be alive. We're in the midst of a super cycle like none we've seen before. The AI super cycle, as you know. It reminds me of the time when I first came to Silicon Valley in 1997. I was 19 years old and it was all just roses all around me. It was the rise of the internet. This time feels much like it multiplied by 10.

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Was that more the root plan fund? It was. Rippling, Glean, a bunch of other stuff in there. We just were a new team. Didn't have board seats. We had a fund ready to deploy, and so we deployed it fairly quickly. And I would say mostly Series A, like real ownership Series As, the core of the business. And so if I look at that fund, I think it'll be an amazing fund, actually. Unbelievable. Right?

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And so you could have said like, well, wait a second, you guys didn't do time diversify. If you would have deployed over a two and a half year period, you would have missed... a high valuation environment into a lower and yada yada. And so I would say that that would be the counterpoint to fast deployment. Like, no, you can actually work.

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Which side do you take? I think generally speaking, it's hard to have the neuroplasticity to one day think about 10 years ahead and a new infrastructure company that's building on a new open source framework. And the next day, think about pre-IPO stage consumer company.

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While we all have one meeting, one pipeline meeting, one investment team meeting for both early stage and venture, all of us do venture investing and a few of us will do more of that select investing because we don't want to burden everyone to bring neuroplasticity to the job every day.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


You know, I've just gone through my first sort of bigger loss in terms of capital loss. For a while, a company just shut down, a company called Tally and the founder, Jason Brown, who I've known for 15 years. I had him on the show. Yeah. And how much did you lose? 30 million or so. Multiples of the largest loss prior to that. So I don't wear this badge of honor of like losing a lot.

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I mean, there's a whole thing in venture, like you need to lose like so many million dollars before you made it kind of thing. And I think there's a lot more precision one can apply even at the early stage to not put more money in to lose more. Because our job is to invest 5, 10, 15 upfront. And if you lose five on a seed check, all good. That's your job. Is there anything you learned from Tally?

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That lending businesses are really hard. Consumer lending is very hard. Did you do reserves there? Yes. And that was where it went wrong? Well, the first check was back to the 60-40. It was like 60-40, but there's more along the way that went in because they raised subsequent up rounds from great investors.

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The round after us, Angela at Andreessen Horowitz did it, and it was a great round, great time for the company. And then it did one in 2022 with one of our seed investors, Sway, led the growth round because things were going really well. And then consumer lending just turned. This is when interest rates went up from 0% to 5%. And that really made that business really difficult.

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20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


How have you changed most significantly as an investor over time? I mean, obviously, there's more experience, but I actually try not to let that weigh me down because I think a job is to stay open-minded and have naivete and dream the dream. And too many scars aren't necessarily a good thing for being open-minded and thinking about what the next Figma or Rippling will be.

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Where do you most need to improve as an investor? I think I'm a dreamer and I want to just believe in the people that I back. I heard this.

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I agree. I agree with that. That is fair criticism. But I think that's just part of the package. That is who I am. I believe in the people and I want to be on that journey with them.

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And that obviously puts us in an interesting spot as venture investors who get to invest into this cycle.

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Yeah, I don't disagree with Vinod that there's destruction of value that happens with the wrong advice. But I think if with the right advice and the right help, we can help supercharge your companies. What makes the, I'm not asking for the name, but what makes the worst board the worst board? The worst board, it starts with how a CEO runs a board. How do the best CEOs run a board?

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They start off with a high level view of how the company is doing, and then they give a chance for their leaders. They're very capable leaders to go dive in deep and share and ask questions. And there's a fair bit of cheerleading, but a fair bit of like asking the hard questions. And I like board meetings where there's one or two things that are talked about in detail.

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You go deep dive into one or two things because at any given point in time in a company's juncture, that moment in time, one or two things that really matter, we can help change the trajectory on. And so if we're talking about seven different things that matter, we're probably missing the point. And so I love board meetings where that's sort of the structure.

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Personally? Yeah. Those are not my kind of businesses. I like more capital efficiency, but I can get behind them.

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No, I don't. I don't think we want that at all. We love where we are today. We really do. And I don't try to not BSing you, your longtime friend. And I believe in venture, early stage venture being a beautiful asset class, especially if you can follow the power law and being the few companies that matter. And then you can invest in the very few companies that really matter out of your select fund.

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It has to be Aaron Levy when I first met him. Why? He brought along with him a wonderful person, Karen Page, because he thought he had to bring on an executive or bring an executive to the first meeting. It was just, he was like hyper nervous, I felt, coming to a VC firm office like in a coat and shirt.

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But I could tell from that meeting that he had thought about the problem of cloud storage more than, and this is 2007, so like cloud storage was not a thing. more than anyone else. And so for me, it was like an instant I need to invest in this founder, like right away. But it was also just memorable from the other things that were going around.

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A billion in revenue. A billion in revenue. Four and a half billion market cap. Yeah. Yeah, I think growth and profitability. So to my point, do we need to see the reflation for venture to be sustainable or not? I think just getting back to sort of normal historical levels would be good enough.

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You know, one of my favorite investors is Matt Kohler from Benchmark, who I got to see yesterday. I wish he and I were on more boards together.

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Really? I just want to see what's going on. I just want to see how far AGI really is. Geopolitics, polarization, even in our own countries here. We talked about the UK. We talked about the US a little bit before we got going. There's too much of an us versus them, whether it's in our own countries or competing with other countries. Yeah.

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Just that venture is a grind. Do you still love it as much as you did? Absolutely. I mean, how could you not love living in this super cycle of AI, man? We will not see this at the ground floor level value creation in our lifetimes ever again. Final one, what question are you never asked that you think you should be asked more? Religion and politics are like the taboos, obviously.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, we have some very strong incumbents, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Oracle, who can all spend hundreds of billions on these front end models. So you're absolutely right. And Larry's absolutely right, of course.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And so the question is, how does faith impact the way you work? How does faith impact the way you work? It's everything. It starts, it's the beginning of your day, it's the end of your day, and everything in between is, is how do you, how does your faith inform how you treat people? How do you treat this earth? How do you show up in a meeting with someone?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It's around how much humility do you bring? Empathy, care, love for each other, for the planet. You know, just like it's sort of like deeply embedded in you. And it's at a board meeting, you know, everything.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It doesn't because I think the opportunity is still in front of us. I think there are so many things to build on top of this infrastructure, all these frontier models that is going to create so many trillions of value over the next decade.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Okay, so we just talked about how everyone's over-investing right now into the cycle. None of us can miss, whether it's the large incumbents or us as venture investors back in companies. And so your question is like, where do we invest as venture investors? And I can tell you, we've invested in a lot of application layer companies that are solving very specific pain points.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


The way we've looked at it pretty simply is we took actually the top 20 jobs in the US, who makes the most? And it's doctors, its lawyers, and its developers. How do we help supercharge these people who are highly scarce, highly skilled, and we're not producing enough of them? So you try to build software, AI, that helps them do their job better.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


So we've backed companies that help doctors, lawyers, and developers, co-pilots. So Harvey, Ambience, Codium.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, I think it's like any other space, any other traditional linear software space, I call them. It's about teams that will out-hustle and will outwork and have... In this case, actually, the technology really does matter. The quality of the output of their models really does matter. The tuning of what they've done to the frontier model does matter.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


You can't have a medical transcriber that's 87% good. It has to be close to like 99% good. That actually requires real technical depth and adeptness. I would say all three of these examples I cited are started by founders who are extremely technical. And they've been at it. It's not just like some tourist AI engineer.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It is like sort of deep ML experts have been doing this before they started these companies and paired up with a very domain expert co-founder who understood the market that they're going after.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


No different than anything else in venture capital. Our job is to invest in early stage companies that make history and are generational in nature. And our job is to recognize the trends and the tectonic shifts in technology and then invest in the right people and the right markets at the right time. And right now, I would say the entropy in the system is really high. It's crazy out there.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


It is like things are changing left and right. That makes, I think, the job really fun. I just would say that it's the same as it was 25 years ago.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Great question, Harry. And I think we all sort of fall victim to those every once in a while, but that can't be the core part of the business. That can be the one that got away and you have to get into this pre-product company because the founder is so exceptional. That can be one out of the 20 deals you do this year. It can't be every single one of them.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Because as you know, Harry, we have to get our ownership at the early stages where you're investing $5 to $10 million for 15 to 20% for the math to work for our funds. And it can't be done if you're investing $25 million at 750 post out of an early stage fund.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, I think I heard from someone many years ago, you know, 20% of the strategy should be to not be on strategy. In some ways, we have what we call like a YOLO bucket in our funds, and where you just have this extreme conviction around the founder and the company, where you're sort of willing to break the rules.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


So in the age of AI, we have to think about what are we doing? We're not just providing software. We're providing labor. We're providing capabilities that enable people to do 10x the work or 5x the work. And it's helping real labor costs either multiply your abilities as a developer or a doctor or bring costs down. You're not just getting paid for seat-based pricing anymore.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


You're getting paid for labor. So we're seeing right now is that you have seat-based pricing that was $30 a month, $40 a month, and now you're getting $300 a month, $400 a month, even $500 a month. So simple math is that if you, you know, you go from start to a thousand seats and you got paid $30, you know, you're getting $30,000 a month.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


If you're getting paid $300, you're getting $300,000 a month. And you're going very quickly from zero to, you know, four or five million in revenue.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah, well, hats off to Klarna for undertaking this. I just remember the time when we built an internal CRM at Kleiner Perkins, and it sort of cost us many millions of dollars and then ongoing millions of dollars a year to just upkeep. And at some point we realized, like, there's a great tool called... We could just get Affinity. Exactly. We use Affinity. It's great, okay?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And, you know, like, we had four engineers on it, like, working... Why? Why? Exactly. Why? And now I think it's actually maybe slightly different. That's too broad of a brush to paint with is if you think of the people you'd hire for customer support as labor that you would spend money on. Now, how about you hire developers to do the labor work for you in the form of AI?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


So I get the rationale perhaps that Sebastian has around doing that internally, but I also get like, there will be a company that's going to do it really well for you and you will have to pay for outcomes and you have to pay for the number of tickets resolved by that software or that AI. So the question is, are you not willing to pay that?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And in most cases, at the end of the day, you're like, you know, I should just pay Stripe two and a half percent, okay, rather than billing it all myself. So the question will be, well, how many companies will go down the path of Klarna? The other side of it is that Right now, we're in this area, you talked about sugar rush. We're in this era of you're doing a bunch of proof of concepts.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


You're just trying out all this cool stuff that's come into existence in the last two years and seeing what can I do with it? And every CIO at every large company is spending real money doing POCs. In many cases, you realize like, you know, it's hard actually to build this custom thing inside POC.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And this reminds me of like 25 years ago during the internet, everyone's spending a lot of money internally to do things on the internet. And then you hired all these consultants from Razor Efficient, Sapient, and other companies that came in and tried to help you with the internet. And I think that same thing is happening right now. And history repeats itself.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


Yeah. I think we will hopefully never talk to a customer support agent ever again. Like someone you call for the airlines, like, you know, help me with my flight and get upgraded or I need to change my seat or can you cancel it because I can't go. You know, the bank, things of that ilk that you still scratch your head, why am I still doing this?

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


And it will happen, you know, hopefully just like you provide a text message and it gets resolved on the back end and it's all being done by agents talking to agents and stuff like that happening. I hopefully think the world will have a way better customer support experience. Please hold.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


You know, I was on a call yesterday with one of my CEOs and he said, hey, can you hold on for a second? I said, sure. I got hold music from my CEO. You got hold music? From one of my CEOs.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


There's a lot of time being spent on a lot of the middle layer between the foundation models and the applications. And I think in the middle layers, middleware, things that allow you to use those models better, faster, cheaper, and build applications on top. So if you think the application at the top of the pyramid, the foundation model at the bottom of the pyramid, you know, pyramid.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


In the middle, you've got middle layer. There's a lot of new technologies emerging that allowed it, for example, to capture vector databases or waits for fine tuning of models inside of vector databases and things of that ilk. There's just a lot going on there. At the same time, some of the value seems fleeting in nature.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I think in early innings, when things are in such high degree of change, so the rate of change is so high, there is a lot of that investing that happens. I feel like perhaps it's a little over invested.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I don't. It's a bit like the hyperscalers thinking they can do everything and they've decided that that's a great business model is to own the electricity and then just charge for by the hour or the kilowatt hour. That's a pretty darn good business model for the hyperscalers that provide the models and opening eye.

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid on Investing Lessons from Leading Rounds in Figma, Slack and Rippling | Lessons Building a Generational Defining Firm with Kleiner Perkins | AI: Where Value Accrues, Startups vs Incumbents & Scaling Laws


I was at opening eye maybe a month ago and we're going through all these demos of cool products that are coming out like O1 and Strawberry. and realize that their positioning is we can't do everything. We're a 1600 person company. We can't build the application layer stuff that we want you guys to build or your companies to build.