Mae Martin
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Look at that.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Oh, yeah, I am.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
So first question, what was your experience like doing... Okay, I'm going to have to also retaliate with tariffs on my answers. So, yeah, my experience was really...
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yes, I was thinking that, too. It's beautiful.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I am a comedian.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
But yeah, yeah. I've always wanted to. I've always, you know, played music in my bedroom.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yeah, and shed a single tear and been really emo. But yeah, yeah.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Well, no, it's a good thing to specify. It is. People would be pissed if they wanted punchlines.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I'm racing to do a show, yeah, right after this.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I do, and I have to, well, I mean, I chat a bit between songs, but I definitely have to unlearn the muscle memory that, like, if people are just listening and not laughing, I'm bombing.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Because I'll be playing a sad song or something, and I'm thinking, oh, I'm sorry. Bombing. No one, yeah, yeah. But it's really gratifying. It's really nice.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
There's noise.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Well, it's also nice not to be alone, because there's a drummer, and I have a whole band, and so it's nice to have that support.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
The world is not that funny right now, so it's not hard. No, no, I mean, I'm really enjoying the opportunity to be earnest and, yeah.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I guess, well, I just, I'm Canadian, as we mentioned.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yeah, yeah. Right.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I think I was feeling good or feeling more comfortable, because it is vulnerable. It's super vulnerable. So yeah.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
In this moment, I feel that.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I mean, Michael.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
For sure, but I guess with stand-up, you can bail halfway through a joke, right? Or you can pivot.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Am I right?
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
No, you can't be halfway through a song and be like, nah, never mind, actually. That's true. So you have to... Yeah, so it does feel exposing.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Well, that's the great thing about music. You can project all your own shit onto it. That's right. Yeah. But that, yeah, for sure.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Again, I just moved to the States, and I went for the weekend to Big Bear. It's all the mountains and the lake and just outside of L.A., and I felt... I weirdly didn't tell anyone I was going. It's so rare that no one knows where you are. This sounds dark, but it was just nice to be alone and walking through the woods. Yeah, so that's why I wrote that.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
You can't be doing that.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I sort of thought it would get a laugh, but it was deadly silent. Like, everyone was like, yeah.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
That's it. My friend said, does it stand?
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Sure, I'm glad you did. Where does it come from? Titles are really hard. But I think it was, for me, about there's so much noise and static electricity. And sometimes I wonder if our whole personalities are just like a sort of combination of other people's projections and stuff we consume. And so the album was kind of stripping that away.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
But then a friend of mine was like, does it stand for I'm a transvestite? I was like, no. Interesting. If you wanted to, it could. That's the great thing about music.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yes, exactly.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yes, I do.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
I do.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
No, that was just an ex. I bought a tattoo kit.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Never do that.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yeah, yeah.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Like a stick and poke kit. I don't know. And to an ex of mine one night, we'd had a few drinks and she'd tattooed TV on my, I guess I've always liked the feeling of the word in my mouth, TV.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
Yeah, but I think I put the emphasis on the T, TV. What do you say?
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Trump’s Trade Wars Hike Prices, GOP Blames Biden for Economy | Mae Martin
That sounds very different.